Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Life as its best
Two days ago we experienced nature and it’s furry, a wind storm went by and causes a power failure, some branches of a three fell on the power line blowing a fuse. No big deal until you needs to cook supper. For a while I thought about complaining and decided to change that thought into a more positive one. What could I focus on to change the thoughts? First let’s be grateful for the technology of electricity that allows us to have so much comfort. Then enjoying the moment and the silence… Listen… no noise quiet very nice.
And so it is with everything else, we have control of our thoughts and from that point we can feel good all the time if we choose too. And there is the catch if and when we choose to we can feel good in any situation. Finding the good in everything that happen and some of which we don’t have any control over like the weather, or flight being late, or the traffic light turning red and countless of other situation. Learning to appreciate and feel good no matter what that’s the secret if there is one.
Considering the past we can say that life today is at its best and getting better and again that’s a decision that need to be made individually. Bringing the responsibility home and not responding to external occurrences. To feel good is to create what we want. Happiness and that’s what we are meant to be, happy at all time and for no reason what so ever. Thinking that any new toy will make us happy is ludicrous, we need to make yourself happy first and then all will be added including that new toy, or new job or new partner. Wife and I have been together for 40 years, was it always a peaceful and even journey? Not at all have we made it that way, we decided to be happy in our relationship no matter what happen and that, is what made it something that we are very proud of, a great life together. We choose to feel love for each other even at the worse of time and it worked miracles. Anyone can have the same thing, first look inside not outside, looking outside of you is reacting to external occurrences, looking inside and finding the inner strength is being proactive instead of reactive.
In the book The Amazing Power Of deliberate intent Esther and Jerry Hicks state that “For any desire to be realized by you, or before anything can manifest in your experience, there must be vibrational compatibility between your desires and your beliefs.” Meaning that the focus is on you not outside of you but your inner self and creating conflicts wanting something and then thinking you can’t have it or don’t deserve it, this kind of conflict will guaranty misery. Adjusting your thoughts so that the feeling is one of positive outcome is a must in the journey at hand. Being aware on how you feel, and taking action you can alter the way you feel and create better feelings that will give you full conscious control of all future outcome. In short we can choose to be creator instead of victim.
Acquiring a GPS, another great technology, mad our life so much better, no more call from my wife trying to find a way back home after being lost in the city. The thing is program that on selecting “home” will guide her, or me, directly home using the fastest route. Totaling amazing it even talk to you. And so it is by developing your inner emotional guidance system will guaranty a safe and very rewarding journey. Even if we take the wrong turn, the GPS will recalculate the route and direct us back home or wherever we programmed it to take us. So it is with our emotional guidance system, we can stray for a while and decide to change our thoughts to be again happy and enjoying the journey. The sooner we correct the course the better for the end results. And when things are not working well then it is time to find the best vibration, the best thought we can come up with to have the best possible feeling, going from a less desirable moment to a better one. One exercise that help finding the best thought is, when not feeling up to par, just write down everything you can come up with that are positive about the situation, there is always a positive to any negative always, can’t be one without the other, not possible. Reaching for the more positive things will create a better feeling and a better vibration getting closer to what you want. Creating a book of positive aspect and recording the better thoughts, will get you moving toward achieving all that you want.
How about it?
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Reference:Teachings of Abraham Ester and Jerry Hicks
And so it is with everything else, we have control of our thoughts and from that point we can feel good all the time if we choose too. And there is the catch if and when we choose to we can feel good in any situation. Finding the good in everything that happen and some of which we don’t have any control over like the weather, or flight being late, or the traffic light turning red and countless of other situation. Learning to appreciate and feel good no matter what that’s the secret if there is one.
Considering the past we can say that life today is at its best and getting better and again that’s a decision that need to be made individually. Bringing the responsibility home and not responding to external occurrences. To feel good is to create what we want. Happiness and that’s what we are meant to be, happy at all time and for no reason what so ever. Thinking that any new toy will make us happy is ludicrous, we need to make yourself happy first and then all will be added including that new toy, or new job or new partner. Wife and I have been together for 40 years, was it always a peaceful and even journey? Not at all have we made it that way, we decided to be happy in our relationship no matter what happen and that, is what made it something that we are very proud of, a great life together. We choose to feel love for each other even at the worse of time and it worked miracles. Anyone can have the same thing, first look inside not outside, looking outside of you is reacting to external occurrences, looking inside and finding the inner strength is being proactive instead of reactive.
In the book The Amazing Power Of deliberate intent Esther and Jerry Hicks state that “For any desire to be realized by you, or before anything can manifest in your experience, there must be vibrational compatibility between your desires and your beliefs.” Meaning that the focus is on you not outside of you but your inner self and creating conflicts wanting something and then thinking you can’t have it or don’t deserve it, this kind of conflict will guaranty misery. Adjusting your thoughts so that the feeling is one of positive outcome is a must in the journey at hand. Being aware on how you feel, and taking action you can alter the way you feel and create better feelings that will give you full conscious control of all future outcome. In short we can choose to be creator instead of victim.
Acquiring a GPS, another great technology, mad our life so much better, no more call from my wife trying to find a way back home after being lost in the city. The thing is program that on selecting “home” will guide her, or me, directly home using the fastest route. Totaling amazing it even talk to you. And so it is by developing your inner emotional guidance system will guaranty a safe and very rewarding journey. Even if we take the wrong turn, the GPS will recalculate the route and direct us back home or wherever we programmed it to take us. So it is with our emotional guidance system, we can stray for a while and decide to change our thoughts to be again happy and enjoying the journey. The sooner we correct the course the better for the end results. And when things are not working well then it is time to find the best vibration, the best thought we can come up with to have the best possible feeling, going from a less desirable moment to a better one. One exercise that help finding the best thought is, when not feeling up to par, just write down everything you can come up with that are positive about the situation, there is always a positive to any negative always, can’t be one without the other, not possible. Reaching for the more positive things will create a better feeling and a better vibration getting closer to what you want. Creating a book of positive aspect and recording the better thoughts, will get you moving toward achieving all that you want.
How about it?
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Reference:Teachings of Abraham Ester and Jerry Hicks
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
What comes easy for you?
This one is going to be very short and sweet.
What is it that you absolutely love to do?
What are those things that come effortlessly to you?
Who do you really love to spend time with loved ones, friends?
What is it that you would want to do during the day?
And how much would you make?
Describe where you would live.
Would you be able to choose what to do or is someone else dictating every minutes of your day?
Would you call the shot or a boss does that for you?
Take time out and take the time to write those down and meditate on it, then apply 20% of your time getting 80% results.
Let me know how this is going for you.
Having trouble, need some help call me you won’t forget it.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 250 658 6703 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Sources: The 80-20 principles, Richard Koch
What is it that you absolutely love to do?
