Friday, January 29, 2010

Do unto others...Do unto yourself....Pursuit of perfect

“Do not do unto yourself what you would not do unto others” Thanks a lot now I have a bruise on my forehead, great. And it is the truth, I am so good at finding excuses and encouragement for others, and when it’s my turn I become a total idiot. Forgiving myself is a real chore it takes forever. Failure? That’s the time to take a big stick and beat myself to a pulp. Raving and ranting until there is no more to be said.
Looking at all this brings back painful memories from when I was growing up. I have regain control f some of those nasty time, and I have learned to be more accepting of myself, still the first thought that appear when things are not working out is ”what do you expect…?” Or something along that line. Today I am at peace with most of it and I am able to function quite well and accepting who I am and what I am. And every so often something will trigger a reaction and cause feelings to well up and for a short time I feel disoriented and vulnerable. In the past these spurt of depression would last for days or weeks, today after a few minutes I can get in touch with it and carry on. In the past I used to curse and blame everybody I felt was responsible for my short coming. Today I can acknowledge them, learn from them and carry on. The beauty in all of this is that I am continuously learning and in applying the acquired knowledge I am able to bring healing and peace to others and to me this is priceless.
I am not afraid to try all kind of new things I am at the forefront of discovery and I love it, I love the process. I am not afraid of failing I have failed countless time, I usually learn something along the way. I am certainly not afraid of success, I have known a few of those, although outwardly I play it cool, inside I am jumping up and own. You know the duck syndrome, placid and composed on the surface and paddle like hell underneath. What I am afraid of is not to succeed, and for me that’s a huge difference. OK I have some work to do on that one. Better get to it.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Think and grow rich, Napoleon Hill

My grandson Joel was born with a condition known as the Treacher/Collins Syndrome AKA TCS. Part of his face was not finish during pregnancy, a mutant kind of gene. One of his disabilities is that he only has 5% of the outer ear and can only hear with a device placed on the surface of the skull, eventually it will be implanted in the bone, that device transport sound through the bone allowing him to hear. The discovery of that device was actually made by Napoleon Hill working with his deaf son. Very similar experience depicted in the movie “Children of a Lesser God”
I have read Think and grow rich many times and, the first time I was totally infuriated by it I would have burn the book if it wasn’t so expensive. And as I persisted with it wanting to discover the “secret” within these pages I eventually discovered the “secret” within me. Then and only then was I able to put the book to rest. Well not totally, every so often just like Wally’s book SOGR I read passages here end then.
Today at 62 I wanted to retire from my job and I have not the way I thought I would, and at the same time nor really knowing this the bridges are burnet I cannot go back to what I use to do. I had a work related accident; I was put into temporary disability. This allows me to redirect my effort toward what I always wanted to do and slowly the plan is coming together. After surgery and months of physio I was sent back to work on temporary basic just to see what would happen. Well I didn’t last the week and was again put on temporary disability. It was then that I realized that the bridges are burnt I can never go back and I am very happy about it.
I am now totally immersed in my project focusing intensely on it and making it happens. The Universe provided a most needed assistant with a strong dream. Now I need to find someone to help with the marketing and promotion. All in time.
On another notes. When I started to create the desire to retire from my job, you see I had one of those high tech job where there is no one trained to replace me, now they have no choice. Using the process of the One Command I ask to retire from my job and keeping my income. Well I did didn’t I? Next time I will be more precise on what I want and ask accordingly. I have no regrets all the same; just I could have done without the physical pain and all that goes with it. And I am happy about it all the same for me the result is worth the effort.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

For a new day and a new life

Today is a new day, coming to term with some of my most inner search. It’s coming to the surface, finally, and today's notes are of great help and value for me. Coming into consciousness of many things that were laying latent, unused gifts waiting patiently to be allowed out.
The part that really hit home is the "Be Unreasonable" part and the list of questions that needed answers. I fully answered all of the questions but one, what comes to you effortlessly, I am having trouble with that one. I am so used to do everything the hard way for little or no profit, the exercise is excellent, I am spending the time answering that one question I think it is very important I do so.
I t is a very strange thing that I am very good at helping others finding short cut and way to be more efficient, and I am having such difficulties with my own self, not in a physical way but in and emotional and psychological way to do things the easy way. Or the 20/80 way.
Thank you for these notes and for that exercise I know deep down I have the answer I just have to be patient with myself and it will be revealed.
The best part is that I am enjoying myself fully. I haven't felt this good in a long time. The last six month have been real havoc in my life, nothing I didn't ask for indeed, the unfolding is sure different t than I expected to be.
I have great plans, huge dreams, and high goals. And I also now have help so all is for the best, all is good.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The overachiever

