Thursday, August 19, 2010

Grow Your Garden

Grow Your Garden
Have you ever practice gardening? A down to earth exercise, nothing compare like preparing the dirt, planting, watering, fertilizing and waiting for the results.
I love gardening it’s been a way for me to discover God and the work that is taking place beneath the ground.
The seed by itself doesn’t have the power to grow, all the information is there, but by itself the seed is dormant waiting for the right situation to perform what it was created for. Something else is needed the power of the Universe, from the field of energy comes the “magic”. The life giving that is God, let not confuse God of the religious and God of the spiritual. We know there is only one God and as human we’ve weaved, over the last 2000 years if not longer, an image of God that is false. God is a creator not a punisher; we are the punisher when we need to be creator also.
And just like the seed waiting for the opportunity to grow and reproduce itself so are we the huge difference is that we have a choice of what we want to be and we can choose to be or not to be, that is entirely up to us. When we decide not to be that what we know we should be we are punishing ourselves and separating us from God the life giving force, the power behind the seed. It’s all up to us to decide what we want to be and then move in the general direction God will take over and make it grow. Our job is to plant, to fertilize, to water, and waiting for the results. When the time comes we will harvest the fruits and enjoy the results of our determination and patience.
The different steps of our growth then are our responsibilities to attend too.
1. Maintaining a physical attitude that allow for the energy to flow through. Developing eating habits feeding the body with the proper food whatever your body needs. Exercising daily keeping a fairly strong physical body, watching abuse, it is ok to indulge once in a while, keeping control of it is the key to healthy living.
2. Mental health is also our responsibility whatever we allow in our mind is there to stay and influence future decisions. The choice of thoughts is a very important part of our well being, so chose carefully and wisely.
3. Spiritual development is a matter of choice and an important, if not the most important of all the choice we make. To recognize that we are beings of intelligence and that we have the choice through our free will. To know and recognize that we are connected to a higher field of consciousness we call God and allow the flow of energy to take place through us is important in our personal growth and development.
4. Being of service to others, usually we plant seeds in groups to allow for pollination so it is with our personal growth we need to interfere with others to be “pollinated” and in return receive the same from others.
These are all basic, simple but important steps to follow to reach the level of consciousness desired. It isn’t hard to follow a few steps it’s a decision and when the decision is made the field of energy kicks in and amazing things start to happen. Just like deciding to push a switch to release the energy called electricity will make the darkness disappear.
Sometime one needs help to get started we extending an invitation to anyone wanting to know more or help anyone to get going.
Join us every Friday morning 9 am PDST (Pacific Time) for our tele conference, no charge.
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And visit my site for more info
Or call me for one on one free consultation.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Be a Creator or A Victim

Everyone on this planet experiences joyful moments and moments of trials and pain. Our survival depends on our reaction to the process. Whenever something great happen in one’s life, congratulations and happiness flourish, and when an not so good experience is thrust upon us we are readily willing to blame everything outside of our self, blame the Universe or the system and that my friend is choosing the victim’s role.
Let’s try instead to learn from the experience and anchor down our values to the experience. What a difference it can make to choose the creative way instead of the victim’s way? When I first busted my knee at work I wasn’t very happy with the results, especially when lying in bed, in an hotel room after my flight was cancelled, my knee the size of a soccer ball in agonizing pain with nothing to do but lay there. Meditating on my situation looking for a purpose, very quickly the answer came. A month or so prior I asked the question “how can I retire from my job keeping my income or better?” Well I received my answer instantly, there it was lying on that hotel bed away from home in pain I realized, the answer to my prayer, I am retired with full income for the last 14 month. Another thing I wanted to have time to do the things I wanted to do for so long, one of them, writing this blog everyday as much as possible. And here I am doing what I love, working from home, writing, creating, having time for family and friends, taking courses, learning something new every day. Next time I ask for something I will make sure to be very specific. And as Jack Canfield explain, event+response=outcome. The way we choose to respond to any events in our life will dictate the outcome, we have total control of our life. Did you know that the day we were born we know the moment of our death? We just don’t know how or where. According to Heisenberg theory of uncertainty it all makes sense.
This is all for today, short but much to think about if you really wanted to be a creator.
Join us every Friday morning 9 am PDST (Pacific Time) for our tele conference, no charge.
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And visit my site for more info
Or call me for one on one free consultation.
250 658 6703

Friday, June 25, 2010

Asking... The right way

We’ve learned since childhood on how to ask first we should say “please” then we should say “thank you”, and that is quite simple enough, “please” and “thank you”. As we grow up we like to mess things up a bit and make things somewhat complicated and difficult. Perhaps just so that we can create some challenges in our life because we find that life itself has no challenge what so ever so we maturely are going to create some just to make things a bit more challenging and perhaps more interesting.
To make sure not to receive what we asked for and to ascertain our theory that nothing we try works we are going to emphasize a few point when performing the task of asking. We are going to complicate things some just to make sure we deserve to receive what we are asking for.
So first we are going to ask with the pretense that we are not going to receive it. It being whatever it is we are asking for.
Asking with doubt will certainly guaranty the non arrival of what we asked for and then we have reason to complain and blame everything outside of ourselves literally throwing the responsibilities somewhere else but where it belongs. By the way when we are complaining we are becoming a living breathing “Crap” magnet.
Next we are going to ask and then attend to the fact that we don’t really deserve what we are asking for or that we have to “do something” to deserve what we are asking for and here I am not taking about the passive way of being deliberately ignoring the opportunities that appear after we asked, I am talking about expected to give back or pay back or having to do something. Really the only one thing we need to perform is “gratitude” yes indeed that hard core function that create more good than we can even dream of “gratitude” and that’s the only *thing* we *need* to do to be able to receive in abundance.
The Universe, God, the Higher self whatever words you want to use here does not ask for anything to compensate for what we are receiving and for us raised in the Christian belief we know it has all being paid for lock stock and smoking barrels by Jesus the son of the most high and we have the full resources of that belief and relying on it makes perfect sense. Remember that one “whatever you ask in my name shall be given to you” (my paraphrase, I am not a bible scholar)
And then we want to “serve God” as if there is anything we can do here, let’s get real shall we?!? We just received an bran new grand baby girl and I in wonder of what is right here before my eyes from a single cell are arms, legs, feet, hands, a head with eyes and hears and the whole body completely perfectly formed with billions of cells all here for a purpose *LIFE* I am sorry to say I can’t do this. I am standing before a 500 years old first growth cedar, it takes 11 people to go around it arms extended I can’t do something like either, can you?!? How on heart can I be of service to God? Ho and by the way he is not expecting anything in exchange for the baby girl or for the three. Just for me to say thank you and enjoy it. So if I want to do something then I am going to be of service to my fellow women and men not too sure how good I am I’ll work at it with all my might and eventually I will be hearing the words” well done good and faithful servant enter now in my kingdom” And all is good.
And if you are confuse on how to ask get hold of me and together we can sort it out.
Join us every Friday morning 9 am PDST (Pacific Time) for our tele conference, no charge.
E mail me for call and code number.
And visit my site for more info
Or call me for one on one free consultation.
250 658 6703

Monday, June 14, 2010

What's in it for me?!?

What is in it for you in this life? What is it that you want more than anything else, that one thing you can dedicate your life to if and when you know what it is, what is it?
We hear a people complaining more often than hearing people sharing how great and fulfilled their life is. We hear you complaining about what is it that *you* don’t want, do *you* know what you want? Well perhaps you might want to take the time discovering what it is that you want instead of continuously complaining about what it is that you don’t want. And since you *know* what it is that you don’t want, just reverse the process live your life according to what it is that you want.
So what is it that you want?!? What is it that gets you to dedicate your life to and allow you to operate in a spirit of peace, joy, happiness and love, what is it that drives your spirit to the high point of perfection. That one thing you, and only you are so good at, that one thing that allow you to be fully alive and fully happy, what is it? Can you describe it, can you talk about it? Are you clear of where you are going, and if you are you eventually will end up there, simple and powerful, perhaps to simple…
If anything remember this “Work diligently. Diligently. Work patiently and persistently. Patiently and persistently. And you’re bound to be successful. Bound to be successful.” Know what you want go toward it and you are going to get there. When traveling from point A to point B if you continue traveling you will eventually get to point B. If doubt creeps in you will keep focused on the destination not the origin, the same applies here focus on your goal and you will get there.
So you’re not sure what your passion is, what is your purpose in life? Perhaps you don’t know and that’s fine but the sooner you find out the better things will fall in place for you. It is your job to find out why you are here for. Following that thought here is a small exercise for you to do to find out. Get pen and paper and write down the first thing that comes to your mind when asking the question “why am I here for.” Then ask the question again and without thinking or judging again, write the answer do that 20 times giving yourself a time limit of no more than 30 seconds to answer the question. When you are done look at the pattern that develop and now you have a very good idea why you are here for.
Now go toward your passion, it might mean some drastic changes taking place and that’s fine let it happen easily, effortlessly, thoughts will come and guide you toward your passion. People will appear in your life to assist you in your search it will all fall into place. Situation will develop pointing the right direction you just need to follow the signs and when darkness come it’s time to sick council and rest for a while, no panic just rest and enjoy the view.
If I can help you reach your destination be sure to get in touch.
Join us every Friday morning 9 am PDST (Pacific Time) for our tele conference, no charge.
E mail me for call and code number.
And visit my site for more info
Or call me for one on one free consultation.
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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Why are You here?!?

