1. Who am I and where I am going?
2. What can I learn today?
3. How does magic money comes to me?
4. How can I be dedicated to other’s well being and protecting my own?
5. What is the best learning process?
6. Why am I here and how do I find my calling?
7. How do I connect with the Unified Field of Consciousness continuously?
8. What is the secret of true happiness for me?
9. how do I develop the artistic side of me”?
10. How do I create a continuous flow of positive energy in my life?
11. How can I become a healer?
12. What is holding me back from success and fulfillment?
13. How do I reprogram my DNA and erase the old programming?
14. How can I be of service?
15. How do I heal myself physically, emotionally, spiritually?
16. How do I find a mentor, areal one?
17. How does one capture and put to application the existing magnetic field?
18. How to discover a whole new way of generating electricity without any moving parts?
19. How to tune into the right frequency to create abundance?
20. What are my limits as a human being?
21. How can I become a true scientist and researcher?
22. How do I focus and enjoy the journey instead on focusing on the outcome?
23. How can I find the diamond mine in my back yard?
24. How do bring the best of me out?
25. How do I learn everything I want to learn?
26. What is the secret to become extremely successful and wealthy?
27. How can I become a successful businessman?
28. Can I learn to scuba dive at my age?
29. How do I measure success?
30. Should I pursue building speakers and cables?
31. How do I acquire the latest knowledge in the subject of audios?
32. what are the basic principles of sound propagation in different metals?
33. What makes the best speakers in the worlds and how to build them?
34. What are the best materials to build such a speakers?
35. What are the best metal to use for a perfect audio cables?
36. How to treat psoriasis the natural way?
37. How to make friends for life?
38. How can I have appreciation for everything that comes along?
39. Can I write a book and about what?
40. How do I give the best service and receive and fair wages?
41. How can I be a peace at all time?
42. How can I be financially free forever?
43. What is the real purpose of this exercise?
44. How do I have continuous access to my inner higher self?
45. How do I get to understand the life principle?
46. How do I raise the money to build a 150 ft sail boat for workshop and seminars?
47. How do I create an develop my own system of teaching LOA?
48. How do I communicate with nature in a personal level?
49. How can ask 100 question in 1 hour I am only half way true.
50. How to quantum jump into another dimension?
51. What is the best way to create anything?
52. How can we have total peace in the world and keep our identity?
53. How can we conquer jobbery?
54. How to be dedicated to each other’s best?
55. How to bring happiness and joy to everyone I meet?
56. How to be a good leader?
57. How to get out of the rat race?
58. How can I learn speed reading with 100% comprehension?
59. How do I quiet my mind during meditation?
60. How do I learn internet marketing and use it to it full capacity?
61. How do I create an attracting web site promoting my work?
62. How do I justify that it is ok to be paid for my service?
63. Is there really a free will?
64. What is the real principle cause of global warming?
65. Why are the sun cooling off and the planets are warming up?
66. Why are our solar system and our universe spinning faster, what are the consequences?
67. Can this process be controlled and how.
68. Can I do something about it and what is it?
69. Some people are able to control the weather in a certain area how can that be done?
70. Where can I find a true psychic?
71. Can I learn to predict future events realistically and accurately?
72. How can I develop the gift of visions?
73. I want to serve others, I am not sure how?
74. How can I become better at what I already know and do?
75. I want to invite things that make life easier where do I start?
76. How d I learn to read people and be sure of whom they really are?
77. I do I go about making new discovery?
78. How do I learn to use my mind to change things in my life for the better and teach others how to do the same?
79. What is the best way to encourage people positively?
80. How do I release the power within?
81. How do become a perfect typist?
82. What is that, that’s keeping me alive?
83. Where so I go after I leave this body”
84. Where and what was I before I was born into this world?
85. Why can’t I function to my fullest abilities?
86. Can a world without duality exist?
87. When am I going to be able to travel into space?
88. Why some people seem to go through life without struggle when it is so hard for some of us?
89. How can that be changed?
90. How to get powered up?
91. Do we really have control over everything or are we just subject to the Universe’s will?
92. I want to be free, free, free how can I do that?
93. What does it means to be in tune with the Universe and how does one accomplish that?
94. Why are there so many different answers to all the questions? And how to sort the truth out of it?
95. What is the secret of life?
96. What is really important to me?
97. Why do I feel so lonely right now?
98. How do I bring my point across and people are listening?
99. Can I get together with Leonardo Da Vinci and have discussions?
100. How do I find the answers to all 100 questions?
It’s now 11:10 and I had 3 phone call interruptions during this process.
So I went through the 100 questions took me more then an hour, Got interrupted an few time Many of the questions I asked are leading to more questions. Interesting process. Now the big question is how do I found the answers to all those questions?
The exercise is powerful in bringing to the surface things that I wouldn't otherwise consider. So they must be important point. I think I am going to continue the process of asking questions it open up a whole new way of looking at things. Great suggestion.
Second week into the challenge I feel that I am accomplishing something important, not quite sure what is it yet, and I am sure it's going to show itself soon. Time for results love to see those results it brings strength to all this work.