Years ago I use to teach, conferences, workshop and seminars to name a few. People use to come to me and complimented me on my words and wisdom and although on the outside I was cheerful and pleased on the inside I felt like a fraud. Why was I feeling like this what was it that disturb me so much. And one day the answer was given to me from a very unnerving and unwanted source, my wife. Yes she new and she said “why are you not practicing what you are teaching. That hit me so hard, it took a while for it to sink in. I had nothing at all to say I knew instantly that it was the truth she spoke. So after sorting this out for myself I started to listen to what I was teaching. First realizing that it wasn't me, that I was inspired from a highest self to write and teach these gems and I come to the realization that those teaching where for me first.
So from that time on I worked at applying new inspirations to my own life before passing them on I then discovered another things, I knew what I was talking about and now when someone congratulate me on my words a grateful "thank you" very simply, and inside acknowledging the source of the inspiration and giving the source credit.
Trust me since then I rely on my wife's wisdom for many things I don't think I do anything without checking with her first, and strangely enough she checks with before doing anything now. We have a perfect life.
Something new I need to work on since today's note “Character vs. personality. This is on my list starting practicing today.
Source for this blog from Spiritual Liberation Fulfilling Your Soul’s Potential BY MICHAEL BERNARD BECKWITH

Spiritual Liberation