That question should be asked of student the first day entering the first grade, this small exercise need to be the very first non graded exercise every child in every country should be subjected too. Why are you here, the first day of the beginning of each school term to start with answering that question, “why are you here” in this life, what is your purpose. Writing down the answer to that question, then answering it spontaneously, do it 20 times without thinking just write what comes to mind the very first thing indiscriminately. Check the answers and notice the pattern that arise and find out what is really at play right there right inside of you. Each student right through grade school every year the first day of school, to do that exercise and then continue on with college and university and even when preparing a resume for an interview.
When conducting an interview the first question I ask “why are you here for” and every time I received the same answer “for a job” or something similar. I then pause for a minute and ask again” no why are you really here for” in this life. And again I notice the blank look on the face of the person I interview. In my many years of interviewing candidates, very few caught on to the meaning. In truth we know why we are here for we just don’t think it is important to be fully conscious of it and I think we should be conscious of it and isn’t that the responsibility of educators, parents, teachers, church ministers, coaches, anyone involved in the education of children to bring to consciousness all that is needed for a child to perform at the top of his/her inner abilities? Many candidate that I interviewed for a job, when asked the question came to realize that this was not what they wanted to do for the rest of their life and instead went on to something else, something different and at time drastically different.
In his book The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire, Deepak Chopra wrote “Through synchrodestiny, you can finally become the person the universe intended you to be—as powerful as desire, as creative as spirit. All it takes is an eagerness to join the cosmic dance, and a willingness to seek the miracles of the soul.”
Are you willing? Give it a try and see what happen next, might just blow your socks off. Our limitation is caused by the fact that we are riddle with fears, fears instigated by the beliefs we created in our life, in response to situations that occurred through life. We choose to respond to what we observe and thus create beliefs according to how we feel in the moment. Those beliefs are responsible for how we respond and act today. It is time to correct the course of our beliefs and change the ones that are working against you.
Letting go of the formed beliefs can, at time, cause fears to creep in and fear can actually stop you dead in your track causing all kind set back one of them being procrastination, yes indeed procrastination is caused by fear of the unknown. The misery and short change we know, we are used to, is better than the unknown. Very powerful thing fear, and when facing the fears and challenging them will certainly bring about the discovery of possibilities. Quoting from past fear facing individuals we can find strength and encouragement in facing our own fears and staring them down to a manageable size.
Ralph Waldo Emerson tells us: “God will not have his work made manifest by cowards.” And pleads with us: “Always, always, always, always, always do what you are afraid to do ”assures us: “Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain.”
Hafez says: “Fear is the cheapest room in the house. I would like to see you living in better conditions.”
Paulo Coelho says this in The Alchemist: “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”
Abraham Maslow (see Notes on Motivation and Personality): “It seems that the necessary thing to do is not to fear mistakes, to plunge in, to do the best that one can, hoping to learn enough from blunders to correct them eventually.”
The Roosevelts (first Eleanor then Franklin): “You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.” And: “The only thing to fear is fear itself.”
Frank Herbert (from Dune): “Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”
Wallace Wattles, the author of The Science of Getting Rich says this in his great little book The Science of Being Great (see Notes): “You can never become a great man or woman until you have overcome anxiety, worry, and fear. It is impossible for an anxious person, a worried one, or a fearful one to perceive truth; all things are distorted and thrown out of their proper relations by such mental states, and those who are in them cannot read the thoughts of God.”
So face the fears, stare them down and act upon them and see how fast they disappear or at least shrink to a manageable size. What would you do if you were not afraid if you knew you could not fail? Then go do it.
You have a dream that dream was generated from somewhere deep down inside, just go back deep down and visit with your inner higher self, with God and discuss the dream and how to make it happen. Then answer is not out there but right inside of you reach in and find that answer that is waiting for you to unlock it and set free.
What have you go to lose? Or better yet, what have you got to gain?
Join us every Friday morning 9 am PDST (Pacific Time) for our tele conference, no charge.
E mail me for call and code number.
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Or call me for one on one free consultation.
250 658 6703

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What do I want

What Do I Want?!?
The most “happy” question that one can ask him/her self, “what do I want?!? “ This is a gratitude question, a question that raises possibilities, that creates and open the doors to “anything can happen” attitude, it allow for energy flow and the birth of ideas, new plans, new goals. It rejuvenates and gives life.
What do I want, generate answers, and allow life to flow again, un-constricted, free of the feelings of failure, lack. That magical question brings feeling of empowerment, success and extinguishes the flame of victimization. No more feeling sorry for one self instead, head lifted high one is ready to conquer one’s life and be in charge, reaching deep down and finding the answer that allow the growth and development of one’s own desire.
When a complaint arises, it means that an unfulfilled desire is surging to the surface and like the world of dream speaks in the enigmatic language of the inner higher self, the language of God. Translating the message into everyday words demand for a little work, the “inner” work, something we are not use to do. Looking inside for the answer, learning to trust the inner voice of wisdom that gives proper direction, can be a real challenge. Regaining the use of intuition as a daily routine will allow for a deeper inner peace. The way of intuition is the way of translation of the messages from above, as we know it, but in reality the messages are not from “out there” but from within.
The practice of quiet time and meditation will allow the flow of images, feelings and emotions which are the language of the inner higher self. The interpretation of the messages happens suddenly, effortlessly through observation of natural laws. Plants don’t try to grow they just grow, rain don’t try to fall it just does. The earth itself is not trying to spin it does. We human have that extra gift, we can chose what we want, that what’s make us different than the rest of creation “free will.” We decide what we want, we are not bound by anything, only our own judgment and Universal laws.
Here is our choice at anytime we can decide to be a creator, a challenger or a coach or we can decide to be nothing. Our choice, our responsibility whatever we decide we want we can have it or do it, just need to practice a little and live the life we choose.
After the question is asked and the answer comes forth we can find that to achieve the goals we set we are going to need tools. In its infinite wisdom the God provide many tools that are available to us, just reach into the toll box and use the tools available. One of the tool I favor is “The One Command”, by accessing that part of our brain not used most of the time we have the ability to create anything we like, many discovery were made by accessing that part of the brain, and that’s the only difference between an average Joe and a genius, knowing how to access that part of us and discover its abilities. Getting in contact with the inner higher self will give us the power to create the life we want and or to change it at will. Sometime we do this unknowingly and we wonder at the results. Actually we can learn how to take control of those “by chance” time of short lived successes”, we can learn to have “luck” like we like to say. Luck is nothing more than a planned set of steps that leads to the realization of all and any enterprise.
Learning to access and make use of the hidden talents that reside within, become conscious of the inner higher self by using the One Command to ask for anything we wish to accomplish in our life. But first comes the question *what*do*I*want* it all start right here so what are you waiting for?
Join us every Friday morning 9 am PDST (Pacific Time) for our tele conference, no charge.
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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