What are those things that come effortlessly to you?
Who do you really love to spend time with loved ones, friends?
What is it that you would want to do during the day?
And how much would you make?
Describe where you would live.
Would you be able to choose what to do or is someone else dictating every minutes of your day?
Would you call the shot or a boss does that for you?
Take time out and take the time to write those down and meditate on it, then apply 20% of your time getting 80% results.
Let me know how this is going for you.
Having trouble, need some help call me you won’t forget it.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 250 658 6703 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Sources: The 80-20 principles, Richard Koch
What comes easy for you?
bernard tritz,
one command,
Richard Koch,
The 80-20 principles
Monday, April 26, 2010
What is your mission in life?
Have you found it yet? Do you know with 100%certainty what it is you are meant to be? Either way write it down, even if it is a sounding YES write it down as a refresher and reset the goals, prepare for success now, today, tomorrow never comes.
And if you answer is NO or I DON”T KNOW, and then it’s time for you to get it together and bring to mind what it is that you are here for. Get it right finalize it act upon it. Everyday do what needs to be done that day and do it in an efficient manner.
Everything that is created is first created from a thought, think and meditate and find your call, your purpose, and your passion. Then it is actualized in the physical form, first from a blue print, a plan and then through actions occurring everyday aligning you with your purpose.
A great exercise to do, imagine your own funeral, and you a sitting there in the crowd, looking at the program in your end, the written eulogies what is said about you? You family is here wife/husband, children they each take turn to speak, what are they saying about you? Your friends listen to the words that are coming out, what are they saying?
Now come back to today and imagine what would you like to be said at your funeral, write your own eulogies the way you want it to be and then go am live that way that is your call, that is your mission in life, we all have one discover yours and dutifully act upon it every day.
What are your thoughts first thing in the morning are you waking up happy? Are you eager to face the challenges of the day? What is important to you? Create a list of what are the most important things to do each day. And then set up to get them done first and foremost. Next the least important things, setting up such a schedule will guaranty that all that need to b done that day will be done, and yes time will come when you will have to say no to certain request or schedule them for latter when all the important things are done. And that will take discipline and setting up new habits creating crystal clear priorities and implant them in your mind.
Earlier I talk about what if you don’t know what you mission in life is, you are having difficulties coming up with something or nothing that comes to mind actually “click” with you, no ahah moments, no revelations. Then it is time for you to take the time to find the answer, without it you will blow where ever the wind decides to take you, and that can be hazardous to your life. Take time off to internalize and sought the answer.
It is true that you don’t know and you can use that to work for you, there is a technique that uses that exact phrase I DON'T KNOW HOW, learning that technique I guaranty to bring you the answer you need. Give me a call the first call is free.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Reference: Steven R Covey The 7 habits of highly efficient people
And if you answer is NO or I DON”T KNOW, and then it’s time for you to get it together and bring to mind what it is that you are here for. Get it right finalize it act upon it. Everyday do what needs to be done that day and do it in an efficient manner.
Everything that is created is first created from a thought, think and meditate and find your call, your purpose, and your passion. Then it is actualized in the physical form, first from a blue print, a plan and then through actions occurring everyday aligning you with your purpose.
A great exercise to do, imagine your own funeral, and you a sitting there in the crowd, looking at the program in your end, the written eulogies what is said about you? You family is here wife/husband, children they each take turn to speak, what are they saying about you? Your friends listen to the words that are coming out, what are they saying?
Now come back to today and imagine what would you like to be said at your funeral, write your own eulogies the way you want it to be and then go am live that way that is your call, that is your mission in life, we all have one discover yours and dutifully act upon it every day.
What are your thoughts first thing in the morning are you waking up happy? Are you eager to face the challenges of the day? What is important to you? Create a list of what are the most important things to do each day. And then set up to get them done first and foremost. Next the least important things, setting up such a schedule will guaranty that all that need to b done that day will be done, and yes time will come when you will have to say no to certain request or schedule them for latter when all the important things are done. And that will take discipline and setting up new habits creating crystal clear priorities and implant them in your mind.
Earlier I talk about what if you don’t know what you mission in life is, you are having difficulties coming up with something or nothing that comes to mind actually “click” with you, no ahah moments, no revelations. Then it is time for you to take the time to find the answer, without it you will blow where ever the wind decides to take you, and that can be hazardous to your life. Take time off to internalize and sought the answer.
It is true that you don’t know and you can use that to work for you, there is a technique that uses that exact phrase I DON'T KNOW HOW, learning that technique I guaranty to bring you the answer you need. Give me a call the first call is free.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Reference: Steven R Covey The 7 habits of highly efficient people
What is your mission in life?
Friday, April 23, 2010
Get it together
Before we can keep it together we need to have it together, to be able to have it together we need to put it together, and before we can put it together we need to recognize that we don’t have it together and from that gather what we need so we can put it together.
Gathering what we need is simple, we need to be happy one and foremost, happiness. To be happy is a decision that we make, we decide to be happy, and nothing can make us happy if we decide not to be happy, try it. Whenever I am going to do something, anything at all I decide to be happy no matter what happen and it works. Get it? I decide to be happy even if yo8 decide not to be happy; your state of mind doesn’t have to influence mine.
Next we need to feel good again that’s a choice, I can’t change the way I feel but I can change my action that will influence my feeling so I feel good. If I don’t feel too good I can jump up and down a few time take a few deep breath and there it is the good feeling appear just like magic. I can do any sort of action that is going to make me feel good. Smile will do the trick real fast.
So I am happy and I feel good, what else do I need? Since we are on the subject of feeling good let’s take a stroll in that direction shall we? How’s my body? Do I feel good about how I look? Do I think I am to fat, to skinny or any other way I feel? What can I do about changing that? Well I can get into some kind of training, I like that better than exercise, training has a purpose exercise is vain and goes nowhere. I can train to be in shape, why not in my case I love rock climbing and I haven’t done it for while ‘cause I was too heavy, so I decided to lose weight and train so I can go rock climbing, and the more I train the better I get and the better I feel and the closer to go rock climbing again I am. So it’s all cool. Now I am getting it together. Are you getting this? I lose weight I train, I feel better I really enjoy my body I feel better, People around are noticing “you look healthy” someone said, “you feel good” someone else said. They used to say “are you feeling ok?” “You look funny” now I look and feel good. Next week I am going climbing I think. That will tell me if I’ve got it together.
Remember your body is the only one you have no spare parts just as yet, plastic or metal perhaps, no thanks I like my body the way it is. So take care of it, be proud of it, and start training for something if nothing else just for the sake of it.