Today’s notes, causes a feeling of uneasiness at first, after a few moment thinking about it and sorting out the argument, I finally realize what was the hold back. For some reason I don’t remember I thought that overachiever were people with no heart and only one thing in mind “money” no matter what. And I remember creating a statement in my mind that I will never be such a person. I reality I have at time become the overachiever and for some reason it always left me dry and unfulfilled, no wonder. I found myself even today working on some great important project and giving it my whole. When the project is done again I feel unaccomplished, unhappy, wanting for more.
Today’s notes are really bringing something home I have within most of the qualities described I am a go getter, I thrive to great achievement, but because of my old programming I feel defeated when I succeed. Being unrealistic, well that’s me how many time I put my head down listening to that label being applied to me, ever since I can remember, both my parents warned me of failing because I dream to big. And many times I made great things happen, and someone else get the credit, another way of self destruction. I have a lot to let go and rebuilt from the ground up and I know I can do it.

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Science of Getting Rich

Over 3 years ago a came across the book SOGR by W.Wattle. For me it was like discovering the world all over again and like a child I started a journey that will never end. My very first “important” book was, I was in my early 20’s How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie. From then on the search for was on. The next book was acres of diamonds. And on and on from one book to the next. Each book a read left me with hunger for more, and when SOGR found its way to me it was a revelation like never before. What is very interesting is I paid money for every other book I read but SOGR came to me for FREE. I realized that Wally, as we love to refer to him in our circle, is a phenomenon, a giant nothing less. Every book I read has its roots, directly or not in the SOGR. All the way back to Napoleon Hill’s Think and grow rich. Wally started me in an all new way of thinking and operating, my life as changed drastically, I am not the same person I was little over 3 years ago. I am very happy about it and people around me are happier too. No effort from me. And today here I am participating in one of the best adventure of my life, becoming a better person, and enjoying the ride totally. I have done many things in my life; nothing is bringing more satisfaction than what I am doing today. For Wally and the SOGR I am extremely grateful. For the philosopher’s notes challenge I am grateful to keep focus on what is important. And for everything that is taking place in my life right now I am very grateful, even if at time it doesn’t feel too good, it is good all the same.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Michael Gelb 100 questions