let's overdose....on Serotonin

Have you heard of Serotonin?!? It’s a drug and it causes a certain euphoria, it makes you feel good all over. And not like any other drug it is contagious; when you are under the effect of Serotonin people directly in contact with you will also feel good. The pharmaceutical use Serotonin in the preparation of those wonderful little anti-depressant. Serotonin also none has 5HT (5-hydroxytryptamine) has a positive effect on the nervous system, 80% of Serotonin produce by the brain is found in the abdominal tract and the nervous system. One of the effects is to regulate the mood, lack of it is the main cause of light depression and the abundance of it causes a well being and a certain euphoria, a lightness of attitude.
A rise in Serotonin in the blood stream causes a rise in self confidence, where by create a negative response to aggression. Serotonin is not degraded after use and it’s collected for further purposes. One of them to inhibit depression whenever needed. Serotonin is active in the process of healing off wounds and stop bleeding. Serotonin is, in part, produced in the Pineal gland known for over 400 years to be the seat of the Soul. Lack of Serotonin is the cause of aggression and impairment in responsibilities, and one most devastating disorder OCD, Obsessive Compulsive Behavior.
Serotonin helps maintain a "happy feeling," and seems to help keep our moods under control by helping with sleep, calming anxiety, and relieving depression. Other functions in the human body including the control of appetite, sleep, memory and learning, temperature regulation, mood, behaviour, cardiovascular function, muscle contraction, endocrine regulation and depression. Subsequent to his discovery of Serotonin, no physiological substance known possesses such diverse actions in the body as does serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers within the brain that allow the communication between nerve cells. Some of most effective way of raising serotonin levels is with exercise. Studies have shown that serotonin levels are increased with increased activity and the production of serotonin is increased for some days after the activity. This is the safest way of increasing serotonin levels and many other benefits result from regular exercise. Serotonin levels can also be controlled through the diet. A diet deficient in omega-3 fatty acids may lower brain levels of serotonin and cause depression. Complex carbohydrates raise the level of tryptophan in the brain resulting in a calming effect. Vitamin C is also required for the conversion of serotonin.
One of the most valuable exercises for the production of Serotonin and feeling good experience is the practice of the power of intention and the practice of acts of kindness. When you do something good for someone else, the recipient has Serotonin released in the nervous system and so do you. And even better people present witnessing the act of kindness also experience release of the wonder drug in their nervous system, creating happy feelings all around. The marvel of it all is that Serotonin is not depleted so when needed one can bring back the happy memory and create another burst of joy and well being. Creating a power of intention toward another person also causes the production of Serotonin, unknown to the person generating the intention is the result caused in the recipient, record of distance healing and many other reactions have been reported during scientific experiments.
Not only we become recipients of a kind action or word or even a kind thought, it is indeed a simple way to bring healing to the whole planet. So let practice the power of intention and acts of kindness and lets overdose on Serotonin shall we?
Join us every Friday morning 9 am PDST (Pacific Time) for our tele conference, no charge.
E mail me for call and code number.
And visit my site for more info
Or call me for one on one free consultation.
250 658 6703

Monday, May 31, 2010

Building from inside out

Where’s your motivation coming from? Are you doing everything you can to accumulate money, praise and toys? Well, that’s be external motivation. If that’s your PRIMARY motivation than you’re losing out on some opportunities for higher levels of creativity and performance.
“You must be the kind of man who can get things done. But to get things done, you must love the doing, not the secondary consequences.”¹
So what is that you love doing? Do that and let the external flow to you as a by-product of what you have passion for.
Money may not buy happiness but happiness may help you get rich.²
Total internal locus of control instead of external reverberation of looking for happiness in external motivations, is the most shift that can happen in one’s life, to bring to realization the most inner desire.
To extract from the higher self, to dig deep within searching for the “passion” in your life will bring the true reward, external “toys”, and by toys understand it is the description of anything you are looking for externally thinking that’s what is going to make you happy. External toys’ happiness last only for a short time, then you will need to find another one and another one until you realize the futility of “toy” collection.
Ask yourself the question “what is my purpose in life?” Take the time to pose and write down your thoughts, anything that comes up. Anything that you want to accomplish is first born as an idea, a picture, no matter what it is first it’s an inner desire. Than by itself bring more joy than the finish product. Creativity, is the mode of revelation of who you truly are let it not be wasted, remember that a desire not fulfilled will turn against you and burn from the inside out, different forms occur some of them like the over use of alcohol, drugs, compulsions, even medication and one of the latest product energy drinks, are guaranty to cause more damage than the plague of over 100 years ago. Looking for external stimulus is hiding from the inner thoughts that are waiting to be born. What is your purpose in life, what are you here for? And that’s where it’s start.
“Purpose also becomes a more powerful source of energy when it moves from being externally to internally motivated. Extrinsic motivation reflects the desire to get more of something that we don’t feel we have enough of: money, approval, social standing, power or even love. ‘Intrinsic’ motivation grows out of the desire to engage in an activity because we value it for the inherent satisfaction it provides. Researchers have long found that intrinsic motivation tends to prompt more sustaining energy. A study conducted by the University of Rochester’s Human Motivation Research Group found, for example, that people whose motivation was authentic—defined as ‘self-authored’—exhibited more interest, excitement and confidence, as well as greater persistence, creativity and performance than a control group of subjects who were motivated largely by external demands and rewards.”³
How about you, where is your motivation coming from? There is nothing wrong with the toys, the money but if that is your primary motivation, it is extrinsic, externally motivated. And you are losing out on opportunities for creation at a higher level.
The secret is to follow you heart, building your life from the inside out, doing what really matter to you and doing those things that create good feelings, with or without the possible rewards.¹
The big question, what is it that you like doing?
Take the time and review your inner guidance system, search for that inner driving force and let it out, you won’t regret it.
Join us every Friday morning 9 am PDST (Pacific Time) for our tele conference, no charge.
E mail me for call and code number.
And visit my site for more info
Or call me for one on one free consultation.
250 658 6703

¹ Ayn Rand
² Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz
³ Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz The Power of Full Engagement.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lesson froma rat

I never thought I could learn a great life lesson by noticing how rats can outsmart me from getting caught n a trap.
In the manufacturing of soap we use shea butter, rats are attracted to shea butter, it’s candy to them. So I set up a “sticky trap” to catch the culprits. The next morning I go and check the trap and I can see that a rat was there but didn’t get caught, the trap was on the floor and foot print on the glue. The amazing thing is that rats stop coming all together, very smart refusing to partake in a libation of pure delight, for a rat, and choosing to live instead. Great lesson from a rat isn’t it?
How smart are we in avoiding tall the little traps that are constantly presented to us for the purpose of literally shortening our life? That one more drink that can get us in so much trouble. Or that extra bite of such delicious food that we are craving and can also cause trouble for our health. All those nasty little habits that we have and that we know are destructive to the way we want to live. By refraining from those habits and changing the way we act and do things, just like the rats, we decide what is best for us, the quick little reward that only last a few minutes or living to the fullest of our hidden abilities? It is a choice and it is up to us to decide what we want. Take a few minutes and write down 5 of those nasty little habits, what are you nibbling on right before the snap of the trap? The first step to change is awareness of the behaviors that can cause pain and suffering, so write the short list and then set up to change the habits.
By identifying those things that lead to suffering and changing the habits one then become aware of those things that lead to happiness and proceed by practicing those instead and refraining for the former. Adding to the list there is those habits of a non physical nature like judging and criticizing or worse holding grudges. Did you know that holding a grudge is like drinking poison and hopping the other person will suffer from it or even dies? The things we choose for relief are actually working in opposite of what we are trying to accomplish.

The next step is to celebrate all the good occurrences in your life, first you will need to look for them to identify all those great things that take place in your life and soon your subconscious mind will filter and show you only the good things, so start now and make a list of 50 things you can be grateful for and rejoice with and for what you have already. Small things like hot shower and electricity, a roof over your head, food in your plate, acknowledge the good stuff and more of it will come to you. By focusing on what you want instead of what you don’t want you will end up creating the life you are dreaming of. Celebrate today and be happy for no reason, Just because.
Are you ready for the next step? Have you decided what it is that you want? Are you ready to do what needs to be done to fulfilled your inner most dreams? Make a decision right now, today.
Join us every Friday morning 9 am PDST (Pacific Time) for our tele conference,on the one command, no charge.
E mail me for call and code number.
And visit my site for more info
Or call me for one on one free consultation.
250 658 6703