Be different, I should say dare to be different and then make a difference around you. You are the way you are and live the life you live because somehow you wanted it that way and did everything to get it that way. And that is also part of the training train your mind t recognize that fact. I am what I am because I asked for it. And until you do that nothing will change day after day you will look the same and feel the same no matter how many bear you drink, you might feel different for a while but in the morning you will look and feel the same or perhaps a little worse.
Get it together and do it now, need some help? Just ask help is available all around you, help is available right here. Why do you think you are reading this? Just a hazard? Fat chance of that, something inside of you is not happy and wants to change, get it done, and get it together.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Gathering what we need is simple, we need to be happy one and foremost, happiness. To be happy is a decision that we make, we decide to be happy, and nothing can make us happy if we decide not to be happy, try it. Whenever I am going to do something, anything at all I decide to be happy no matter what happen and it works. Get it? I decide to be happy even if yo8 decide not to be happy; your state of mind doesn’t have to influence mine.
Next we need to feel good again that’s a choice, I can’t change the way I feel but I can change my action that will influence my feeling so I feel good. If I don’t feel too good I can jump up and down a few time take a few deep breath and there it is the good feeling appear just like magic. I can do any sort of action that is going to make me feel good. Smile will do the trick real fast.
So I am happy and I feel good, what else do I need? Since we are on the subject of feeling good let’s take a stroll in that direction shall we? How’s my body? Do I feel good about how I look? Do I think I am to fat, to skinny or any other way I feel? What can I do about changing that? Well I can get into some kind of training, I like that better than exercise, training has a purpose exercise is vain and goes nowhere. I can train to be in shape, why not in my case I love rock climbing and I haven’t done it for while ‘cause I was too heavy, so I decided to lose weight and train so I can go rock climbing, and the more I train the better I get and the better I feel and the closer to go rock climbing again I am. So it’s all cool. Now I am getting it together. Are you getting this? I lose weight I train, I feel better I really enjoy my body I feel better, People around are noticing “you look healthy” someone said, “you feel good” someone else said. They used to say “are you feeling ok?” “You look funny” now I look and feel good. Next week I am going climbing I think. That will tell me if I’ve got it together.
Remember your body is the only one you have no spare parts just as yet, plastic or metal perhaps, no thanks I like my body the way it is. So take care of it, be proud of it, and start training for something if nothing else just for the sake of it.
Be different, I should say dare to be different and then make a difference around you. You are the way you are and live the life you live because somehow you wanted it that way and did everything to get it that way. And that is also part of the training train your mind t recognize that fact. I am what I am because I asked for it. And until you do that nothing will change day after day you will look the same and feel the same no matter how many bear you drink, you might feel different for a while but in the morning you will look and feel the same or perhaps a little worse.
Get it together and do it now, need some help? Just ask help is available all around you, help is available right here. Why do you think you are reading this? Just a hazard? Fat chance of that, something inside of you is not happy and wants to change, get it done, and get it together.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Get it together
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Freedom from the masses
Being enslaved by the continuous bombardment we are subject day after day to be this or that, to listen to this music or that music to eat that food or this food, to use this tooth paste or that one. Commercialism has become a religion of sort, if we don’t have the latest gadget or the latest fashion we are not “cool.”
Be free to wear what we feel comfortable to wear, and be free to express ourselves the way we are meant to express ourselves, to be free from the bondage of the guy next door, be free not to drink if I don’t feel like it. And being different and who cares what other people think. How about you? Are you living from your authentic self, or are you compromising just to fit in, to be part of the gang?
We are created different we all are different, we have different features, different way of thinking, different finger print, different cells even, blood, skin everything is different from one person to the next. How about celebrating our differences instead of trying for all to be replicate of each other, the like a brainwash army of zombies just living here and nothing else?
To be free is to be disciplined, ohhh the dirty word, into being happy for no reason, to be happy not because of the new car or the new toy but just be happy and that my friend takes discipline. To have the discipline to celebrate your differences and allowing everyone else to be different and comfortable. How about your kids are they different, do you allow them to be different or are they in involved in everything just because the other kids are involved in everything?
My younger boy never wanted to play hockey, every other kid here does, or football or baseball so we were criticized because we didn’t “join in” well today my boy is a by-provincial MMA (Mix Martial Art) champion, has his own Dojo with 60 students, that one was different and we allowed him to be. The oldest boy was not into sports at all but he is a heck of a good bass player he is different also. As far as me, well some people would like to put me away if they could and I don’t give a damn. The day I accepted that I was different and started to live my life as such it was liberation time baby I never felt any better since that day.
Take the “disciplined “ road to freedom, the practice of it is the practice of self love, self respect and the kind of surrender that lead to total freedom. A quote from Lao-tzu’s wisdom on discipline: “Don’t think you can attain total awareness and whole enlightenment without proper discipline and practice. This is egomania. Appropriate rituals channel your emotions and life energy toward the light. Without the discipline to practice them, you will tumble constantly backward into darkness.”
And again, Seneca comes to mind. In his Letters from a Stoic “You have to persevere and fortify your pertinacity until the will to good becomes a disposition to good.” And also “How much better to pursue a straight course and eventually reach that destination where the things that are pleasant and the things that are honorable finally become, for you, the same.”
Wisdom from the ages is coming down to us. Blessings come in disguises, in those words for the one that have the eyes to see. I know it can be difficult, yes indeed and only for the first little while then it becomes a habit and it is easy and eventually you can do without it. Let’s take meditation as an example. When I first started I needed to get up 1 hour earlier well that was a change. And then having to seat for another one half hour meditating trying not to fall asleep. And now I have to confess I wake up eager to get the meditation going, lighting the candles and the incense stick has become a morning ritual and an evening one. Many revelations come to me during those hours and a much sought after sense of peace and well being.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 250 658 6703 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Be free to wear what we feel comfortable to wear, and be free to express ourselves the way we are meant to express ourselves, to be free from the bondage of the guy next door, be free not to drink if I don’t feel like it. And being different and who cares what other people think. How about you? Are you living from your authentic self, or are you compromising just to fit in, to be part of the gang?
We are created different we all are different, we have different features, different way of thinking, different finger print, different cells even, blood, skin everything is different from one person to the next. How about celebrating our differences instead of trying for all to be replicate of each other, the like a brainwash army of zombies just living here and nothing else?
To be free is to be disciplined, ohhh the dirty word, into being happy for no reason, to be happy not because of the new car or the new toy but just be happy and that my friend takes discipline. To have the discipline to celebrate your differences and allowing everyone else to be different and comfortable. How about your kids are they different, do you allow them to be different or are they in involved in everything just because the other kids are involved in everything?
My younger boy never wanted to play hockey, every other kid here does, or football or baseball so we were criticized because we didn’t “join in” well today my boy is a by-provincial MMA (Mix Martial Art) champion, has his own Dojo with 60 students, that one was different and we allowed him to be. The oldest boy was not into sports at all but he is a heck of a good bass player he is different also. As far as me, well some people would like to put me away if they could and I don’t give a damn. The day I accepted that I was different and started to live my life as such it was liberation time baby I never felt any better since that day.
