To be able to learn one need to have an open mind to new ideas. Being open to allow and accept new principles is paramount to learning. Asking questions and pondering the answers is part of the learning process. Arguing with new approach will deter the learning process and is a waste of time.
“Wolfgang von Goethe once wrote, ‘To have more, you must first be more.’ To achieve more in your outer world, you must go to work on your inner world, on developing yourself. There are no lasting shortcuts. There is no other way.”
To have more one need to become more.
Asking question like “Is there anything you are doing right now that, knowing what you now know, you wouldn’t get into again if you were starting over today?” That’s using rear-view vision and it’s always 20/20. That’s creating in the present what the future is going to be, if what you are doing right now is not giving you your desires why keep doing it? Isn’t it time for change? Isn’t it time for new experiences, learning something new? How about it.
When I first came into contact with the process, I was concerned that the answer would not be what I like to hear. So I procrastinated for a while until one day, from way deep inside the question came up. Is what you are doing right serving you or are you serving it? That blasted me off and for a while I was not very happy with myself. So I proceeded asking the question and the answer was “YES” from that point it only took a few minutes to decide to get out of what I was involved, nice I like that. Diving unto the unknown, fabulously rewarding. I needed to open my mind to new ideas and new way of doing something, and that’s the perfect point. From then on more questions are coming that I need to answer. Here are a few that you might want to consider for yourself.
*Let say I am a magician and I can grant you whatever you wanted. What would it be?
*Considering your life today, if you were to receive $10 million cash, tax free, how would you change your life? What would you do? What is the first thing you would do?
*What are you enjoying today, what do you excel at, what activities make you the happiest?
* If you had six month left to live how would you spent the last months of your life?
*And if you could not fail what can you dream of, if you were guaranteed success in anything what would it be?
Take the time and consider these questions and be amazed of the results.
A couple of things you need to acquire, for all of that to work.
1. Change your thinking, control your thought. What are you thinking most of the time? That’s what you are going to get more of. So change it, it is very simple just a new habit to acquire.
2. Visualization and idealization, the right and left hand of success. Imagining the perfect outcome to your dream and continuously focusing on the path, keeping the end result in mind.
In the past few years I have personally used a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Cheers and best of everything.
Reference: Brian Tracy focal point.Brian Johnson Philosopher's notes.
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