Monday, May 24, 2010

You Cannot Fail

Has that grab you for a title?!? You cannot fail, what is the first thought that come to mind? Look at it, observe that one thought and decide is this that I want? When I say, no matter how big your dream is, you cannot fail do you believe that you cannot fail? Observe the thought and recognize it don’t judge it just observe, the first thought that come up will tell you why you are where you are today.
If you knew you cannot fail what would could you accomplish? Here again observe the thought that comes up, what does it say? Listen carefully and decide is this what I want then decide what it is that you want. Perhaps it is time to dream and dream big; write it down big what is your ultimate dream in life, if you knew you could not fail what would you do? Go ahead take a minute and write it down. Done? Awesome. Now how can you align your life with that intention?! Then ask yourself what can I do, no matter how small, to gain some control over that situation. And know that any action toward your goal no matter how small will conquer all fears, so go ahead a take action whatever comes to mind, in dedication to your goal. And whenever you feel fear wanting to take control, take a couple of deep breath, relax for minute and write down a few things that you can do right now to gain some control. And get to it.
When we take action, things change always for the better, we see things differently and there is no going back. Whatever it is you want to become you can create it in your physical life. What are you choosing to become? Outstanding!
As Darwin saw it, it’s not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but those who are most responsive to change.”¹ Are you ready to accept change, are you ready to embrace change in your life to get to where you really want to be?
When you feel yourself slipping into time-wasting stuff. In those moments, pause. Step back. Check in with what you’re committed to in your life. Ask yourself, “Am I closer to where I want to be right now than I was a half-hour ago.”²
Remember that indecision, fertilize fears action in the other hands cure fears, so go ahead take action any action and see what happen. Face the fear and do it anyway, some of the greatest feats are performed by people that are able to face fear and stare it down. “The day I don’t feel nervous anymore is the day I quit” Quoted by Tiger Woods. Yes my friend fear is only an excuse for not going forward. Every time I stand in front of a rock face to conquer I feel it my old friend fear, giving me all kind of excuse s for not doing the climb and every time I thank her for being here and keeping me sharp and I go on climbing, the exhilaration I get from it cannot be described in words only action.
Join us every Friday morning 9 am PDST (Pacific Time) for our tele conference, no charge.
E mail me for call and code number.
And visit my site for more info
Or call me for one on one free consultation.
250 658 6703
¹Robert k Cooper. The other 90%
²Brian Johnson, The philosopher’s notes.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

THe One Command

I have been asked to explain the One Command and what it does. I came across, or I should say, that the OC crossed my path at a time when I was searching for my life’s purpose. I asked question like “what am I here for?” and “what is my purpose?” many questions concerning my life, why do I end up, in all transaction, with the dirty end of the stick? Why can I succeed? And many more. Searching for answers directed me to look inward instead of outward and I came face to face with a “me” I didn’t know existed. I realized that when throwing questions, just like that to the Universe, answers will come, not always the way I expected it but answers did come. Most of them I didn’t like to hear and I decide, one day, to pay attention to the answers. Looking even further more questions surfaced. How can I change “me?” And that’s when the book The One Command, by Asara Lovejoy, appeared, my first reaction was” yes another book” I have read over 100 self help books and never really found the solution to my situation. Something inside encouraged me to read the book, so I did. Practiced the exercise suggested and discovered a whole new world of possibilities that I didn’t know existed. The next thing I know, after practicing a command regarding my work situation where I wanted to retire and keep my income or better, I fell of a latter and busted my knee. I wasn’t too happy about this, but it was and answer to my command. Couple of days later I am on a plane to Seattle for a one day seminar on the One Command. I met a wonderful teacher there and absorbed as much as I could. Came back home ended up in the hospital because of my knee condition that got quite worse during the trip.
There is a saying “when the student is ready, the teacher appears.” I witnessed that to be true, over and over again. After my trip to Seattle I signed up for a two weeks course to be a certified OC practitioner, and for two weeks I was put to the test and through the grind. Like all new things the start up is the hardest and boy was it difficult for me but then I am fairly strong willed and plagued with limitation of all sorts. During the training I have learned where those limitations are coming from and what causes fear and doubt in my mind. I also learned how to change all that.
Soon after the first seminar I started a group here in Victoria and start holding meetings, very quickly the group grew to 70+ members. After the two weeks training sessions, commanding became a daily practice and many great things are happening in our lives, both my wife and I, and in the lives of people around us. Many desperate situations changed for the better and are improving even beyond our own dreams.
The One Command allow for the discovery of the inner strength, and the development of a relationship with the whole Universe in a way that surpass understanding. Sometimes I think I am living in a dream and soon I am going to wake up from it. Not at all this is as real as can be. Discovering my full potential that I didn’t know I had. Making peace with the past, and all the mistakes of the past. Realizing that I am not as bad as I thought I was, becoming aware of the potential that exist right there inside of me.
Discovering the gift that exist within each of us and that has been subdued for many years, it’s near magical. Learning to stop the self destruction that is going on continuously, becoming aware of what is locked inside of us and witnessing our own development into a richer better more satisfying life. Learning to access the wisdom within, bringing up the great potential that is our birth right, learning to grow the way nature intended to , going beyond logical thinking and accessing the 85 or more percent of the unused part of our brain where the genius within reside, that is what the One Command allow us to do.
After 3 years of discovery, this is only the beginning for me, many great things are unfolding in my life, I have great dreams and visions for the future, I choose what I want and make my own decision for myself.
How about you? Are you ready for changes? What would you like instead of what you have? Is it relationship, money, love, personal growth or perhaps weight control or even work related situation or anything else that you can think of with the One Command everything is possible and the Universe is waiting for you to ask, so just ask and see what happen.
Join us every Friday morning 9 am PDST (Pacific Time) for our tele conference, no charge.
E mail me for call and code number.
And visit my site for more info
Or call me for one on one free consultation.
250 658 6703

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Invest in Yourself

“What you CAN be, you MUST be.” AND: “If you deliberately plan on being less than you are capable of being, then I warn you that you’ll be unhappy for the rest of your life.”¹
When I discovered that I could have and I could be what my dreams were telling me I could achieve, it was a celebration of joy an explosion of the greatest firework I could ever imagine. At first it was like receiving that wonderful gift I always wanted but could never get and one day there it was waiting for me I just had to reach for it and pick it up for total enjoyment.
And so it is with your dreams, they are not just dreams they are the expression of your higher self, that part of you that continuously wants to grow higher and higher reaching unbelievable places. When JFK announced that a man will walk on the moon, NASA didn’t even had the right fuel mixture and the material to build a ship that could re enter the earth atmosphere without burning up. The dream was there and making the announcement triggered the impossible. And now not only man can go to space and return, he return with the same ship he went in, not a capsule the same vehicle.
So it is with your dreams, announce them to yourself first then to the world around you and let no one create doubt in your mind.
So what is it you want to do, what is your passion in life, what are you here for? Answer those questions first then follow your inner guidance system to take you where you can even imagine you can go and achieve.
The Universe is here, today, right now laying down the blueprint of your success, you just need to take a look at it and understand its meaning, and since it is your blueprint you and only you can read it and decipher it.
Get up earlier in the morning and take time for you to meditate and search your soul for that one thing you are made for. The reason for you to be here, what is it? Do you know? Taking time for yourself is the best investment you can make. Care to choose the right thoughts “As the physically weak man can make himself strong by careful and patient training, so the man of weak thoughts can make them strong by exercising himself in right thinking.” ²
Train your mind unless it trains you.
Discover what you love and a whole new world is going to open up before you taking you places you can’t even dream of right now.
I used to lay in bed in the morning not wanting to face another day of this life, I forced myself out of bed to get ready for work not enjoying any of it, until one day, after discovering what I wanted to do, I start getting up one hour earlier and make time for me, for meditation and writing every day. And one day I woke up smiling getting out of bed with energy looking forward to my day and from that day on I wake up “happy” no reason at all. I am happy to get up make coffee for my wife and bring it to bed to her. Then I go on making breakfast and reading, than meditation and writing my journal, expressing my thoughts of gratitude and the day goes on, happy for no reason just because, going toward my goal of being even happier if it’s at all possible.
Great things are happening since I decided to change my thoughts and take control and responsibilities for my life, great things are yet to happen.
What about you? What is it that you want? Do you know what you want? Maybe I can help. Just ask.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
²James Allen “As a Man Thinketh”

