Carpe dium, seize the day, a worthwhile endeavor, seizing the “moment” is more bonding since the next minute is not yet here and the last one already gone, never to come again. In the moment is where it all takes place, to be fully involved, alive and glorious is in the moment. The only problem in your life is your mind’s resistance to life as it unfolds.” Dan Millman. Living in the now, realizing the power of the moment, creating now our desires our wants, everything is in the now. Even planning for the future happens in the now, in the moment. So seize the “moment” and live the day one moment at the time .
What are you resisting in your life right now? Know that your suffering has NOTHING to do with the event itself. And EVERYTHING to do with your perception of it. And, of course, you can change your perception of it at any moment, emotions are like clouds passing by. The same way we accept the weather for what it is, we can’t really control our emotions, we can control our response to our emotions. We cannot change our emotion we can only change our behavior and that will alter emotions. We can control our thoughts and that will reshape our emotions. We can’t control the rain falling; we can use an umbrella to keep dry.
Discover your self-worth, this all life is about discovering and learning, and it is not going to happen without errors, short fall and mistakes. Recognizing those and moving on. The sooner you get this the better, fix what can be fix, apologize when its due and learn from the process. Mediocre moments are a part of life, not unforgivable sins. George Bernard Shaw once remarked that ‘the ignorant are cocksure and the intelligent full of doubt. So get on with life, allow for mistakes, straighten the wheel and move on. It is so easy to bit ourselves down to the ground and it accomplishes nothing.
Start shaping your habits to what you want, difficult?!? Perhaps not impossible tho… What is it that you need to change in your life today in this moment? For me I love watching a movie and sometime to many times per week. So cutting back on watching movies every evening instead, prepare for the next day things to do places to go. Write an article and publish it, read and research something for my business. Right away my feelings change I am accomplishing something and I do it directing the energy toward something I want. Oh..,
Yes, we need to practice that for a few days before it becomes an habit that’s where the will clicks in. Yeah will power that’s why we have it… Or not, up to you. Super simple.
Creating techniques to make nasty habits hard to get to and make things easy for good habits to form. For me it’s just unplugging the TV I have to crawl under a desk with the assistance of a flash light stored at the other end of the house. By the time I think about it, too much trouble just go do something else
You know Dar Robinson? One of the modern day daredevil, before every stunt he performed he is scared to death and most time let go if his breakfast from fear. I think if he is OK with I shouldn’t be concern with it myself, and go on and do what needs to be done. Fear is here for a reason, to make us aware, and then we can calculate the risks and decide what to do and how to do it. My recipe for fear is to shrink it down to a manageable size. Carry it in my pocket and whenever it’s needed just bring it out, see what she has to say, listen, pose, create the proper environment and let’s go. Have you ever heard of Erik Weihenmayer( hope I got his name right) is a rock climber, nothing big here, so am I. He went and climb Mount Everest, so far so good Oh yeah he is blind… Was he scared, all the way up there? You bet he was. He made it, some of his companions didn’t, some of them reached their summit before the top and some of them turned back. Erik made it and went on to conquer 7 of the most difficult climbs in the world. What is you Everest? What do you need to conquer it?
In the past few years I have personally used a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
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