Let’s take a look at one of the most present situation in anyone’s life, relationship or lack thereof. The only time we are stuck into an argument is when we have BECOME “MY” position, not allowing for other view to be present in the argument.
By stepping back and observing the development of another perspective, I create the space needed for the other person to express their perspective. And magically there is no need for the argument, the tension dissolve entering into a dialogue where we can see heart-to-heart and continue the dialogue. Ken Wilbert said “no one is smart enough to be 100% wrong”, meaning that everyone has, however small, a partial truth to a position, and in a relationship, it is extremely important to allow for a perspective different than our own. Accepting that the other person has also a partial truth. Being able to step back and look at the way you see the world, it’s a very powerful thing to be able to do that. It also open great possibilities and allow for the things you want to change to actually do change just like magic. So instead of being stuck into either being rich or spiritual you can be both you can be very rich yes and express your spirituality, using your “rich” position to express your spirituality. Where so you get stuck?!? Start noticing and observing where you are seeing things as being to be all this or all that and allow for a little YES AND… From there you will evolve to a higher perspective where you can create newer perspective of a higher level.
Thinking about this brings us to observing the “world” process and its short fall. In history there hasn’t being a similar time of promotion of peace and love and at the same time we are experiencing turmoil in over half the planet. Both sides have great arguments and both sides think the other is wrong. Observing the situation with a non judgmental attitude allow for an understanding of both sides of the fence and allowing for both sides to have a say in our decision making. To be able to see without criticism all possibilities is to access higher plane, just like viewing the world from high altitude will give a different perspective of where we actually live. Changing position to have a better view. And yes… That’s the secret of enlightenment.
For the past few years I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link. http://tocleaders.com/bernardt/
Or e mail me tritz.bernard@gmail.com
By phone 250 658 6703
Resources from Ken Wilbert writings and the principle of spiral dynamics
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