What are we meant to be? What is our life purpose? We have totally forgotten to ask the question.
Thank goodness no all 100% of the human population don’t know what our purpose is, some do.
So what are *you* here for, just pause for a moment and ask the question, write down what comes to mind. Put it aside and go back to it when time permit and consider the options. Having difficulties coming up with an answer, in that case consider these questions. Are you truly happy with your occupation, totally fulfilled? If you answer yes, congratulation you have found what and where you are supposed to be. If you answer no then you need to investigate why you are here for. The next question is you totally happy and fulfilled in your relationship? Same process. Continue with the line of questioning for all aspect of your life. Parenting, friendship, health, wealth that’s a great one.
Do you believe in magic? No ask your kids they will teach you about magic. I love magic everything I play with it all the time, when driving the magic of the traffic light turning green when I arrive, the magic of watching the traffic goes by when I am stopped at a red light, the magic of that nice guy that let me through at the intersection, the magic of a smile from someone unknown. Come on write your own magic everywhere, all around I just love it. Did you know that people from other planet don’t exist until you have an encounter with them? Did you know that microscopic life form didn’t exist until someone invented the microscope? Did you know we could transport sound and communicate with each other, without any visible media like wire, until the radio and telephone were discovered? Magic, magic everywhere.
It’s all about how we think, thinking big will bring big actualization in your life and thinking small will than bring small things in your life. How big can you think? I know people, being one of them, that go home from their job and think of way to improve the work place, the way to do everything, to be more efficient, are you one of those? Or are you more into getting home 15 minutes before your shift is over and turning on the boob tube, opening a beer and wondering what’s for supper? If that is the extend of your search, well my friend you’ve got exactly what you deserve. The way your life is going will not change if you don’t. Do yourself, your family a favor and get off the coach and find what you are really meant to be. To old you said? I have a friend that started to learn how to paint at age 80 and now, after 4 years, his paintings are exposed in many country in the world. What is your call? Find it and be amazed on how your life will change for the better.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link. http://tocleaders.com/bernardt/
Or e mail me tritz.bernard@gmail.com
By phone 250 658 6703
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