To me Ken Wilber is pure magic pure intrinsic interaction of total reality, if this seems like gibberish to you, that is because we’re at both end of the spectrum when it comes to capture the essence of what is reality for ME.
I Love this kind of elevation into a different sphere of learning and integration, that is where I evolve and operate at my best. And for the purpose of passing on the knowledge acquired I need to integrate at the majority’s level of perception and I use to find that very difficult and could not understand how come people around me could not understand. So I had to translate to be able to pass it on. One time I told someone that “the rule of the game was not harder than the game itself” You should have seen the look on their face. Priceless. Made total sense to me.
I have learned to be able to operate, most of the time, at both extreme and it is very rewarding. Operating in a total allegorical sphere of motion is just as important and I might say, is equal in value, to the more simplistic idea of pre-conception/conception, based on reality as we see it. Everything is born from a though, everything is first and foremost created from an image born from within. Directly created from energy, understanding the process actualize transformation in a pure state of divine possibilities.
Thinking that we have all the truth hold in one position versus accepting the possibility that another or more truth or part thereof can exist, is arrogance at its best, and the cause of so many conflicts deriving from stubbornness of principles. The truth is the truth is the truth, now we can say that in 100’s of different languages and every time we translate it back the meaning of it has changed, thus creating an new idea, a new perception, rejecting it doesn’t make it wrong it actualize it into a new form or intention, creating a new debate of possibilities.
This is what love and hate is made o, and at that point we choose to accept or reject, and our personal choice makes all the difference in what our personal life is and determine what our personal future is going to be. As for me I decide that we are all right listening to our own personal voice, and it is OK to be heard but not really to shout to be heard. Conflicts are fought on the basis of forcing, shouting, a voice of believe into another voice of a different approach. And that the things that wars are made off, and any other dysfunctional process and situation. One action for one result with 100’s of different way to make it happen and everyone acceptable ones at that, if willing to accept.
I never heard or read Ken Wilber, it’s time to get to it. One more things , can the ocean be enjoyable and dangerous at the same time? Imagination prevail….
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