Take the “disciplined “ road to freedom, the practice of it is the practice of self love, self respect and the kind of surrender that lead to total freedom. A quote from Lao-tzu’s wisdom on discipline: “Don’t think you can attain total awareness and whole enlightenment without proper discipline and practice. This is egomania. Appropriate rituals channel your emotions and life energy toward the light. Without the discipline to practice them, you will tumble constantly backward into darkness.”
And again, Seneca comes to mind. In his Letters from a Stoic “You have to persevere and fortify your pertinacity until the will to good becomes a disposition to good.” And also “How much better to pursue a straight course and eventually reach that destination where the things that are pleasant and the things that are honorable finally become, for you, the same.”
Wisdom from the ages is coming down to us. Blessings come in disguises, in those words for the one that have the eyes to see. I know it can be difficult, yes indeed and only for the first little while then it becomes a habit and it is easy and eventually you can do without it. Let’s take meditation as an example. When I first started I needed to get up 1 hour earlier well that was a change. And then having to seat for another one half hour meditating trying not to fall asleep. And now I have to confess I wake up eager to get the meditation going, lighting the candles and the incense stick has become a morning ritual and an evening one. Many revelations come to me during those hours and a much sought after sense of peace and well being.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 250 658 6703 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Freedom from the masses
bernard tritz,
Michael Bernard Beckwith,
mix martial art,
one command,
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Your purpose
Everything in life has a purpose, animals, insects, plants, me and you, we all have a purpose. I found it quite interesting that in all creation we, the humans have been granted “intelligence” and we humans are to only one in nature that don’t know what our purpose is. We don’t know, for most part, what the fundamental of life is for us. That’s mind boggling.
What are we meant to be? What is our life purpose? We have totally forgotten to ask the question.
Thank goodness no all 100% of the human population don’t know what our purpose is, some do.
So what are *you* here for, just pause for a moment and ask the question, write down what comes to mind. Put it aside and go back to it when time permit and consider the options. Having difficulties coming up with an answer, in that case consider these questions. Are you truly happy with your occupation, totally fulfilled? If you answer yes, congratulation you have found what and where you are supposed to be. If you answer no then you need to investigate why you are here for. The next question is you totally happy and fulfilled in your relationship? Same process. Continue with the line of questioning for all aspect of your life. Parenting, friendship, health, wealth that’s a great one.
Do you believe in magic? No ask your kids they will teach you about magic. I love magic everything I play with it all the time, when driving the magic of the traffic light turning green when I arrive, the magic of watching the traffic goes by when I am stopped at a red light, the magic of that nice guy that let me through at the intersection, the magic of a smile from someone unknown. Come on write your own magic everywhere, all around I just love it. Did you know that people from other planet don’t exist until you have an encounter with them? Did you know that microscopic life form didn’t exist until someone invented the microscope? Did you know we could transport sound and communicate with each other, without any visible media like wire, until the radio and telephone were discovered? Magic, magic everywhere.
It’s all about how we think, thinking big will bring big actualization in your life and thinking small will than bring small things in your life. How big can you think? I know people, being one of them, that go home from their job and think of way to improve the work place, the way to do everything, to be more efficient, are you one of those? Or are you more into getting home 15 minutes before your shift is over and turning on the boob tube, opening a beer and wondering what’s for supper? If that is the extend of your search, well my friend you’ve got exactly what you deserve. The way your life is going will not change if you don’t. Do yourself, your family a favor and get off the coach and find what you are really meant to be. To old you said? I have a friend that started to learn how to paint at age 80 and now, after 4 years, his paintings are exposed in many country in the world. What is your call? Find it and be amazed on how your life will change for the better.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
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By phone 250 658 6703
What are we meant to be? What is our life purpose? We have totally forgotten to ask the question.
Thank goodness no all 100% of the human population don’t know what our purpose is, some do.
So what are *you* here for, just pause for a moment and ask the question, write down what comes to mind. Put it aside and go back to it when time permit and consider the options. Having difficulties coming up with an answer, in that case consider these questions. Are you truly happy with your occupation, totally fulfilled? If you answer yes, congratulation you have found what and where you are supposed to be. If you answer no then you need to investigate why you are here for. The next question is you totally happy and fulfilled in your relationship? Same process. Continue with the line of questioning for all aspect of your life. Parenting, friendship, health, wealth that’s a great one.
Do you believe in magic? No ask your kids they will teach you about magic. I love magic everything I play with it all the time, when driving the magic of the traffic light turning green when I arrive, the magic of watching the traffic goes by when I am stopped at a red light, the magic of that nice guy that let me through at the intersection, the magic of a smile from someone unknown. Come on write your own magic everywhere, all around I just love it. Did you know that people from other planet don’t exist until you have an encounter with them? Did you know that microscopic life form didn’t exist until someone invented the microscope? Did you know we could transport sound and communicate with each other, without any visible media like wire, until the radio and telephone were discovered? Magic, magic everywhere.
It’s all about how we think, thinking big will bring big actualization in your life and thinking small will than bring small things in your life. How big can you think? I know people, being one of them, that go home from their job and think of way to improve the work place, the way to do everything, to be more efficient, are you one of those? Or are you more into getting home 15 minutes before your shift is over and turning on the boob tube, opening a beer and wondering what’s for supper? If that is the extend of your search, well my friend you’ve got exactly what you deserve. The way your life is going will not change if you don’t. Do yourself, your family a favor and get off the coach and find what you are really meant to be. To old you said? I have a friend that started to learn how to paint at age 80 and now, after 4 years, his paintings are exposed in many country in the world. What is your call? Find it and be amazed on how your life will change for the better.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Your purpose
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
The warrior’s way
Moses was a shepherd from the hills when he heard the call to lead the people out of Egypt. Martin Luther King, Jr was a rebel when in his youth. Mother Theresa, Agnes, decided to be a nun when she was twelve years old. Living in Albania under communist regime. And the list can go on and on.
Today I want to talk about you and the warrior hero that lives within you. Have you met him/her yet? Isn’t it time you get acquainted? Perhaps it is perhaps it is not. Are you willing to meet the warrior within?
There is only one thing that will stop you to get acquainted with your hero “fear of failure” so the sooner you get over it the better. Failure is a necessary step to success; all the warriors/heroes we know have a failed at one time or another. The way they handled the failures is what make them heroes. From sports figure to religious ones, to political figures to scientific they all fail at one time some f them as much as 10,000 time that they confessed off. So what are you afraid of trying? If you are not enjoying your life right now it’s time to go do something about it and scurry up the stretched wire. Stop looking at it and get on with it. THE EXTRAORDINARY: IT’S YOUR BIRTHRIGHT. Did you get that or do you want me to shout it louder? No I think you got it, are you going to let the day goes by without at least thinking of something? It is your destiny to become great, don’t hold it back any longer, pause and find what is it that you are meant to be. Look inside and discover the greatness within and follow your dream.