Monday, May 17, 2010

Who's to Blame

“Who stops us from being free? We blame the government, we blame the weather, we blame our parents, we blame religion, we blame God. Who really stops us from being free? We stop ourselves.”¹ The question that come up is “how is it that I stop me from being free?” One reason is we accepted “domestication” first we let adult tell us how, what, when and where to do anything and everything. As a child we are free thinker and decide what is good for us, we are then redirected toward what others think is good for us and from that time it is a constant battle until eventually we conform and go with someone else’s flow not ours.
It seems that only those that keep their independence are able to create exactly what they want, the rest they are going according to someone’s view of what their freedom is. This is a mind blowing thought. Allowing others to design our life. Of course there is a difference between acquiring an education and being forced into one. When we decide to submit to someone’s view for learning purpose we still maintain our own freedom and submit for a time and then resume our own understanding and we progress from that point, as we adopt what is good for us and our purpose.
The purpose of the warrior (the ideal person in the Toltec tradition) is to transcend social conditioning as we discover our personal power and learn to live with clear intent and impeccability.²
The decision is yours to be a follower or a warrior both come with a price, and as a warrior you decide to follow a path designed by you, and that’s a huge difference than having your path decided by someone else’s vision of you.
“Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive—the risk to be alive and express what we really are.”¹
1. Be impeccable with your word, to yourself and to others. Meaning that anything that you do which go against your inner beliefs is destructive to your integrity. Honor your commitment think before talking and follow through your promises no matter what.
2. Don’t take anything personally. the opinion of other people who don’t even have a good opinion of themselves! He tells us: “The approval of such men, who do not even stand well in their own eyes, has no value for him.”³ Know that noting that other people do as anything to do with you but with them, and only them.
3. Do not assume anything. Whatever it is you assume you think is true, you will swear it’s real. When making assumptions we don’t understand the reality then we take things personally ending up creating a big drama for nothing. Instead ask question, create a clear communication, and keep asking questions until you are as clear as can be.
4. Do your best and always do your best. I have adopted, words of my own creation, whatever I am involved in I repeat the phrase “I love what I do and I do it well” even those things that I deemed second class actions receive that same effort and concentration. I have discovered, using those words, that everything I do is important and need to be treated as such. It feels good and much is accomplished, the results are extremely satisfying. Even when “doing our best” does not bring perfect results, and we know that we did our best then it’s all good.
“The first step toward personal freedom is awareness. We need to be aware that we are not free in order to be free. We need to be aware of what the problem is in order to solve the problem.”¹
If you don’t like what is going on in your life, just ask the question “what do I want instead?” Answering that question will bring new vision and possibilities.
Lets brake domestication one step at the time.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me

¹ Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreement
²Carlos Castaneda
³ Marcus Aurelius

Monday, May 10, 2010

Accepting Changes

The Change Guarantee: Every change we experience always brings something positive into our lives. It may not be obvious immediately, but it ALWAYS does.
“The change demons help us navigate through change by alerting us if we are off course and encouraging us to choose a different emotion to help us get to where we want to go. A GPS asks only two questions: Where are you now? Where do you want to go? Or, in emotional terms: What are you feeling now? What do you want to feel instead? A navigational GPS system needs you to be very specific about where you want to go, and so does the change GPS. Know where you want to end up, and make that destination clear.”¹
Change allows new growth, nature is all about changes nothing is ever the same, and even the deserts are shape by the winds and movement of nature. As part of the natural world we are exposed to changes, continuously and most time we are resisting changes.
Accepting and allowing the changes to take place will give a greater understanding of life in general and will also expand our horizon. Welcoming changes causes us to be in a positive frame of mind and see those opportunities that might otherwise go unnoticed. Accepting the changes bring peace of mind and comfort of the soul, and the challenges that appear with the changes are not so much dreaded. And action become attractive and flow freely, effortlessly and everything is done with passion and fun.
Acceptance of change in our life create a feeling of greatness, we are empowered by being positive toward the change taking place, accepting the learning process over again to be a normal process and going through the change willfully and in complete awareness is power. Having a dream that is not being realized become a burden and eventually will consume you. Accept changes, allow for the whole range of feelings and emotions controlling your thoughts and action will guaranty good feelings and great results.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Finding the Gold in the Darkness

Have you ever wonder how come you are reacting one person positively and find her attractive, and for certain people you respond negatively too them not knowing why? Answering yes to that question could be the start of a great relationship, not with others, with you via others.
For the ones willing to do the work, yes indeed more work, and this work is like no other work you ever done, it take courage, will power and most of all a desire to change for the better, with amazing results.
What you see in others, that you despise, is a reflection of the person you don’t want to be , but you are in some way. Rejecting that side of you will only make it stronger.
Reacting to a negative comment, come from the same source, it’s like saying “I have been found” and wanting to hide it because you are ashamed of that side of yourself. If someone said, “you’re an idiot!” and you become defensive and even aggressive, defending your position, guess what the truth is?!? 
The shadow can show up differently and the experience is always unwanted even rejected. Accepting the feelings and looking for the positive within is finding the gold in the darkness.
We have a dark side; we all do even the best of us. There are traits that we dislike about ourselves and the need to go deep in and discover the beauty hidden behind the shadow. Discovering those aspects we rather ignore will bring peace within.
First we need to accept who we are at every moment rejecting none, just like the color white is the inclusion of all color, so are we can only be whole when accepting every side of who we are and loving every side of who we are. Taking a white beam of light through a prism will create a rainbow of colors showing exactly what white is made off. Taking ourselves through the exercise of discovering the shadow will do the exact same thing, the only difference is that at first it doesn’t look pretty like a rainbow of colors, the shadow is covering it, the rejection, the shame, pretending it doesn’t exist. Accepting who you are and loving it will eventually bring up all those treasure buried deep down.
It is a fact that we can’t see on the outside of us what we don’t have on the inside. Looking clearly outwardly and acknowledging what we see will make us discover the gold in the darkness. Carl Jung once said, ‘I’d rather be whole than good.’ How many of us have sold ourselves out in order to be good, to be liked, to be accepted.”
Time to look in and discover the good, the bad and the really ugly, circumventing fear and having the courage to look inside. Being aware that not only we want to run away from our dark side but also from our good side, anything that makes us different in our own perception, the need to be “though” instead of soft and loving.
Braden remind us: The greatest crime we commit against ourselves is not that we may deny or disown our shortcomings but that we deny and disown our greatness—because it frightens us. If a fully realized self-acceptance does not evade the worst within us, neither does it evade the best.”
Starting the project, by making a list of all that we dislike about us, make it a complete list only stop when you have exhausted all issues. Then make a list of the exact opposite of each word in the first list and know that you have both within you. The dark side, and the bright side. Looking at the dark side list find the reason for its presence, asking the question why is this here? Will bring answers to help you discover the gold hidden inside.
This is not a very fast process it will take time but the results are marvelous discovering who you really are is a lifelong process and a lifelong worth the effort, bringing peace, joy and continuous happiness.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              250 658 6703      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Reference: The Dark Side of the Light Chaser by Debbie Ford

Monday, May 3, 2010

Why not get willing?

Yes indeed why not get willing, we have a tendency, us human to limit our possibilities in all front. Remember, probably not, but when the first train came in service we limited the speed to 30 miles per hour because, the scientist at the time said” the human body would probably disintegrate at higher speed”. And it was not until some daring soul decided to take it further, that we realized that we can actually go much faster, how about 15,000 miles per hour around the earth? Whoa.
So thinking about feeling good what is our limit? Or what is the level of feeling good are we capped at? Why do we decide to stop at a certain point, why not feeling good as much as possible go all the way brake the frontier of happiness. Just yesterday I was in the steam room at the pool in comes a young men possibly 25 or less than a mother with a 12 years old daughter and a younger boy. The daughter was acting p and pushing her mom’s button, I was admiring the control that 12 years old girl had over her mother and she knew exactly when and where to stop, then she explored a little further watching her mom’s reaction, the mom was getting aggravated then the daughter would go and cuddle with her give her a kiss, the mother smile and off she goes again.
After they left the steam room the young man made comments like “I wish I could be like that, carefree and alive” and other observation of the sort. After a while I turn to him and ask” what is stopping you” and he could not answer , he mumble things like making a living, being serious, having responsibilities and I asked again what is stopping you. This time I wasn’t talking to him I was asking myself, what is stopping me from being carefree, trusting, and daring. Answers came to me, fear of what people are going to say or think, lost child like attitude, and another question pop up, how can I be trusting, to be able to play ad live just like a young child, or are these days gone forever?
It has to do with to feel good at all time not to be a silly adult just to be able to feel good at all time, choosing the thoughts that create good feelings. I think that is what limitless of happiness is.
I remember when I decided to break the rule that say “you can’t go swimming after lunch, your stomach will cramp and you will drown”. I had to check this out and went in the water after lunch and nothing happened, I went many times and nothing happened. And still , when in summer camps we were not allowed to go swimming right after lunch I tried to argue and say I can prove it, I have done it many time. No go could not convince the adults and I was labeled has a rebel, so be it. I was a happy rebel.
And those are the experiences we have to free ourselves from to enjoy life to the fullest; everyone has an opinion on how I should live my life.
I could go on and on, on this subject and I are going to finish with 4 questions.
Am I willing to increase the amount of time every day that I feel good inside?”
Then “Am I willing to increase the amount of time that my whole life goes well?”
Then: “Am I willing to feel good and have my life go well all the time?”
And, finally: “Am I willing to take the Big Leap to my ultimate level of success?”
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Gay Hendricks, The Big Leap

