First I had a bit of confusion going on about the six fundamental needs, at first they look like no so positive comments attached to the needs. The definitions of each need sound like a burden more than something I like to shoulder. When I react to something in this way it means I have to look at it closer and extract what necessary for my progress.
“Consistency”? If this runs the show, we’re afraid of change and can’t dare to take a new step.
I understand consistency as a quality needed in the things I am involved with, I don’t see it as being afraid of change I always welcome and provoke changes.
“Inconsistency”? If so, we need to always be at the edge and can’t relax. Here again I don’t like to be inconsistent and at the same time I know how and when to relax then again I love to be on the edge.
“Significance”? If so, we’ve gotta look good at all times and impress the world. I like to look presentable when needed, it’s not really a matter of impressing anyone or caring what people think. Looking good for me is more a matter of respect toward others and myself.
“Connection/Love”? If so, we need to feel connected and loved above all else and may sacrifice our authentic selves if turned up too high. Here again I don’t see the need for me to sacrifice myself to have love and connection. More like being present in the moment with whomever I am involved.
“Growth”? If so, we need to feel the sense of expansion and evolution into our highest selves. This one is perfect I need to go forward all the time, what’s done is done I learn and move on.
“Contribution”? If so, we need to feel that we’re giving our greatest gifts in the greatest service to the world. And that is something to keep working on and it probably will never be achieved and at the same time by giving away our greatest gifts we can never get it wrong.
My dominant question in anything I do, “Am I going to succeed”? The response I get, maybe, we’ll never know, last time you failed, why keep trying, and on and on.
So I need to find a better question, a real question. Perhaps something like, “How can I allow the inner power and my gift to flow freely and exponentially”?
Someone in the group might have some suggestions, feel free to let me know.