In his magazine Warrior of the Light, by Paulo Coelho. State.
“Every Warrior of the Light has felt afraid of going into battle.
Every Warrior of the Light has, at some time in the past, lied or betrayed someone.
Every Warrior of the Light has trodden a path that was not his.
Every Warrior of the Light has suffered for the most trivial of reasons.
Every Warrior of the Light has, at least once, believed he was not a Warrior of the Light.
Every Warrior of the Light has failed in his spiritual duties.
Every Warrior of the Light has said ‘yes’ when he wanted to say ‘no.’
Every Warrior of the Light has hurt someone he loved.
That is why he is a Warrior of the Light, because he has been through all this and yet has never lost hope of being better than he is.”
Reading this you realize that some or even all of those describe you guess what? You’re an undiscovered warrior of light.
Remember if you are going to fall, it won’t hurt any less to fall from the third floor than from the one hundredth floor, so climb higher, and if you fall and survive wear you’re scars with pride at least you accomplished more than 90% of the population. The hero/warrior follows only a few rules: respect the right of others. Does not allow fear to paralyze him/her. Does not feel guilt. Believing that one does not deserve the good or ill that happens in one’s life. Being a coward.
I will take for granted that all heroes respect the right of others.
Being paralyzed by fear. How’s your stand on that? Courage is capacity to move forward in spite of despair.
Felling guilty is a waste of time, criticizing you for past mistake can only bring more of the same.
Not believing that you deserve anything that happen to you is being a victim, putting the control outside of yourself.
Ready to start? Make a list of what is beautiful today in your life.
Live and if you do God will live with you and nothing is impossible.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it.
Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Today I want to talk about you and the warrior hero that lives within you. Have you met him/her yet? Isn’t it time you get acquainted? Perhaps it is perhaps it is not. Are you willing to meet the warrior within?
There is only one thing that will stop you to get acquainted with your hero “fear of failure” so the sooner you get over it the better. Failure is a necessary step to success; all the warriors/heroes we know have a failed at one time or another. The way they handled the failures is what make them heroes. From sports figure to religious ones, to political figures to scientific they all fail at one time some f them as much as 10,000 time that they confessed off. So what are you afraid of trying? If you are not enjoying your life right now it’s time to go do something about it and scurry up the stretched wire. Stop looking at it and get on with it. THE EXTRAORDINARY: IT’S YOUR BIRTHRIGHT. Did you get that or do you want me to shout it louder? No I think you got it, are you going to let the day goes by without at least thinking of something? It is your destiny to become great, don’t hold it back any longer, pause and find what is it that you are meant to be. Look inside and discover the greatness within and follow your dream.
In his magazine Warrior of the Light, by Paulo Coelho. State.
“Every Warrior of the Light has felt afraid of going into battle.
Every Warrior of the Light has, at some time in the past, lied or betrayed someone.
Every Warrior of the Light has trodden a path that was not his.
Every Warrior of the Light has suffered for the most trivial of reasons.
Every Warrior of the Light has, at least once, believed he was not a Warrior of the Light.
Every Warrior of the Light has failed in his spiritual duties.
Every Warrior of the Light has said ‘yes’ when he wanted to say ‘no.’
Every Warrior of the Light has hurt someone he loved.
That is why he is a Warrior of the Light, because he has been through all this and yet has never lost hope of being better than he is.”
Reading this you realize that some or even all of those describe you guess what? You’re an undiscovered warrior of light.
Remember if you are going to fall, it won’t hurt any less to fall from the third floor than from the one hundredth floor, so climb higher, and if you fall and survive wear you’re scars with pride at least you accomplished more than 90% of the population. The hero/warrior follows only a few rules: respect the right of others. Does not allow fear to paralyze him/her. Does not feel guilt. Believing that one does not deserve the good or ill that happens in one’s life. Being a coward.
I will take for granted that all heroes respect the right of others.
Being paralyzed by fear. How’s your stand on that? Courage is capacity to move forward in spite of despair.
Felling guilty is a waste of time, criticizing you for past mistake can only bring more of the same.
Not believing that you deserve anything that happen to you is being a victim, putting the control outside of yourself.
Ready to start? Make a list of what is beautiful today in your life.
Live and if you do God will live with you and nothing is impossible.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it.
Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
The warrior’s way
Monday, April 19, 2010
Are you labeled as a nut?!?
Answering yes has just set you up into the world’s minority of the overachiever rank. Surprised? I was after reading what John Eliot describes has a nut or being unrealistic, and that my friend is the epitome of success. We’re not talking about being stressed out, or living in fear, we are talking about the nervousness that drives you to realize anything you put your mind too.
When was last time you were called unrealistic and you brushed that aside and realized a great goal or a dream, when was it? See if you can remember how you felt than. I remember feeling on top of the world after the nervousness of the project and the great feeling afterward. Same when car racing during the race the tension is high the stomach is knotted applying this to the driving and the intention creates an awesome feeling. After, the win didn’t seem more important than the race itself. During those years many times I was called a nut case a dreamer because I wanted more always more.
Here is an add posted by Apple computer describing exactly what I am trying to convey. Read it, pause and meditate on it and let me know your thoughts, I am genuinely interested.
“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status-quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them. But the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
Focusing intently and intensely on whatever you are doing to the point of total abortion, wanting to reach a level you never reached before heck! A level you never thought you could reach, that’s what I am talking about that’s what I am aiming for all the time continuously. Bouts of doubts, yes, moments of fears, yes, instants of madness, certainly, getting exited from the pain between my ears oh yeah, that’s the drive baby that’s the drive. Clinging on the rock, exhausted shaking, all muscles tense, panic in my guts and a few feet from the top, one more move and I made it that’s the thrill that’s the spirit I am looking for. Getting this involved in everything you do is being nuts, well I am nuts and I am changing the world one soul at the time how about you? Are you crazy enough to think that you can change the world?
For the past few years I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
When was last time you were called unrealistic and you brushed that aside and realized a great goal or a dream, when was it? See if you can remember how you felt than. I remember feeling on top of the world after the nervousness of the project and the great feeling afterward. Same when car racing during the race the tension is high the stomach is knotted applying this to the driving and the intention creates an awesome feeling. After, the win didn’t seem more important than the race itself. During those years many times I was called a nut case a dreamer because I wanted more always more.
Here is an add posted by Apple computer describing exactly what I am trying to convey. Read it, pause and meditate on it and let me know your thoughts, I am genuinely interested.
