About 25 years ago, building a network marketing business (mlm) our leader organized a contest. Something about contest, I cannot enter a contest without winning, I have to win I have no other choices. The contest was in 3 parts. First part 4 weeks, first who make the most business presentation that week gets a trophy. Second week most sales. Third week most new members. And Fourth week most presentation and most sponsoring for the individual’s team. I got all four trophies. Part two had to do with attendance to meeting functions and other group participations get a series of books one of them was The Magic of Thinking Big. And the last part of the contest was a total overall of the whole contest and that was a whole week end for the family in a plush hotel all expenses paid including transportation. Got it all. Did it. Felt awesome, it did!
I read the book back then and thought, that’s what I did, I went for it not even thinking I could fail or that someone else could be better none of that just went for it and did it. That book opened doors for me and for a while things were great. And then I encountered some walls one after the other and slowly I went down the hill and off course it got worse and worse. At that time I didn’t realized what was going on and it’s only after months of this, that I started to think of all the good things that did happen, fertilizing the roots, and start growing again slowly and finally got back on top. And this roller coaster ride happen often in the last 25 years. The highs got higher and the low not so much until now where its mostly little bump and very small dips.
When I first read the book I made a list of 100 things I would like to do, and I have done most of them, some of them have changed over the years, and some of them were, at the time, considered impossible. Space travel was one of them, quite possible today it’s only a matter of cash, nothing else. Today when I look at my list I am amazed of the things I have done. And that prompted me to create a new list.
My ultimate goal: to leave this earth with at least one unfinished project.