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Life as its best

Two days ago we experienced nature and it’s furry, a wind storm went by and causes a power failure, some branches of a three fell on the power line blowing a fuse. No big deal until you needs to cook supper. For a while I thought about complaining and decided to change that thought into a more positive one. What could I focus on to change the thoughts? First let’s be grateful for the technology of electricity that allows us to have so much comfort. Then enjoying the moment and the silence… Listen… no noise quiet very nice.
And so it is with everything else, we have control of our thoughts and from that point we can feel good all the time if we choose too. And there is the catch if and when we choose to we can feel good in any situation. Finding the good in everything that happen and some of which we don’t have any control over like the weather, or flight being late, or the traffic light turning red and countless of other situation. Learning to appreciate and feel good no matter what that’s the secret if there is one.
Considering the past we can say that life today is at its best and getting better and again that’s a decision that need to be made individually. Bringing the responsibility home and not responding to external occurrences. To feel good is to create what we want. Happiness and that’s what we are meant to be, happy at all time and for no reason what so ever. Thinking that any new toy will make us happy is ludicrous, we need to make yourself happy first and then all will be added including that new toy, or new job or new partner. Wife and I have been together for 40 years, was it always a peaceful and even journey? Not at all have we made it that way, we decided to be happy in our relationship no matter what happen and that, is what made it something that we are very proud of, a great life together. We choose to feel love for each other even at the worse of time and it worked miracles. Anyone can have the same thing, first look inside not outside, looking outside of you is reacting to external occurrences, looking inside and finding the inner strength is being proactive instead of reactive.
In the book The Amazing Power Of deliberate intent Esther and Jerry Hicks state that “For any desire to be realized by you, or before anything can manifest in your experience, there must be vibrational compatibility between your desires and your beliefs.” Meaning that the focus is on you not outside of you but your inner self and creating conflicts wanting something and then thinking you can’t have it or don’t deserve it, this kind of conflict will guaranty misery. Adjusting your thoughts so that the feeling is one of positive outcome is a must in the journey at hand. Being aware on how you feel, and taking action you can alter the way you feel and create better feelings that will give you full conscious control of all future outcome. In short we can choose to be creator instead of victim.
Acquiring a GPS, another great technology, mad our life so much better, no more call from my wife trying to find a way back home after being lost in the city. The thing is program that on selecting “home” will guide her, or me, directly home using the fastest route. Totaling amazing it even talk to you. And so it is by developing your inner emotional guidance system will guaranty a safe and very rewarding journey. Even if we take the wrong turn, the GPS will recalculate the route and direct us back home or wherever we programmed it to take us. So it is with our emotional guidance system, we can stray for a while and decide to change our thoughts to be again happy and enjoying the journey. The sooner we correct the course the better for the end results. And when things are not working well then it is time to find the best vibration, the best thought we can come up with to have the best possible feeling, going from a less desirable moment to a better one. One exercise that help finding the best thought is, when not feeling up to par, just write down everything you can come up with that are positive about the situation, there is always a positive to any negative always, can’t be one without the other, not possible. Reaching for the more positive things will create a better feeling and a better vibration getting closer to what you want. Creating a book of positive aspect and recording the better thoughts, will get you moving toward achieving all that you want.
How about it?
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Reference:Teachings of Abraham Ester and Jerry Hicks

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What comes easy for you?

This one is going to be very short and sweet.
What is it that you absolutely love to do?
What are those things that come effortlessly to you?
Who do you really love to spend time with loved ones, friends?
What is it that you would want to do during the day?
And how much would you make?
Describe where you would live.
Would you be able to choose what to do or is someone else dictating every minutes of your day?
Would you call the shot or a boss does that for you?
Take time out and take the time to write those down and meditate on it, then apply 20% of your time getting 80% results.
Let me know how this is going for you.
Having trouble, need some help call me you won’t forget it.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              250 658 6703      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Sources: The 80-20 principles, Richard Koch

Monday, April 26, 2010

What is your mission in life?

Have you found it yet? Do you know with 100%certainty what it is you are meant to be? Either way write it down, even if it is a sounding YES write it down as a refresher and reset the goals, prepare for success now, today, tomorrow never comes.
And if you answer is NO or I DON”T KNOW, and then it’s time for you to get it together and bring to mind what it is that you are here for. Get it right finalize it act upon it. Everyday do what needs to be done that day and do it in an efficient manner.
Everything that is created is first created from a thought, think and meditate and find your call, your purpose, and your passion. Then it is actualized in the physical form, first from a blue print, a plan and then through actions occurring everyday aligning you with your purpose.
A great exercise to do, imagine your own funeral, and you a sitting there in the crowd, looking at the program in your end, the written eulogies what is said about you? You family is here wife/husband, children they each take turn to speak, what are they saying about you? Your friends listen to the words that are coming out, what are they saying?
Now come back to today and imagine what would you like to be said at your funeral, write your own eulogies the way you want it to be and then go am live that way that is your call, that is your mission in life, we all have one discover yours and dutifully act upon it every day.
What are your thoughts first thing in the morning are you waking up happy? Are you eager to face the challenges of the day? What is important to you? Create a list of what are the most important things to do each day. And then set up to get them done first and foremost. Next the least important things, setting up such a schedule will guaranty that all that need to b done that day will be done, and yes time will come when you will have to say no to certain request or schedule them for latter when all the important things are done. And that will take discipline and setting up new habits creating crystal clear priorities and implant them in your mind.
Earlier I talk about what if you don’t know what you mission in life is, you are having difficulties coming up with something or nothing that comes to mind actually “click” with you, no ahah moments, no revelations. Then it is time for you to take the time to find the answer, without it you will blow where ever the wind decides to take you, and that can be hazardous to your life. Take time off to internalize and sought the answer.
It is true that you don’t know and you can use that to work for you, there is a technique that uses that exact phrase I DON'T KNOW HOW, learning that technique I guaranty to bring you the answer you need. Give me a call the first call is free.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Reference: Steven R Covey The 7 habits of highly efficient people

Friday, April 23, 2010

Get it together

Before we can keep it together we need to have it together, to be able to have it together we need to put it together, and before we can put it together we need to recognize that we don’t have it together and from that gather what we need so we can put it together.
Gathering what we need is simple, we need to be happy one and foremost, happiness. To be happy is a decision that we make, we decide to be happy, and nothing can make us happy if we decide not to be happy, try it. Whenever I am going to do something, anything at all I decide to be happy no matter what happen and it works. Get it? I decide to be happy even if yo8 decide not to be happy; your state of mind doesn’t have to influence mine.
Next we need to feel good again that’s a choice, I can’t change the way I feel but I can change my action that will influence my feeling so I feel good. If I don’t feel too good I can jump up and down a few time take a few deep breath and there it is the good feeling appear just like magic. I can do any sort of action that is going to make me feel good. Smile will do the trick real fast.
So I am happy and I feel good, what else do I need? Since we are on the subject of feeling good let’s take a stroll in that direction shall we? How’s my body? Do I feel good about how I look? Do I think I am to fat, to skinny or any other way I feel? What can I do about changing that? Well I can get into some kind of training, I like that better than exercise, training has a purpose exercise is vain and goes nowhere. I can train to be in shape, why not in my case I love rock climbing and I haven’t done it for while ‘cause I was too heavy, so I decided to lose weight and train so I can go rock climbing, and the more I train the better I get and the better I feel and the closer to go rock climbing again I am. So it’s all cool. Now I am getting it together. Are you getting this? I lose weight I train, I feel better I really enjoy my body I feel better, People around are noticing “you look healthy” someone said, “you feel good” someone else said. They used to say “are you feeling ok?” “You look funny” now I look and feel good. Next week I am going climbing I think. That will tell me if I’ve got it together.
Remember your body is the only one you have no spare parts just as yet, plastic or metal perhaps, no thanks I like my body the way it is. So take care of it, be proud of it, and start training for something if nothing else just for the sake of it.
Be different, I should say dare to be different and then make a difference around you. You are the way you are and live the life you live because somehow you wanted it that way and did everything to get it that way. And that is also part of the training train your mind t recognize that fact. I am what I am because I asked for it. And until you do that nothing will change day after day you will look the same and feel the same no matter how many bear you drink, you might feel different for a while but in the morning you will look and feel the same or perhaps a little worse.
Get it together and do it now, need some help? Just ask help is available all around you, help is available right here. Why do you think you are reading this? Just a hazard? Fat chance of that, something inside of you is not happy and wants to change, get it done, and get it together.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
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By phone 250 658 6703

