I am responsible and in charge of my life, past present and future.
I am so grateful and so glad I decided to enter the contest; these last 27 days have been a fountain of learning and growth. Friends are visiting from out of town, good people, just like us, hard working all their life and we love them dearly. Since last time we were together,2 years ago, so much changes has taken place in our life, listening to their “blaming” talk, every so often I caught myself agreeing with the complaining and the blaming, and it is a continuous watch of my own thoughts as they speak. I know the time to talk to them and explain is not here yet, and I also know that they are noticing the change in us and their mind is going 100 miles an hour right now and soon they will ask questions. For now I am observing the process that is taking place in me. Just a few months ago I would have been judging and wanting to change them. Today, I ware an inner smile, I am happy and I love them and I think I love them more than I use too. Oh I love this so much more today…. Thank you!
New attitude and behavior to be acquired or improved.
1. Just observing behavior and attitude understanding that they have no impact in my choices.
2. Observing my own thoughts free of judgments.
3. Accepting the differences and understanding the differences, and the value they create
4. Being open and receptive to new ideas.
Yes indeed I like the mental process of growing. Observing plants how they carry on no matter what is happening around them. Totally uninfluenced by external activities they just do what they are supposed to do, growing and producing constant and continuous effort toward the goal. Everything exists to teach me something new every day.
Visualization and idealization. I know of the first word and I practice it all the time the second one is slightly foreign to me, especially when used with visualization. This is a new one for me I usually visualize a goal; I can picture the outcome of a project, very easily. Then I focus on the work needed in the moment knowing that each step is necessary to accomplish the goal. Continuously keeping the picture of the finish project during the process? I need to study that a little deeper. At this point I am able to visualize pretty well anything I want to see happen. For me I have difficulties visualizing in the distant future, 3 to 5 years, I think more in visualizing something and see it happen way sooner And I think this is what cause stress and frustration in my life. Allowing for time. I am the instant kind a guy, I like to see things happen rater quickly. Something to really ponder upon. Idealization, hey?
Remind me of a client that brought us a sophisticated piece of equipment for repair. This machine was very important to him, his business could not function without it and nothing was available to replace it. So I decide I was going to get to it and get it repair ASAP. He asked when will it be ready and was told it would take two days to repair he went into a rage. This is not acceptable, it has to be done sooner, I have to have it now. On and on. I patiently waited until he was done and explain that it takes time to rebuild the unit, he finally left and I went to work. Two hours later he was back swearing and cussing the whole world for what was happening. And again I explain all that I could and he went away again not happy at all. Once again he comes. Before he entered the shop the counter person called me and said “Bernard he is back”. So I went and again listen to him for a good 20 minutes when he was done I said “listen, I would rather work on your machine instead of talking to you every couple of hours, It’s you money, you spend it the way you want to, pay me to talk to you or pay me to repair your unit it’s up to you. The more you come and interfere the more it’s going to cost and the longer you will have to wait”. And I asked him to make the decision. I promised that I will call him as soon the work is done. He did agree and left us alone to get the job done. I guess I need to tell myself that it take time to accomplish anything some longer than others Yeah indeed I do.
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