The part that really hit home is the "Be Unreasonable" part and the list of questions that needed answers. I fully answered all of the questions but one, what comes to you effortlessly, I am having trouble with that one. I am so used to do everything the hard way for little or no profit, the exercise is excellent, I am spending the time answering that one question I think it is very important I do so.
I t is a very strange thing that I am very good at helping others finding short cut and way to be more efficient, and I am having such difficulties with my own self, not in a physical way but in and emotional and psychological way to do things the easy way. Or the 20/80 way.
Thank you for these notes and for that exercise I know deep down I have the answer I just have to be patient with myself and it will be revealed.
The best part is that I am enjoying myself fully. I haven't felt this good in a long time. The last six month have been real havoc in my life, nothing I didn't ask for indeed, the unfolding is sure different t than I expected to be.
I have great plans, huge dreams, and high goals. And I also now have help so all is for the best, all is good.