My wife and I have come to an accord about the dream house we want, this after 3 years of looking and probing the market we finally found it. It was built just for us. Now to be able to purchase that home as been a real challenge, in reality we don’t have the mean and the time to generate the funds needed. The only thing we know is that practicing the law of attraction as described in the book by Esther and Jerry is the only way we are going to acquire that marvelous place. We go and visit it often, picturing ourselves living there, with friends and relatives visiting and enjoying the place, grand kids in the park having fun in a secure place. Everything is glorious. We also found ourselves in state of wondering… can this really happen? Are we mad? And a short look at the vision board bring the excitement back and then down again. We got to get off that roller coaster.
If you want to receive love and abundance in your life, you need to set your tuner to the same vibrational frequency as love and abundance, no? Quoting from the note. I know how to produce the vibration for love, and I haven’t yet mastered creating the proper vibration for abundance of money simply it isn’t something I have experienced yet. So how can I find the right frequency if I don’t know it? Perhaps someone can enlighten me on the subject.
I have Esther and Jerry’s book and I read from it daily and practice the exercise and so far many good things have happen the money continue to elude me. This dream house we call the Chateau appear to us from nowhere and we know to be the result of visualizing our dream place. Now we just need to make it ours. Just writing about causes a real excitement inside, the effort is to keep it that way and not let the next thought pop up “ is it ever…..” I won’t finish the sentence.
Amazing thing is happening with these daily exercises. Thank you so much for putting this together.