The most striking point in today’s note , writing down 100 questions in 1 hour. ok it’s9:33 am lets get started.
1. Who am I and where I am going?
2. What can I learn today?
3. How does magic money comes to me?
4. How can I be dedicated to other’s well being and protecting my own?
5. What is the best learning process?
6. Why am I here and how do I find my calling?
7. How do I connect with the Unified Field of Consciousness continuously?
8. What is the secret of true happiness for me?
9. how do I develop the artistic side of me”?
10. How do I create a continuous flow of positive energy in my life?
11. How can I become a healer?
12. What is holding me back from success and fulfillment?
13. How do I reprogram my DNA and erase the old programming?
14. How can I be of service?
15. How do I heal myself physically, emotionally, spiritually?
16. How do I find a mentor, areal one?
17. How does one capture and put to application the existing magnetic field?
18. How to discover a whole new way of generating electricity without any moving parts?
19. How to tune into the right frequency to create abundance?
20. What are my limits as a human being?
21. How can I become a true scientist and researcher?
22. How do I focus and enjoy the journey instead on focusing on the outcome?
23. How can I find the diamond mine in my back yard?
24. How do bring the best of me out?
25. How do I learn everything I want to learn?
26. What is the secret to become extremely successful and wealthy?
27. How can I become a successful businessman?
28. Can I learn to scuba dive at my age?
29. How do I measure success?
30. Should I pursue building speakers and cables?
31. How do I acquire the latest knowledge in the subject of audios?
32. what are the basic principles of sound propagation in different metals?
33. What makes the best speakers in the worlds and how to build them?
34. What are the best materials to build such a speakers?
35. What are the best metal to use for a perfect audio cables?
36. How to treat psoriasis the natural way?
37. How to make friends for life?
38. How can I have appreciation for everything that comes along?
39. Can I write a book and about what?
40. How do I give the best service and receive and fair wages?
41. How can I be a peace at all time?
42. How can I be financially free forever?
43. What is the real purpose of this exercise?
44. How do I have continuous access to my inner higher self?
45. How do I get to understand the life principle?
46. How do I raise the money to build a 150 ft sail boat for workshop and seminars?
47. How do I create an develop my own system of teaching LOA?
48. How do I communicate with nature in a personal level?
49. How can ask 100 question in 1 hour I am only half way true.
50. How to quantum jump into another dimension?
51. What is the best way to create anything?
52. How can we have total peace in the world and keep our identity?
53. How can we conquer jobbery?
54. How to be dedicated to each other’s best?
55. How to bring happiness and joy to everyone I meet?
56. How to be a good leader?
57. How to get out of the rat race?
58. How can I learn speed reading with 100% comprehension?
59. How do I quiet my mind during meditation?
60. How do I learn internet marketing and use it to it full capacity?
61. How do I create an attracting web site promoting my work?
62. How do I justify that it is ok to be paid for my service?
63. Is there really a free will?
64. What is the real principle cause of global warming?
65. Why are the sun cooling off and the planets are warming up?
66. Why are our solar system and our universe spinning faster, what are the consequences?
67. Can this process be controlled and how.
68. Can I do something about it and what is it?
69. Some people are able to control the weather in a certain area how can that be done?
70. Where can I find a true psychic?
71. Can I learn to predict future events realistically and accurately?
72. How can I develop the gift of visions?
73. I want to serve others, I am not sure how?
74. How can I become better at what I already know and do?
75. I want to invite things that make life easier where do I start?
76. How d I learn to read people and be sure of whom they really are?
77. I do I go about making new discovery?
78. How do I learn to use my mind to change things in my life for the better and teach others how to do the same?
79. What is the best way to encourage people positively?
80. How do I release the power within?
81. How do become a perfect typist?
82. What is that, that’s keeping me alive?
83. Where so I go after I leave this body”
84. Where and what was I before I was born into this world?
85. Why can’t I function to my fullest abilities?
86. Can a world without duality exist?
87. When am I going to be able to travel into space?
88. Why some people seem to go through life without struggle when it is so hard for some of us?
89. How can that be changed?
90. How to get powered up?
91. Do we really have control over everything or are we just subject to the Universe’s will?
92. I want to be free, free, free how can I do that?
93. What does it means to be in tune with the Universe and how does one accomplish that?
94. Why are there so many different answers to all the questions? And how to sort the truth out of it?
95. What is the secret of life?
96. What is really important to me?
97. Why do I feel so lonely right now?
98. How do I bring my point across and people are listening?
99. Can I get together with Leonardo Da Vinci and have discussions?
100. How do I find the answers to all 100 questions?
It’s now 11:10 and I had 3 phone call interruptions during this process.
So I went through the 100 questions took me more then an hour, Got interrupted an few time Many of the questions I asked are leading to more questions. Interesting process. Now the big question is how do I found the answers to all those questions?
The exercise is powerful in bringing to the surface things that I wouldn't otherwise consider. So they must be important point. I think I am going to continue the process of asking questions it open up a whole new way of looking at things. Great suggestion.
Second week into the challenge I feel that I am accomplishing something important, not quite sure what is it yet, and I am sure it's going to show itself soon. Time for results love to see those results it brings strength to all this work.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Spiritual Liberation

Years ago I use to teach, conferences, workshop and seminars to name a few. People use to come to me and complimented me on my words and wisdom and although on the outside I was cheerful and pleased on the inside I felt like a fraud. Why was I feeling like this what was it that disturb me so much. And one day the answer was given to me from a very unnerving and unwanted source, my wife. Yes she new and she said “why are you not practicing what you are teaching. That hit me so hard, it took a while for it to sink in. I had nothing at all to say I knew instantly that it was the truth she spoke. So after sorting this out for myself I started to listen to what I was teaching. First realizing that it wasn't me, that I was inspired from a highest self to write and teach these gems and I come to the realization that those teaching where for me first.
So from that time on I worked at applying new inspirations to my own life before passing them on I then discovered another things, I knew what I was talking about and now when someone congratulate me on my words a grateful "thank you" very simply, and inside acknowledging the source of the inspiration and giving the source credit.
Trust me since then I rely on my wife's wisdom for many things I don't think I do anything without checking with her first, and strangely enough she checks with before doing anything now. We have a perfect life.
Something new I need to work on since today's note “Character vs. personality. This is on my list starting practicing today.
Source for this blog from Spiritual Liberation Fulfilling Your Soul’s Potential BY MICHAEL BERNARD BECKWITH

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Picture the end results and keep focusing on the moment

