Friday, June 25, 2010

Asking... The right way

We’ve learned since childhood on how to ask first we should say “please” then we should say “thank you”, and that is quite simple enough, “please” and “thank you”. As we grow up we like to mess things up a bit and make things somewhat complicated and difficult. Perhaps just so that we can create some challenges in our life because we find that life itself has no challenge what so ever so we maturely are going to create some just to make things a bit more challenging and perhaps more interesting.
To make sure not to receive what we asked for and to ascertain our theory that nothing we try works we are going to emphasize a few point when performing the task of asking. We are going to complicate things some just to make sure we deserve to receive what we are asking for.
So first we are going to ask with the pretense that we are not going to receive it. It being whatever it is we are asking for.
Asking with doubt will certainly guaranty the non arrival of what we asked for and then we have reason to complain and blame everything outside of ourselves literally throwing the responsibilities somewhere else but where it belongs. By the way when we are complaining we are becoming a living breathing “Crap” magnet.
Next we are going to ask and then attend to the fact that we don’t really deserve what we are asking for or that we have to “do something” to deserve what we are asking for and here I am not taking about the passive way of being deliberately ignoring the opportunities that appear after we asked, I am talking about expected to give back or pay back or having to do something. Really the only one thing we need to perform is “gratitude” yes indeed that hard core function that create more good than we can even dream of “gratitude” and that’s the only *thing* we *need* to do to be able to receive in abundance.
The Universe, God, the Higher self whatever words you want to use here does not ask for anything to compensate for what we are receiving and for us raised in the Christian belief we know it has all being paid for lock stock and smoking barrels by Jesus the son of the most high and we have the full resources of that belief and relying on it makes perfect sense. Remember that one “whatever you ask in my name shall be given to you” (my paraphrase, I am not a bible scholar)
And then we want to “serve God” as if there is anything we can do here, let’s get real shall we?!? We just received an bran new grand baby girl and I in wonder of what is right here before my eyes from a single cell are arms, legs, feet, hands, a head with eyes and hears and the whole body completely perfectly formed with billions of cells all here for a purpose *LIFE* I am sorry to say I can’t do this. I am standing before a 500 years old first growth cedar, it takes 11 people to go around it arms extended I can’t do something like either, can you?!? How on heart can I be of service to God? Ho and by the way he is not expecting anything in exchange for the baby girl or for the three. Just for me to say thank you and enjoy it. So if I want to do something then I am going to be of service to my fellow women and men not too sure how good I am I’ll work at it with all my might and eventually I will be hearing the words” well done good and faithful servant enter now in my kingdom” And all is good.
And if you are confuse on how to ask get hold of me and together we can sort it out.
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