Monday, January 25, 2010
The Science of Getting Rich
Over 3 years ago a came across the book SOGR by W.Wattle. For me it was like discovering the world all over again and like a child I started a journey that will never end. My very first “important” book was, I was in my early 20’s How to win friends and influence people by Dale Carnegie. From then on the search for was on. The next book was acres of diamonds. And on and on from one book to the next. Each book a read left me with hunger for more, and when SOGR found its way to me it was a revelation like never before. What is very interesting is I paid money for every other book I read but SOGR came to me for FREE. I realized that Wally, as we love to refer to him in our circle, is a phenomenon, a giant nothing less. Every book I read has its roots, directly or not in the SOGR. All the way back to Napoleon Hill’s Think and grow rich. Wally started me in an all new way of thinking and operating, my life as changed drastically, I am not the same person I was little over 3 years ago. I am very happy about it and people around me are happier too. No effort from me. And today here I am participating in one of the best adventure of my life, becoming a better person, and enjoying the ride totally. I have done many things in my life; nothing is bringing more satisfaction than what I am doing today. For Wally and the SOGR I am extremely grateful. For the philosopher’s notes challenge I am grateful to keep focus on what is important. And for everything that is taking place in my life right now I am very grateful, even if at time it doesn’t feel too good, it is good all the same.