“Here’s to the crazy ones. The misfits. The rebels. The troublemakers. The round pegs in the square holes. The ones who see things differently. They’re not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status-quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them. But the only thing you can’t do is ignore them. Because they change things. They push the human race forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius. Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do.”
Focusing intently and intensely on whatever you are doing to the point of total abortion, wanting to reach a level you never reached before heck! A level you never thought you could reach, that’s what I am talking about that’s what I am aiming for all the time continuously. Bouts of doubts, yes, moments of fears, yes, instants of madness, certainly, getting exited from the pain between my ears oh yeah, that’s the drive baby that’s the drive. Clinging on the rock, exhausted shaking, all muscles tense, panic in my guts and a few feet from the top, one more move and I made it that’s the thrill that’s the spirit I am looking for. Getting this involved in everything you do is being nuts, well I am nuts and I am changing the world one soul at the time how about you? Are you crazy enough to think that you can change the world?
For the past few years I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Are you labeled as a nut?!?
Saturday, April 17, 2010
It's Miller time
Don’t get all exited now not quite… Sorry. Isn’t that how we think most of the time when doing something that we don’t do for the pure joy of it? After 10 minutes of work, it’s Miller time. How many time I have done that, working on a project getting bored or frustrated, time to check e mail or anything else not to do the task at hand. It’s Miller time…
Choosing to do things for the pure joy of it, instead of doing it because we have to, or should, or must. I resume going to the Gym a couple of month ago, at first it was hard and difficult I kept going because it’s better than being flabby I don’t like flabby. As I progressed, I start comparing with others at the gym and wanted to look the way they do and my ego say “you need to work harder” so I did and the results, a pulled shoulder muscle. Trying to hard is not the name of the game and the stupidity of comparing with others; first of all I am 65 and 90% of the people there are under 35 years old. Thhhuuu-huuu. Got the message, now I work out “intuitively” feeling good and enjoying myself, talk with people, take time to make new friends, learn tricks here and there from guys that have being doing it for years, it’s all in the attitude and so it is everywhere else, work, play, sports, vacations, retirement, everything we do can be enjoyable . Then it’s Miller time all the time. Another way to look at it, practice just for the practice sake and success will follow. Do the things that need done for the sake of doing it and be surprised by the results.
In most case it is learning new habits, and habits of the mind are sometime more difficult to get into than physical habits. Changing our thoughts is probably one of the most difficult changes to start. As they say, the bulk of the fuel used in a trip to space is in the lift-off phase when the rocket needs to escape the gravitational pull. Same thing here. At the beginning, when we decide to make some changes in our life we fill the tug back, emotional and psychological gravity is at first working against us, old habits are hanging on. And as we hang on and progress it become easier and easier until eventually it ‘s fun to change and we are looking forward to it every single day. Bloody marvelous. The whole process is called “homeostasis” a set comfortable point that needs some real effort to get out of. In his book “Mastery” Georges Leonard explain the steps on how to deal with homeostasis.
1. “Be aware of the way homeostasis works… don’t panic or give up at the first sign of trouble.”
2. “Be willing to negotiate with your resistance to change… The fine art of playing the edge in
this case involves a willingness to take one step back for every two forward, sometimes vice versa.”
3. “Develop a support system.”
4. “Follow a regular practice.”
5. “Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning.”
And knowing that we can’t ever get it done, but we can’t get it wrong. Staying on the path will get you where you want to go. And off course we are going to encounter pitfall, stop evaluate and decide how to go around it, over it, through it if necessary in one short sentence “DON”T GIVE UP”. And just do what you said you are going to do. Set priorities and make decisions, take action whatever small or unrelated it is, take action, get on the path and stay on it until done. Then and only then it’s Miller time
For the past few years I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Resources from : Georges Leonard Mastery.
Choosing to do things for the pure joy of it, instead of doing it because we have to, or should, or must. I resume going to the Gym a couple of month ago, at first it was hard and difficult I kept going because it’s better than being flabby I don’t like flabby. As I progressed, I start comparing with others at the gym and wanted to look the way they do and my ego say “you need to work harder” so I did and the results, a pulled shoulder muscle. Trying to hard is not the name of the game and the stupidity of comparing with others; first of all I am 65 and 90% of the people there are under 35 years old. Thhhuuu-huuu. Got the message, now I work out “intuitively” feeling good and enjoying myself, talk with people, take time to make new friends, learn tricks here and there from guys that have being doing it for years, it’s all in the attitude and so it is everywhere else, work, play, sports, vacations, retirement, everything we do can be enjoyable . Then it’s Miller time all the time. Another way to look at it, practice just for the practice sake and success will follow. Do the things that need done for the sake of doing it and be surprised by the results.
In most case it is learning new habits, and habits of the mind are sometime more difficult to get into than physical habits. Changing our thoughts is probably one of the most difficult changes to start. As they say, the bulk of the fuel used in a trip to space is in the lift-off phase when the rocket needs to escape the gravitational pull. Same thing here. At the beginning, when we decide to make some changes in our life we fill the tug back, emotional and psychological gravity is at first working against us, old habits are hanging on. And as we hang on and progress it become easier and easier until eventually it ‘s fun to change and we are looking forward to it every single day. Bloody marvelous. The whole process is called “homeostasis” a set comfortable point that needs some real effort to get out of. In his book “Mastery” Georges Leonard explain the steps on how to deal with homeostasis.
1. “Be aware of the way homeostasis works… don’t panic or give up at the first sign of trouble.”
2. “Be willing to negotiate with your resistance to change… The fine art of playing the edge in
this case involves a willingness to take one step back for every two forward, sometimes vice versa.”
3. “Develop a support system.”
4. “Follow a regular practice.”
5. “Dedicate yourself to lifelong learning.”
And knowing that we can’t ever get it done, but we can’t get it wrong. Staying on the path will get you where you want to go. And off course we are going to encounter pitfall, stop evaluate and decide how to go around it, over it, through it if necessary in one short sentence “DON”T GIVE UP”. And just do what you said you are going to do. Set priorities and make decisions, take action whatever small or unrelated it is, take action, get on the path and stay on it until done. Then and only then it’s Miller time
For the past few years I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Resources from : Georges Leonard Mastery.
It's Miller time
bernard tritz,
george leonard,
Miller time,
one command
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Anything wrong in your world?!?
