Gathering what we need is simple, we need to be happy one and foremost, happiness. To be happy is a decision that we make, we decide to be happy, and nothing can make us happy if we decide not to be happy, try it. Whenever I am going to do something, anything at all I decide to be happy no matter what happen and it works. Get it? I decide to be happy even if yo8 decide not to be happy; your state of mind doesn’t have to influence mine.
Next we need to feel good again that’s a choice, I can’t change the way I feel but I can change my action that will influence my feeling so I feel good. If I don’t feel too good I can jump up and down a few time take a few deep breath and there it is the good feeling appear just like magic. I can do any sort of action that is going to make me feel good. Smile will do the trick real fast.
So I am happy and I feel good, what else do I need? Since we are on the subject of feeling good let’s take a stroll in that direction shall we? How’s my body? Do I feel good about how I look? Do I think I am to fat, to skinny or any other way I feel? What can I do about changing that? Well I can get into some kind of training, I like that better than exercise, training has a purpose exercise is vain and goes nowhere. I can train to be in shape, why not in my case I love rock climbing and I haven’t done it for while ‘cause I was too heavy, so I decided to lose weight and train so I can go rock climbing, and the more I train the better I get and the better I feel and the closer to go rock climbing again I am. So it’s all cool. Now I am getting it together. Are you getting this? I lose weight I train, I feel better I really enjoy my body I feel better, People around are noticing “you look healthy” someone said, “you feel good” someone else said. They used to say “are you feeling ok?” “You look funny” now I look and feel good. Next week I am going climbing I think. That will tell me if I’ve got it together.
Remember your body is the only one you have no spare parts just as yet, plastic or metal perhaps, no thanks I like my body the way it is. So take care of it, be proud of it, and start training for something if nothing else just for the sake of it.
Be different, I should say dare to be different and then make a difference around you. You are the way you are and live the life you live because somehow you wanted it that way and did everything to get it that way. And that is also part of the training train your mind t recognize that fact. I am what I am because I asked for it. And until you do that nothing will change day after day you will look the same and feel the same no matter how many bear you drink, you might feel different for a while but in the morning you will look and feel the same or perhaps a little worse.
Get it together and do it now, need some help? Just ask help is available all around you, help is available right here. Why do you think you are reading this? Just a hazard? Fat chance of that, something inside of you is not happy and wants to change, get it done, and get it together.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
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