So thinking about feeling good what is our limit? Or what is the level of feeling good are we capped at? Why do we decide to stop at a certain point, why not feeling good as much as possible go all the way brake the frontier of happiness. Just yesterday I was in the steam room at the pool in comes a young men possibly 25 or less than a mother with a 12 years old daughter and a younger boy. The daughter was acting p and pushing her mom’s button, I was admiring the control that 12 years old girl had over her mother and she knew exactly when and where to stop, then she explored a little further watching her mom’s reaction, the mom was getting aggravated then the daughter would go and cuddle with her give her a kiss, the mother smile and off she goes again.
After they left the steam room the young man made comments like “I wish I could be like that, carefree and alive” and other observation of the sort. After a while I turn to him and ask” what is stopping you” and he could not answer , he mumble things like making a living, being serious, having responsibilities and I asked again what is stopping you. This time I wasn’t talking to him I was asking myself, what is stopping me from being carefree, trusting, and daring. Answers came to me, fear of what people are going to say or think, lost child like attitude, and another question pop up, how can I be trusting, to be able to play ad live just like a young child, or are these days gone forever?
It has to do with to feel good at all time not to be a silly adult just to be able to feel good at all time, choosing the thoughts that create good feelings. I think that is what limitless of happiness is.
I remember when I decided to break the rule that say “you can’t go swimming after lunch, your stomach will cramp and you will drown”. I had to check this out and went in the water after lunch and nothing happened, I went many times and nothing happened. And still , when in summer camps we were not allowed to go swimming right after lunch I tried to argue and say I can prove it, I have done it many time. No go could not convince the adults and I was labeled has a rebel, so be it. I was a happy rebel.
And those are the experiences we have to free ourselves from to enjoy life to the fullest; everyone has an opinion on how I should live my life.
I could go on and on, on this subject and I are going to finish with 4 questions.
Am I willing to increase the amount of time every day that I feel good inside?”
Then “Am I willing to increase the amount of time that my whole life goes well?”
Then: “Am I willing to feel good and have my life go well all the time?”
And, finally: “Am I willing to take the Big Leap to my ultimate level of success?”
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
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Gay Hendricks, The Big Leap
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