Blueprinting. Love the way it sound don’t you? Being an engineer by trade ( please don’t hold it against me) I love blueprinting, I found out that in my trade mapping a blue print is 75% of the work, by creating a blue print we can detect those things that won’t work even before starting the project, so it does make sense to activate the imaginative process and construct from there thus avoiding costly or discouraging errors. Years ago when we sold the farm, yeah did that too, we were looking to purchase a motor home. So I started dreaming about it and creating a life style around the motor home, than we went and look at one, seat in it for 2 hours and my wife made a comment, “ that look like shores on wheels” so we ended buying a house instead with garage, garden and a lot more room. Lately we were discussing the possibilities of acquiring a large yacht where we could live on and travel. Again the visualization and planning before taking the action. I love boat and I love navigation, I am a water baby, I have the skipper training and experience so no problem that way. Guess what we are going to do? Right buy a bigger house that’s what. Doing the research I found out that living on a yacht no matter how big is very limiting. We still need a place to park things. So instead we are looking at leasing whenever we want to take a trip. Use it give it back no hassle with keeping a berth and maintenance. Do you know that the cost of maintaining a yacht is around 10 to 15% of the cost of the yacht per year? Nuts. Blueprinting is really worth it and extremely entertaining.
I a getting the meaning of “focused energy”, the more I focus on what me purpose is and the more I direct my energy toward it the better I feel , took me a while and I am getting there. “if you deliberately plan on being less than you are capable of being. Then I warn you that you’ll be unhappy for the rest of your life”.
Powerful, powerful quote. Energizing to say the list and a wake up call. I have been looking for happiness in all the wrong places, I found it here when I purposely discover my purpose and do it on purpose. Another quote that keeps me awakes, from Esther Hicks “It is easy to create a castle as a button. It’s just a matter of whether you’re focused on a castle or a button”.
Isn’t it grant that all greatness all purpose is to serve one way or the other, when looking at it this way half of the work is done. Serving purpose number one, accepting that fact allow me to discover and decide how I am going to fulfill my purpose. And same applies when we have found what we love to do we need to just applying it in service to others, and the magic happens. For me I needed to learn the difference between being a servant and being of service. Now that I have all is well and on its way.
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