Magic wand time!!! Today you are gifted a magic wand you can use it to change one thing in your life, anything, what is your choice? Please write it down big. Got it? Great, now look at it and ask the question, is it true? Write the answer. If the answer is yes you want to reconsider, being honest here is very important, you know if you are telling yourself the truth or not, No one is watching just you and your thoughts. Now if yes then ask “Can I be absolutely certain that it’s true?” Pause, think, than ask the next question “How do I react when I think that thought?” Experience the feelings attached to the thought, allow the feelings to work the magic. Next ask “Who would I be without the thought?” This is a very powerful exercise that brings into focus where the responsibilities lie. It is with you, of course, it doesn’t generate from the outside, but from the inside, always and at all time. We only choose to react to outside happenings. Next turn it around, whatever you said at the beginning turn it around to its opposite by turning it toward you or changing the position from “it is” to “it is not”. Practicing that exercise is, and trust me it is, beneficial to your health, physical, mental, psychological and spiritual. And the last question to ask who would I be without the thought? Answering that question will set you up for a whole new experience, and from that place you can now progress to a higher place.
This is just like trading your old clinker for a brand new whatever you want. Next trade again for something even better and that my friend is the true life process of evolution from a place to a better place, life “demand” to get better and better and if we refuse that when discuss for life gets in and the grip is unbearable most of the time. It is time for change, time to find that place of happiness, time to elevate your life style to what you want. You deserve much much better, life itself wants you to have something better all the time, please don’t turn your back from it, embrace it with all your heart all your strength and all your might.
Have you ever watch an old movie, remember the VHS? At time you notice something on the tv screen and it is annoying, so you get up and start rubbing the screen and it doesn’t go away so you scratch harder and get mad and harder and harder until something happen and you just broke your tv… When all the time the little annoying thing was not on the screen but on the tape itself and not much can be done. Just allow the little fault and enjoy the movie. And so it is with our life we react most time too strongly to outside things, and let these things distort our inner peace. How about just accepting what is? Ever got caught in traffic? Does blowing the horn? Pounding the steering wheel, or swearing at the situation, help? Why not finding ways to enjoy the moment listen to sousing music or a teaching or even just being grateful for something? Try it next time and see how you feel then. We can’t change our feelings but we sure can change our behavior then our feelings will change.
So next time you are annoyed at something, take full responsibility for it and go through the exercise, be good to yourself you deserve something better, way better.
For the past few years I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Resources: Byron Katie the work.
This is just like trading your old clinker for a brand new whatever you want. Next trade again for something even better and that my friend is the true life process of evolution from a place to a better place, life “demand” to get better and better and if we refuse that when discuss for life gets in and the grip is unbearable most of the time. It is time for change, time to find that place of happiness, time to elevate your life style to what you want. You deserve much much better, life itself wants you to have something better all the time, please don’t turn your back from it, embrace it with all your heart all your strength and all your might.
Have you ever watch an old movie, remember the VHS? At time you notice something on the tv screen and it is annoying, so you get up and start rubbing the screen and it doesn’t go away so you scratch harder and get mad and harder and harder until something happen and you just broke your tv… When all the time the little annoying thing was not on the screen but on the tape itself and not much can be done. Just allow the little fault and enjoy the movie. And so it is with our life we react most time too strongly to outside things, and let these things distort our inner peace. How about just accepting what is? Ever got caught in traffic? Does blowing the horn? Pounding the steering wheel, or swearing at the situation, help? Why not finding ways to enjoy the moment listen to sousing music or a teaching or even just being grateful for something? Try it next time and see how you feel then. We can’t change our feelings but we sure can change our behavior then our feelings will change.
So next time you are annoyed at something, take full responsibility for it and go through the exercise, be good to yourself you deserve something better, way better.
For the past few years I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Resources: Byron Katie the work.
Anything wrong in your world?!?
bernard tritz,
Byron Katie,
one command,
the work.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Yes and...
How you see the world is your subjective perspective. What you look at through that subjective perspective is the object of that subjective perspective. Can you make your current subjective perspective the OBJECT of a NEW perspective?
Let’s take a look at one of the most present situation in anyone’s life, relationship or lack thereof. The only time we are stuck into an argument is when we have BECOME “MY” position, not allowing for other view to be present in the argument.
By stepping back and observing the development of another perspective, I create the space needed for the other person to express their perspective. And magically there is no need for the argument, the tension dissolve entering into a dialogue where we can see heart-to-heart and continue the dialogue. Ken Wilbert said “no one is smart enough to be 100% wrong”, meaning that everyone has, however small, a partial truth to a position, and in a relationship, it is extremely important to allow for a perspective different than our own. Accepting that the other person has also a partial truth. Being able to step back and look at the way you see the world, it’s a very powerful thing to be able to do that. It also open great possibilities and allow for the things you want to change to actually do change just like magic. So instead of being stuck into either being rich or spiritual you can be both you can be very rich yes and express your spirituality, using your “rich” position to express your spirituality. Where so you get stuck?!? Start noticing and observing where you are seeing things as being to be all this or all that and allow for a little YES AND… From there you will evolve to a higher perspective where you can create newer perspective of a higher level.
Thinking about this brings us to observing the “world” process and its short fall. In history there hasn’t being a similar time of promotion of peace and love and at the same time we are experiencing turmoil in over half the planet. Both sides have great arguments and both sides think the other is wrong. Observing the situation with a non judgmental attitude allow for an understanding of both sides of the fence and allowing for both sides to have a say in our decision making. To be able to see without criticism all possibilities is to access higher plane, just like viewing the world from high altitude will give a different perspective of where we actually live. Changing position to have a better view. And yes… That’s the secret of enlightenment.
For the past few years I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Resources from Ken Wilbert writings and the principle of spiral dynamics
Let’s take a look at one of the most present situation in anyone’s life, relationship or lack thereof. The only time we are stuck into an argument is when we have BECOME “MY” position, not allowing for other view to be present in the argument.
By stepping back and observing the development of another perspective, I create the space needed for the other person to express their perspective. And magically there is no need for the argument, the tension dissolve entering into a dialogue where we can see heart-to-heart and continue the dialogue. Ken Wilbert said “no one is smart enough to be 100% wrong”, meaning that everyone has, however small, a partial truth to a position, and in a relationship, it is extremely important to allow for a perspective different than our own. Accepting that the other person has also a partial truth. Being able to step back and look at the way you see the world, it’s a very powerful thing to be able to do that. It also open great possibilities and allow for the things you want to change to actually do change just like magic. So instead of being stuck into either being rich or spiritual you can be both you can be very rich yes and express your spirituality, using your “rich” position to express your spirituality. Where so you get stuck?!? Start noticing and observing where you are seeing things as being to be all this or all that and allow for a little YES AND… From there you will evolve to a higher perspective where you can create newer perspective of a higher level.
Thinking about this brings us to observing the “world” process and its short fall. In history there hasn’t being a similar time of promotion of peace and love and at the same time we are experiencing turmoil in over half the planet. Both sides have great arguments and both sides think the other is wrong. Observing the situation with a non judgmental attitude allow for an understanding of both sides of the fence and allowing for both sides to have a say in our decision making. To be able to see without criticism all possibilities is to access higher plane, just like viewing the world from high altitude will give a different perspective of where we actually live. Changing position to have a better view. And yes… That’s the secret of enlightenment.