My life has been guided by the principle of starting a task, any task and picturing the end results then proceeding by focusing on the minute to minute, hour to hour, day to day work at end. And magically the finish product appears in all its glory.
During our rock climbing excursion, when approaching the face I always look at the top and picture myself there and again keep my eye on the place where my fingers and feet are going step by step and succeeded beautifully.
Now we are talking about magic abundance, although I know the process I found myself caught up into focusing on the results instead of the day to day journey. Here is the dilemma, I know what the end result is going to be and instead of " doing everyday what I can do that day, and do each act in an efficient manner" Wallace Wattle The Science of Getting Rich
Today's note from Wayne Dyer, and I have read that before, real bring the subject home GIVE IT UP and yes it is shouting at me and I hear it. Digging and digging deep in finding the blocks and moving on It puzzles me that I know the process, it works for me very well in other area of my life, and when it come to financial abundance there is a real block that seems bigger than what is really is. Oh yes minimizing the fears until they are small enough not to interfere. Right on.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Universe conspire and delivers

One night, with 5 other boys my age and a priest youth councilor we were discussing the facts of life. Many subjects were approached and discarded, but we kept one alive all night long, marriage. What does it means? How do you find the perfect mate? When do you know you are ready for “the commitment”? Many other questions arise during that night, some we were able to find satisfying answers other would never get answered until “it” would happen. We all went our separate way at around 5AM.
The thought of marriage and finding the right person stayed with me. As I lay there in bed thinking about this a picture arise in my mind, the picture of the perfect mate. The physical was not as important as everything else, personality, had to be complementary, a loving heart, someone I would spend the rest of my life wit. Someone caring that would instinctly know and understand the value of a family. Many other traits did I portrait that night. Finally I went to sleep happy and contented. I was 17 years old and I decided the person I would marry and live with for ever. Another decision I made is that I would not marry until I was 25 years old, and I would only do it once.
Not knowing what I was doing, I was actually setting myself up to receive exactly what I was asking for. I didn’t know that at that point the Universe conspired for this to happen, and it did. After that night, I never thought about it again until 4 years latter I met the girl of my planning. It was instant, the minute I saw her I knew. And 4 years later we were united for life that was 36 years ago. Today our love is getting stronger and stronger to the point that the children are discussing what’s worse mom without dad or dad without mom?
We encountered may hurdle but nothing or no one could stop the process. Through it all it was worth the effort and the pain we encountered.
Today together we found ourselves in a very similar situation. We have dreamed of the perfect home for us, a few months ago we found it. After looking at many beautiful houses we could not agree 100% on everything. So we kept the vision and dream alive. The home we were looking actually found us and we fell in love instantly together and the more we probe the place and the more we discover that it is the perfect place. Now we are waiting upon the Universe to deliver our dream. We have done everything we can, it’s not up to us anymore. And we have no doubt that it is happening.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Mentoring For Free MLM Training


Millionaire's blue print

Jan 17/09
My millionaire’s blue print
After reading the notes this morning, I was getting more and more exited and I had to go get the book. So now I have the book, now the I have my work for this week read the book and apply the precepts.
I thought I did have the millionaire's mind I found out that, I just wanted to be instead of being committed to be. OUCH. What a way to start the week getting a kick in the pants. Well that kick is propelling me into a totally different sphere of possibilities.
It's just amazing that of all the author of self help book I read I never came across T. Harv Eker, never heard the name before until today. Things are coming together as they should. I really like the "Declaration vs. Affirmation" principle, affirmations never worked for me, I could never get a hold on it, the more I practiced the more frustrated I become. A declaration well that is set in stone and I can identify with this.
On my way to create my millionaire's blue print.
So where I am going today? Mmmmm it’s seems that I have come to a cross road and decide where do I go.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Cooking, a realief valve

