And so it is with everything else, we have control of our thoughts and from that point we can feel good all the time if we choose too. And there is the catch if and when we choose to we can feel good in any situation. Finding the good in everything that happen and some of which we don’t have any control over like the weather, or flight being late, or the traffic light turning red and countless of other situation. Learning to appreciate and feel good no matter what that’s the secret if there is one.
Considering the past we can say that life today is at its best and getting better and again that’s a decision that need to be made individually. Bringing the responsibility home and not responding to external occurrences. To feel good is to create what we want. Happiness and that’s what we are meant to be, happy at all time and for no reason what so ever. Thinking that any new toy will make us happy is ludicrous, we need to make yourself happy first and then all will be added including that new toy, or new job or new partner. Wife and I have been together for 40 years, was it always a peaceful and even journey? Not at all have we made it that way, we decided to be happy in our relationship no matter what happen and that, is what made it something that we are very proud of, a great life together. We choose to feel love for each other even at the worse of time and it worked miracles. Anyone can have the same thing, first look inside not outside, looking outside of you is reacting to external occurrences, looking inside and finding the inner strength is being proactive instead of reactive.
In the book The Amazing Power Of deliberate intent Esther and Jerry Hicks state that “For any desire to be realized by you, or before anything can manifest in your experience, there must be vibrational compatibility between your desires and your beliefs.” Meaning that the focus is on you not outside of you but your inner self and creating conflicts wanting something and then thinking you can’t have it or don’t deserve it, this kind of conflict will guaranty misery. Adjusting your thoughts so that the feeling is one of positive outcome is a must in the journey at hand. Being aware on how you feel, and taking action you can alter the way you feel and create better feelings that will give you full conscious control of all future outcome. In short we can choose to be creator instead of victim.
Acquiring a GPS, another great technology, mad our life so much better, no more call from my wife trying to find a way back home after being lost in the city. The thing is program that on selecting “home” will guide her, or me, directly home using the fastest route. Totaling amazing it even talk to you. And so it is by developing your inner emotional guidance system will guaranty a safe and very rewarding journey. Even if we take the wrong turn, the GPS will recalculate the route and direct us back home or wherever we programmed it to take us. So it is with our emotional guidance system, we can stray for a while and decide to change our thoughts to be again happy and enjoying the journey. The sooner we correct the course the better for the end results. And when things are not working well then it is time to find the best vibration, the best thought we can come up with to have the best possible feeling, going from a less desirable moment to a better one. One exercise that help finding the best thought is, when not feeling up to par, just write down everything you can come up with that are positive about the situation, there is always a positive to any negative always, can’t be one without the other, not possible. Reaching for the more positive things will create a better feeling and a better vibration getting closer to what you want. Creating a book of positive aspect and recording the better thoughts, will get you moving toward achieving all that you want.
How about it?
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
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Reference:Teachings of Abraham Ester and Jerry Hicks
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