Ahhhaa, Ahhhaa,
Now I understand what was happening when I was serving in the church for many years .I always felt something was missing “freedom”. The church as an institution slow down the creative process of the individual. For more than 20 years I served in many different function including 5 years of poverty stricken time as a missionary. Now I understand why I was feeling limited frustrated although thinking, in my heart that I was the right place doing the right thing. I was a prisoner by my own choosing. And it’s only when I decided to leave the organized entity that life started to change for me. I was not under control any longer and I was able to “scrape the kettle” and see the truth hidden deep within me.
And it was when I felt totally under control and paralyzed by the system that I decided it was time to move on. I don’t know when this book was first published, and I wish I would have found this book 20 years ago. And again nothing is lost. When I was twelve years old I wanted to be a missionary priest. The first interview was with a very simple but wise man, he asked me “why do you want to be a missionary”. Because I want to bring peace to the world. And he gave me something to do. Before you can clean the world, go clean your own room. That puzzled me for many years, and one day I understood the statement. And I have been cleaning my room for the last 40 years, and strangely enough, people are coming and some decide to clean up their room too when they see mine and we are all cleaning together. And yes there is one lees rascal in the world.
Today I am grateful that I choose the family life instead of the priesthood, deep down in knew it wasn’t my call, but I would not allow for it to be conscious.
Another great book a must read form anyway.