This morning is somewhat harder to get motivated and find the right tuning, even after meditation time. The part where about the fuel gauge, in today’s notes and the probing to look for something to enjoy and change the mood. That is bringing to me an urge to do some fancy cooking again. Something that have re acquainted me a few months back and I love it. Really it does set a different happy mood, besides that eating the results is always an energizing bliss.
My wife and I have come to an accord about the dream house we want, this after 3 years of looking and probing the market we finally found it. It was built just for us. Now to be able to purchase that home as been a real challenge, in reality we don’t have the mean and the time to generate the funds needed. The only thing we know is that practicing the law of attraction as described in the book by Esther and Jerry is the only way we are going to acquire that marvelous place. We go and visit it often, picturing ourselves living there, with friends and relatives visiting and enjoying the place, grand kids in the park having fun in a secure place. Everything is glorious. We also found ourselves in state of wondering… can this really happen? Are we mad? And a short look at the vision board bring the excitement back and then down again. We got to get off that roller coaster.
If you want to receive love and abundance in your life, you need to set your tuner to the same vibrational frequency as love and abundance, no? Quoting from the note. I know how to produce the vibration for love, and I haven’t yet mastered creating the proper vibration for abundance of money simply it isn’t something I have experienced yet. So how can I find the right frequency if I don’t know it? Perhaps someone can enlighten me on the subject.
I have Esther and Jerry’s book and I read from it daily and practice the exercise and so far many good things have happen the money continue to elude me. This dream house we call the Chateau appear to us from nowhere and we know to be the result of visualizing our dream place. Now we just need to make it ours. Just writing about causes a real excitement inside, the effort is to keep it that way and not let the next thought pop up “ is it ever…..” I won’t finish the sentence.
Amazing thing is happening with these daily exercises. Thank you so much for putting this together.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Setting up the thermostat

Taking the big leap…. Going with the flow… Listening to the Shadow… So far so good
Now to make it work. A friend and I have made a pact we are getting to getter and we are going to challenge each other to actually do something about our fears and worries. Just thinking about give me the creep… Bread in deep bread out… Gooooooooooood.
And we are going to discuss what keeping us from flying like eagles. And we committed to do something about it keep each other in check and informed of our progress or lack thereof. ever done that before! Going to be interesting.
Resetting our thermostat and discover our zone of genius.
So here we are making decision and going for it.
Support anyone?
Thank you

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Lesson from a tea pot

Jan 12/09
Lesson from a silver tea pot
Every morning I get up go to the kitchen and prepare coffee for my wife and tea for me. When the coffee is ready, and the water boiled, I poor the water in the silver tea pot, and coffee in a large mug. I then take the coffee to my wife in bed.
By the way there is a whole book in the Bible dedicated to husband making coffee for their wife in the morning. The book is called He-Brew…
The I go back to the kitchen and poor tea in a cup. This morning it took a little longer for me to get back to the kitchen and the tea pot handle was very hot, I had to let go instantly. Looking around for a towel, a thought crossed my mind, “don’t mind the heat” Oh! OK I don’t mind the heat. I was able to poor the tea and I didn’t mind the heat.
Reading from the notes in How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie, fit right into the tea pot incident. Not minding what is happening and just carrying on. In other words, going with the flow, not minding those pesky little things that happen every day. Looking for the possibilities instead of the blocks on the road. Or again living in the moment, in appreciation and gratefulness.
I got a lot of work to do yet.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Jan 11/09 Day 2
Ironically, we’re typically MUCH better at planning a project at a job we hate than planning a life to create a job we love. Quote from The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People By STEPHEN R. COVEY
Thank you for this great note. Of course looking at the end results and working my way back is giving me the process to follow. A great and so simple advice. Why didn’t I think of it before? Friends I bang my head against many walls, wondering how come things are not working out? Answer pushing against the current instead of going with the flow. And I should know that. Being a avid practitioner of white water rafting I should know that going against the current, its a no-no . Furthermore, has we step into the raft no one has ever propose” should we try to paddle up steam for a change” it never occurred to anyone to go upstream. So why, knowing this I continue to paddle up steam in general.
Something to work on and, I think by starting with the end result in mind and working my way back to now, I should be able to figure things out.
Thank you for this great advice.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Lesson from the shadow

Starting with my 50 days challenge of total introspection.
Today a perspective from the “Shadow”, to better understand the process, a quote from Carl young on the “Shadow”
“Unfortunately there can be no doubt that man is, on the whole, less good than he imagines himself or wants to be. Everyone carries a Shadow, and the less it is embodied in the individual’s conscious life, the blacker and denser it is. If an inferiority is conscious, one always has a chance to correct it. Furthermore, it is constantly in contact with other interests, so that it is continually subjected to modifications. But if it is repressed and isolated from consciousness, it never gets corrected and is liable to burst forth suddenly in a moment of unawareness. At all events, it forms an unconscious snag, thwarting our most well-meant intentions.”
Staring at the Shadow I learn much about me. Evaluating my own attitude by reflection or has Carl Young puts it “Projection” projecting into others my own short coming, and that is I cannot see in others what I don’t have within me. Thus enabling me to adjust my attitude in comparison.
Everything I do from the time I get up to the time I go to bed and in between I love everything about it. All that I do is destined to shape and polish me to be the best that I can be.
Sharing on my blog allow me to keep things going. Please comment it can be very helpful.