During our rock climbing excursion, when approaching the face I always look at the top and picture myself there and again keep my eye on the place where my fingers and feet are going step by step and succeeded beautifully.
Now we are talking about magic abundance, although I know the process I found myself caught up into focusing on the results instead of the day to day journey. Here is the dilemma, I know what the end result is going to be and instead of " doing everyday what I can do that day, and do each act in an efficient manner" Wallace Wattle The Science of Getting Rich
Today's note from Wayne Dyer, and I have read that before, real bring the subject home GIVE IT UP and yes it is shouting at me and I hear it. Digging and digging deep in finding the blocks and moving on It puzzles me that I know the process, it works for me very well in other area of my life, and when it come to financial abundance there is a real block that seems bigger than what is really is. Oh yes minimizing the fears until they are small enough not to interfere. Right on.