I have come to realize some time ago, that we need the participation of the self to be able to advance. For me the challenge was to be able to have the self cooperation to allow new precepts and ideas to penetrate deep enough so they can stick. Have always been a free thinker and wanted to learn of my own volition, I had to learn that learning is going through a filtering process done by the self, and according to a set of rules, certain things were not allowed to pass by. This is causing much turmoil in the changing process, always double guessing everything that is presented.
Taking the time to allow the self to come to term with the new material presented, allowing an open communication with the self. Without the full cooperation of the self no change is going to take place. For me that was the most difficult part.
Now I have found the process of allowing the self to cooperate, so that the processing of new thoughts, ideas and concept is allowed especially when generated from the outside. One day the thought of getting up earlier to “prepare” for the day came to me, at first I wasn’t too sure of what that meant. So I did, not really knowing what to do, the self decided to get the clutter out of the way, like checking and answering e mails, getting the dish from the night before done, and then getting on with the meditation and this exercise and carrying on the rest of the day. Now the process is different. The dishes are done the night before, first thing in the morning is a short meditation before reading the note. By lowering the brain wave, opened up the unconscious and give the self the security needed to allow new thought to pass the “gate”. Without the exercise first thing, when I start reading the note many arguments arise from the self, fears and strong feelings, emotional distress. And after that it’s very difficult to go ahead and learn.
I love the elephant and the blind men story, many time I refused to hear from someone else on a certain idea or process and it always end up in turmoil and totally non productive. But when I am open and listen carefully without judgment, things usually flow easier and faster bringing forth better working conditions or better understanding. Being aware is for me the answer to be open. And sometime situation can take me by surprise and I need to be even more careful and listen to whomever I am with at the time. Also to let go when someone is not open to my idea and give them room to figure it out by themselves.
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