And if you answer is NO or I DON”T KNOW, and then it’s time for you to get it together and bring to mind what it is that you are here for. Get it right finalize it act upon it. Everyday do what needs to be done that day and do it in an efficient manner.
Everything that is created is first created from a thought, think and meditate and find your call, your purpose, and your passion. Then it is actualized in the physical form, first from a blue print, a plan and then through actions occurring everyday aligning you with your purpose.
A great exercise to do, imagine your own funeral, and you a sitting there in the crowd, looking at the program in your end, the written eulogies what is said about you? You family is here wife/husband, children they each take turn to speak, what are they saying about you? Your friends listen to the words that are coming out, what are they saying?
Now come back to today and imagine what would you like to be said at your funeral, write your own eulogies the way you want it to be and then go am live that way that is your call, that is your mission in life, we all have one discover yours and dutifully act upon it every day.
What are your thoughts first thing in the morning are you waking up happy? Are you eager to face the challenges of the day? What is important to you? Create a list of what are the most important things to do each day. And then set up to get them done first and foremost. Next the least important things, setting up such a schedule will guaranty that all that need to b done that day will be done, and yes time will come when you will have to say no to certain request or schedule them for latter when all the important things are done. And that will take discipline and setting up new habits creating crystal clear priorities and implant them in your mind.
Earlier I talk about what if you don’t know what you mission in life is, you are having difficulties coming up with something or nothing that comes to mind actually “click” with you, no ahah moments, no revelations. Then it is time for you to take the time to find the answer, without it you will blow where ever the wind decides to take you, and that can be hazardous to your life. Take time off to internalize and sought the answer.
It is true that you don’t know and you can use that to work for you, there is a technique that uses that exact phrase I DON'T KNOW HOW, learning that technique I guaranty to bring you the answer you need. Give me a call the first call is free.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Reference: Steven R Covey The 7 habits of highly efficient people
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