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Freedom from the masses

Being enslaved by the continuous bombardment we are subject day after day to be this or that, to listen to this music or that music to eat that food or this food, to use this tooth paste or that one. Commercialism has become a religion of sort, if we don’t have the latest gadget or the latest fashion we are not “cool.”
Be free to wear what we feel comfortable to wear, and be free to express ourselves the way we are meant to express ourselves, to be free from the bondage of the guy next door, be free not to drink if I don’t feel like it. And being different and who cares what other people think. How about you? Are you living from your authentic self, or are you compromising just to fit in, to be part of the gang?
We are created different we all are different, we have different features, different way of thinking, different finger print, different cells even, blood, skin everything is different from one person to the next. How about celebrating our differences instead of trying for all to be replicate of each other, the like a brainwash army of zombies just living here and nothing else?
To be free is to be disciplined, ohhh the dirty word, into being happy for no reason, to be happy not because of the new car or the new toy but just be happy and that my friend takes discipline. To have the discipline to celebrate your differences and allowing everyone else to be different and comfortable. How about your kids are they different, do you allow them to be different or are they in involved in everything just because the other kids are involved in everything?
My younger boy never wanted to play hockey, every other kid here does, or football or baseball so we were criticized because we didn’t “join in” well today my boy is a by-provincial MMA (Mix Martial Art) champion, has his own Dojo with 60 students, that one was different and we allowed him to be. The oldest boy was not into sports at all but he is a heck of a good bass player he is different also. As far as me, well some people would like to put me away if they could and I don’t give a damn. The day I accepted that I was different and started to live my life as such it was liberation time baby I never felt any better since that day.
Take the “disciplined “ road to freedom, the practice of it is the practice of self love, self respect and the kind of surrender that lead to total freedom. A quote from Lao-tzu’s wisdom on discipline: “Don’t think you can attain total awareness and whole enlightenment without proper discipline and practice. This is egomania. Appropriate rituals channel your emotions and life energy toward the light. Without the discipline to practice them, you will tumble constantly backward into darkness.”
And again, Seneca comes to mind. In his Letters from a Stoic “You have to persevere and fortify your pertinacity until the will to good becomes a disposition to good.” And also “How much better to pursue a straight course and eventually reach that destination where the things that are pleasant and the things that are honorable finally become, for you, the same.”
Wisdom from the ages is coming down to us. Blessings come in disguises, in those words for the one that have the eyes to see. I know it can be difficult, yes indeed and only for the first little while then it becomes a habit and it is easy and eventually you can do without it. Let’s take meditation as an example. When I first started I needed to get up 1 hour earlier well that was a change. And then having to seat for another one half hour meditating trying not to fall asleep. And now I have to confess I wake up eager to get the meditation going, lighting the candles and the incense stick has become a morning ritual and an evening one. Many revelations come to me during those hours and a much sought after sense of peace and well being.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Your purpose

Everything in life has a purpose, animals, insects, plants, me and you, we all have a purpose. I found it quite interesting that in all creation we, the humans have been granted “intelligence” and we humans are to only one in nature that don’t know what our purpose is. We don’t know, for most part, what the fundamental of life is for us. That’s mind boggling.
What are we meant to be? What is our life purpose? We have totally forgotten to ask the question.
Thank goodness no all 100% of the human population don’t know what our purpose is, some do.
So what are *you* here for, just pause for a moment and ask the question, write down what comes to mind. Put it aside and go back to it when time permit and consider the options. Having difficulties coming up with an answer, in that case consider these questions. Are you truly happy with your occupation, totally fulfilled? If you answer yes, congratulation you have found what and where you are supposed to be. If you answer no then you need to investigate why you are here for. The next question is you totally happy and fulfilled in your relationship? Same process. Continue with the line of questioning for all aspect of your life. Parenting, friendship, health, wealth that’s a great one.
Do you believe in magic? No ask your kids they will teach you about magic. I love magic everything I play with it all the time, when driving the magic of the traffic light turning green when I arrive, the magic of watching the traffic goes by when I am stopped at a red light, the magic of that nice guy that let me through at the intersection, the magic of a smile from someone unknown. Come on write your own magic everywhere, all around I just love it. Did you know that people from other planet don’t exist until you have an encounter with them? Did you know that microscopic life form didn’t exist until someone invented the microscope? Did you know we could transport sound and communicate with each other, without any visible media like wire, until the radio and telephone were discovered? Magic, magic everywhere.
It’s all about how we think, thinking big will bring big actualization in your life and thinking small will than bring small things in your life. How big can you think? I know people, being one of them, that go home from their job and think of way to improve the work place, the way to do everything, to be more efficient, are you one of those? Or are you more into getting home 15 minutes before your shift is over and turning on the boob tube, opening a beer and wondering what’s for supper? If that is the extend of your search, well my friend you’ve got exactly what you deserve. The way your life is going will not change if you don’t. Do yourself, your family a favor and get off the coach and find what you are really meant to be. To old you said? I have a friend that started to learn how to paint at age 80 and now, after 4 years, his paintings are exposed in many country in the world. What is your call? Find it and be amazed on how your life will change for the better.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
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By phone 250 658 6703

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The warrior’s way

Moses was a shepherd from the hills when he heard the call to lead the people out of Egypt. Martin Luther King, Jr was a rebel when in his youth. Mother Theresa, Agnes, decided to be a nun when she was twelve years old. Living in Albania under communist regime. And the list can go on and on.
Today I want to talk about you and the warrior hero that lives within you. Have you met him/her yet? Isn’t it time you get acquainted? Perhaps it is perhaps it is not. Are you willing to meet the warrior within?
There is only one thing that will stop you to get acquainted with your hero “fear of failure” so the sooner you get over it the better. Failure is a necessary step to success; all the warriors/heroes we know have a failed at one time or another. The way they handled the failures is what make them heroes. From sports figure to religious ones, to political figures to scientific they all fail at one time some f them as much as 10,000 time that they confessed off. So what are you afraid of trying? If you are not enjoying your life right now it’s time to go do something about it and scurry up the stretched wire. Stop looking at it and get on with it. THE EXTRAORDINARY: IT’S YOUR BIRTHRIGHT. Did you get that or do you want me to shout it louder? No I think you got it, are you going to let the day goes by without at least thinking of something? It is your destiny to become great, don’t hold it back any longer, pause and find what is it that you are meant to be. Look inside and discover the greatness within and follow your dream.
In his magazine Warrior of the Light, by Paulo Coelho. State.
“Every Warrior of the Light has felt afraid of going into battle.
Every Warrior of the Light has, at some time in the past, lied or betrayed someone.
Every Warrior of the Light has trodden a path that was not his.
Every Warrior of the Light has suffered for the most trivial of reasons.
Every Warrior of the Light has, at least once, believed he was not a Warrior of the Light.
Every Warrior of the Light has failed in his spiritual duties.
Every Warrior of the Light has said ‘yes’ when he wanted to say ‘no.’
Every Warrior of the Light has hurt someone he loved.
That is why he is a Warrior of the Light, because he has been through all this and yet has never lost hope of being better than he is.”
Reading this you realize that some or even all of those describe you guess what? You’re an undiscovered warrior of light.
Remember if you are going to fall, it won’t hurt any less to fall from the third floor than from the one hundredth floor, so climb higher, and if you fall and survive wear you’re scars with pride at least you accomplished more than 90% of the population. The hero/warrior follows only a few rules: respect the right of others. Does not allow fear to paralyze him/her. Does not feel guilt. Believing that one does not deserve the good or ill that happens in one’s life. Being a coward.
I will take for granted that all heroes respect the right of others.
Being paralyzed by fear. How’s your stand on that? Courage is capacity to move forward in spite of despair.
Felling guilty is a waste of time, criticizing you for past mistake can only bring more of the same.
Not believing that you deserve anything that happen to you is being a victim, putting the control outside of yourself.
Ready to start? Make a list of what is beautiful today in your life.
Live and if you do God will live with you and nothing is impossible.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it.
Visit my link.
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By phone 250 658 6703

Monday, April 19, 2010

Are you labeled as a nut?!?

