The thought of marriage and finding the right person stayed with me. As I lay there in bed thinking about this a picture arise in my mind, the picture of the perfect mate. The physical was not as important as everything else, personality, had to be complementary, a loving heart, someone I would spend the rest of my life wit. Someone caring that would instinctly know and understand the value of a family. Many other traits did I portrait that night. Finally I went to sleep happy and contented. I was 17 years old and I decided the person I would marry and live with for ever. Another decision I made is that I would not marry until I was 25 years old, and I would only do it once.
Not knowing what I was doing, I was actually setting myself up to receive exactly what I was asking for. I didn’t know that at that point the Universe conspired for this to happen, and it did. After that night, I never thought about it again until 4 years latter I met the girl of my planning. It was instant, the minute I saw her I knew. And 4 years later we were united for life that was 36 years ago. Today our love is getting stronger and stronger to the point that the children are discussing what’s worse mom without dad or dad without mom?
We encountered may hurdle but nothing or no one could stop the process. Through it all it was worth the effort and the pain we encountered.
Today together we found ourselves in a very similar situation. We have dreamed of the perfect home for us, a few months ago we found it. After looking at many beautiful houses we could not agree 100% on everything. So we kept the vision and dream alive. The home we were looking actually found us and we fell in love instantly together and the more we probe the place and the more we discover that it is the perfect place. Now we are waiting upon the Universe to deliver our dream. We have done everything we can, it’s not up to us anymore. And we have no doubt that it is happening.