Lesson from a silver tea pot
Every morning I get up go to the kitchen and prepare coffee for my wife and tea for me. When the coffee is ready, and the water boiled, I poor the water in the silver tea pot, and coffee in a large mug. I then take the coffee to my wife in bed.
By the way there is a whole book in the Bible dedicated to husband making coffee for their wife in the morning. The book is called He-Brew…
The I go back to the kitchen and poor tea in a cup. This morning it took a little longer for me to get back to the kitchen and the tea pot handle was very hot, I had to let go instantly. Looking around for a towel, a thought crossed my mind, “don’t mind the heat” Oh! OK I don’t mind the heat. I was able to poor the tea and I didn’t mind the heat.
Reading from the notes in How to Stop Worrying and Start Living by Dale Carnegie, fit right into the tea pot incident. Not minding what is happening and just carrying on. In other words, going with the flow, not minding those pesky little things that happen every day. Looking for the possibilities instead of the blocks on the road. Or again living in the moment, in appreciation and gratefulness.
I got a lot of work to do yet.