Answering yes has just set you up into the world’s minority of the overachiever rank. Surprised? I was after reading what John Eliot describes has a nut or being unrealistic, and that my friend is the epitome of success. We’re not talking about being stressed out, or living in fear, we are talking about the nervousness that drives you to realize anything you put your mind too.
When was last time you were called unrealistic and you brushed that aside and realized a great goal or a dream, when was it? See if you can remember how you felt than. I remember feeling on top of the world after the nervousness of the project and the great feeling afterward. Same when car racing during the race the tension is high the stomach is knotted applying this to the driving and the intention creates an awesome feeling. After, the win didn’t seem more important than the race itself. During those years many times I was called a nut case a dreamer because I wanted more always more.
Here is an add posted by Apple computer describing exactly what I am trying to convey. Read it, pause and meditate on it and let me know your thoughts, I am genuinely interested.
“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status-quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them. But the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
Focusing intently and intensely on whatever you are doing to the point of total abortion, wanting to reach a level you never reached before heck! A level you never thought you could reach, that’s what I am talking about that’s what I am aiming for all the time continuously. Bouts of doubts, yes, moments of fears, yes, instants of madness, certainly, getting exited from the pain between my ears oh yeah, that’s the drive baby that’s the drive. Clinging on the rock, exhausted shaking, all muscles tense, panic in my guts and a few feet from the top, one more move and I made it that’s the thrill that’s the spirit I am looking for. Getting this involved in everything you do is being nuts, well I am nuts and I am changing the world one soul at the time how about you? Are you crazy enough to think that you can change the world?
For the past few years I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
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By phone 250 658 6703

Saturday, April 17, 2010

It's Miller time

Don’t get all exited now not quite… Sorry. Isn’t that how we think most of the time when doing something that we don’t do for the pure joy of it? After 10 minutes of work, it’s Miller time. How many time I have done that, working on a project getting bored or frustrated, time to check e mail or anything else not to do the task at hand. It’s Miller time…
Choosing to do things for the pure joy of it, instead of doing it because we have to, or should, or must. I resume going to the Gym a couple of month ago, at first it was hard and difficult I kept going because it’s better than being flabby I don’t like flabby. As I progressed, I start comparing with others at the gym and wanted to look the way they do and my ego say “you need to work harder” so I did and the results, a pulled shoulder muscle. Trying to hard is not the name of the game and the stupidity of comparing with others; first of all I am 65 and 90% of the people there are under 35 years old. Thhhuuu-huuu. Got the message, now I work out “intuitively” feeling good and enjoying myself, talk with people, take time to make new friends, learn tricks here and there from guys that have being doing it for years, it’s all in the attitude and so it is everywhere else, work, play, sports, vacations, retirement, everything we do can be enjoyable . Then it’s Miller time all the time. Another way to look at it, practice just for the practice sake and success will follow. Do the things that need done for the sake of doing it and be surprised by the results.
In most case it is learning new habits, and habits of the mind are sometime more difficult to get into than physical habits. Changing our thoughts is probably one of the most difficult changes to start. As they say, the bulk of the fuel used in a trip to space is in the lift-off phase when the rocket needs to escape the gravitational pull. Same thing here. At the beginning, when we decide to make some changes in our life we fill the tug back, emotional and psychological gravity is at first working against us, old habits are hanging on. And as we hang on and progress it become easier and easier until eventually it ‘s fun to change and we are looking forward to it every single day. Bloody marvelous. The whole process is called “homeostasis” a set comfortable point that needs some real effort to get out of. In his book “Mastery” Georges Leonard explain the steps on how to deal with homeostasis.
1. “Be aware of the way homeostasis works… don’t panic or give up at the first sign of trouble.”
2. “Be willing to negotiate with your resistance to change… The fine art of playing the edge in
this case involves a willingness to take one step back for every two forward, sometimes vice versa.”
3. “Develop a support system.”
4. “Follow a regular practice.”
5. “Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning.”
And knowing that we can’t ever get it done, but we can’t get it wrong. Staying on the path will get you where you want to go. And off course we are going to encounter pitfall, stop evaluate and decide how to go around it, over it, through it if necessary in one short sentence “DON”T GIVE UP”. And just do what you said you are going to do. Set priorities and make decisions, take action whatever small or unrelated it is, take action, get on the path and stay on it until done. Then and only then it’s Miller time 
For the past few years I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Resources from : Georges Leonard Mastery.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Anything wrong in your world?!?

Magic wand time!!! Today you are gifted a magic wand you can use it to change one thing in your life, anything, what is your choice? Please write it down big. Got it? Great, now look at it and ask the question, is it true? Write the answer. If the answer is yes you want to reconsider, being honest here is very important, you know if you are telling yourself the truth or not, No one is watching just you and your thoughts. Now if yes then ask “Can I be absolutely certain that it’s true?” Pause, think, than ask the next question “How do I react when I think that thought?” Experience the feelings attached to the thought, allow the feelings to work the magic. Next ask “Who would I be without the thought?” This is a very powerful exercise that brings into focus where the responsibilities lie. It is with you, of course, it doesn’t generate from the outside, but from the inside, always and at all time. We only choose to react to outside happenings. Next turn it around, whatever you said at the beginning turn it around to its opposite by turning it toward you or changing the position from “it is” to “it is not”. Practicing that exercise is, and trust me it is, beneficial to your health, physical, mental, psychological and spiritual. And the last question to ask who would I be without the thought? Answering that question will set you up for a whole new experience, and from that place you can now progress to a higher place.
This is just like trading your old clinker for a brand new whatever you want. Next trade again for something even better and that my friend is the true life process of evolution from a place to a better place, life “demand” to get better and better and if we refuse that when discuss for life gets in and the grip is unbearable most of the time. It is time for change, time to find that place of happiness, time to elevate your life style to what you want. You deserve much much better, life itself wants you to have something better all the time, please don’t turn your back from it, embrace it with all your heart all your strength and all your might.
Have you ever watch an old movie, remember the VHS? At time you notice something on the tv screen and it is annoying, so you get up and start rubbing the screen and it doesn’t go away so you scratch harder and get mad and harder and harder until something happen and you just broke your tv… When all the time the little annoying thing was not on the screen but on the tape itself and not much can be done. Just allow the little fault and enjoy the movie. And so it is with our life we react most time too strongly to outside things, and let these things distort our inner peace. How about just accepting what is? Ever got caught in traffic? Does blowing the horn? Pounding the steering wheel, or swearing at the situation, help? Why not finding ways to enjoy the moment listen to sousing music or a teaching or even just being grateful for something? Try it next time and see how you feel then. We can’t change our feelings but we sure can change our behavior then our feelings will change.
So next time you are annoyed at something, take full responsibility for it and go through the exercise, be good to yourself you deserve something better, way better.
For the past few years I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Resources: Byron Katie the work.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Yes and...

How you see the world is your subjective perspective. What you look at through that subjective perspective is the object of that subjective perspective. Can you make your current subjective perspective the OBJECT of a NEW perspective?
Let’s take a look at one of the most present situation in anyone’s life, relationship or lack thereof. The only time we are stuck into an argument is when we have BECOME “MY” position, not allowing for other view to be present in the argument.
By stepping back and observing the development of another perspective, I create the space needed for the other person to express their perspective. And magically there is no need for the argument, the tension dissolve entering into a dialogue where we can see heart-to-heart and continue the dialogue. Ken Wilbert said “no one is smart enough to be 100% wrong”, meaning that everyone has, however small, a partial truth to a position, and in a relationship, it is extremely important to allow for a perspective different than our own. Accepting that the other person has also a partial truth. Being able to step back and look at the way you see the world, it’s a very powerful thing to be able to do that. It also open great possibilities and allow for the things you want to change to actually do change just like magic. So instead of being stuck into either being rich or spiritual you can be both you can be very rich yes and express your spirituality, using your “rich” position to express your spirituality. Where so you get stuck?!? Start noticing and observing where you are seeing things as being to be all this or all that and allow for a little YES AND… From there you will evolve to a higher perspective where you can create newer perspective of a higher level.
Thinking about this brings us to observing the “world” process and its short fall. In history there hasn’t being a similar time of promotion of peace and love and at the same time we are experiencing turmoil in over half the planet. Both sides have great arguments and both sides think the other is wrong. Observing the situation with a non judgmental attitude allow for an understanding of both sides of the fence and allowing for both sides to have a say in our decision making. To be able to see without criticism all possibilities is to access higher plane, just like viewing the world from high altitude will give a different perspective of where we actually live. Changing position to have a better view. And yes… That’s the secret of enlightenment.
For the past few years I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Resources from Ken Wilbert writings and the principle of spiral dynamics