For the past few years I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Resources from Ken Wilbert writings and the principle of spiral dynamics
Yes and...
Monday, April 12, 2010
living a la Leonardo
Da Vinci was a master mind for its time and he is a master mind still for our time. Living al la Da Vinci can be and is a master mind’s journey, discovering everything that there is to discover around us, taking notes on everything that exist around us is a marvelous journey. Leonardo asked questions to the Universe constantly, always something new to discover, in his journal he noted that asking questions is the beginning of learning and the start of wisdom. Encouraged by the example I sat down and wrote 100 questions about anything and everything then in another session choose the 10 most important questions and ranking them by importance from 1 o 10, this exercise is guaranty to change your life in ways that you can’t even think about at this moment. If Leonardo was in grade school toady he would be pumped full; of Ritalin for being ADD or ADHD . The last thing, take one of the ten questions and take the time to meditate on it every day and that will bring about marvel in your life. Results like you can fathom right now reading this. Give it a try and let me know how it turns out.
Keeping a daily journal was one of Leonardo’s practice, so far we know of 13,000 pages. The Codex Leicester 72 pages is the only major scientific work of Leonardo's in private hands. It is owned by Bill Gates, and is displayed once a year in different cities around the world. Why would Bill Gates pay 30.8 million for part of Leonardo’s journal? Good question must be important I think. Also keeping a gratitude journal, very powerful practice.
Ready ?!? Take one hour of your time go to your favor place where you can relax and will not be disturbed and write down 100 questions anything will do, the choose the 10 top ones numbered 1 to 10 pick the most important one for you and take time to meditate on it, set goal, visualize and start a marvelous journey.
For the past few years I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Cheers and best of everything.
Resources from Michael Gelb How to think like Leonardo DaVinci
Keeping a daily journal was one of Leonardo’s practice, so far we know of 13,000 pages. The Codex Leicester 72 pages is the only major scientific work of Leonardo's in private hands. It is owned by Bill Gates, and is displayed once a year in different cities around the world. Why would Bill Gates pay 30.8 million for part of Leonardo’s journal? Good question must be important I think. Also keeping a gratitude journal, very powerful practice.
Ready ?!? Take one hour of your time go to your favor place where you can relax and will not be disturbed and write down 100 questions anything will do, the choose the 10 top ones numbered 1 to 10 pick the most important one for you and take time to meditate on it, set goal, visualize and start a marvelous journey.
For the past few years I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Cheers and best of everything.
Resources from Michael Gelb How to think like Leonardo DaVinci
living a la Leonardo
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Pursuing Happiness VS. Practicing Happiness
To “pursue” was not to chase after but to “practice” to make a habit of, according to Tomas Jefferson. Happiness in any situation following any emotional ups and down, in sadness and in health, richer or poorer, for the better or the worse, where did I hear that before? Getting up in the morning happy no reason no excuses, just happy. There is a difference in between waking up happy or waking up considering being happy or not according to outside influences. Even when experiencing emotions of sadness, anger, frustration or even fear and still experiencing that felling of peace and well being.
In her book “Happy for no reason” Marci Shimoff, state
• “Less than 30 percent of people report being deeply happy.
• Twenty-five percent of Americans and 27 percent of Europeans claim they are depressed.
• The World Health Organization predicts that by 2020, depression will be second only to
heart disease in terms of the global burden of illness.”
We’re able to built amazing structure, survive devastating disaster, combat killing bugs, send men to the moon and back knowing exactly how much fuel it will take, and with all of this we haven’t being able to teach how to be happy all the time?!? Puzzling!
We can be happy or we can be depressed, very straight forward, we can be happy for bad reason, any addiction will do, we can be happy for good reason, healthy experiences like birth of a child, winning the lottery, or we can be happy for no reason, and there we live from happiness instead of for. Get it?
Happiness is like a thermostat when it’s too cold just turn it up and warmth happen the same goes the other way. Psychological research show that we have a happiness set point what ever happen we always return to that set point. Studies of people winning big money at the lottery, returned to their original happiness set point within 6 to 12 months. And the same results take place after very difficult case of accidents after a period of time people have regain their happiness set point. What exist within is and that’s that, practicing a higher level of happiness that’s what is needed to create a life of peace and joy no “matter what”. It’s a decision, accepting to adapt to a new level of function. Back in the 80’s I was working in the high arctic, right away I found many things to complain about, life was not very good, first the sun would never set and I cursed against being awake at 4 am thinking it was 4pm. One night laying there I thought ” this is not going to work I have to do something about this” The thought came that I could “accept” being here and enjoy the surrounding discovering the beauty. I fell asleep walking up the next morning and it was like a whole new place. And for the next 8 month I experienced joy and happiness like never before, I would wake up cheerfully every morning seat outside and just look around taking it all in. We sent our employees back home every six weeks; instead of going home I brought my wife for a week I wanted to share this with her. I have relived those 8 wonderful months many time since, in my mind. Practicing everyday to be happy will eventually bring you to living in happiness instead of for it.
In the past few years I have personally used a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Cheers and best of everything.
In her book “Happy for no reason” Marci Shimoff, state
• “Less than 30 percent of people report being deeply happy.
• Twenty-five percent of Americans and 27 percent of Europeans claim they are depressed.
• The World Health Organization predicts that by 2020, depression will be second only to
heart disease in terms of the global burden of illness.”
We’re able to built amazing structure, survive devastating disaster, combat killing bugs, send men to the moon and back knowing exactly how much fuel it will take, and with all of this we haven’t being able to teach how to be happy all the time?!? Puzzling!
We can be happy or we can be depressed, very straight forward, we can be happy for bad reason, any addiction will do, we can be happy for good reason, healthy experiences like birth of a child, winning the lottery, or we can be happy for no reason, and there we live from happiness instead of for. Get it?
Happiness is like a thermostat when it’s too cold just turn it up and warmth happen the same goes the other way. Psychological research show that we have a happiness set point what ever happen we always return to that set point. Studies of people winning big money at the lottery, returned to their original happiness set point within 6 to 12 months. And the same results take place after very difficult case of accidents after a period of time people have regain their happiness set point. What exist within is and that’s that, practicing a higher level of happiness that’s what is needed to create a life of peace and joy no “matter what”. It’s a decision, accepting to adapt to a new level of function. Back in the 80’s I was working in the high arctic, right away I found many things to complain about, life was not very good, first the sun would never set and I cursed against being awake at 4 am thinking it was 4pm. One night laying there I thought ” this is not going to work I have to do something about this” The thought came that I could “accept” being here and enjoy the surrounding discovering the beauty. I fell asleep walking up the next morning and it was like a whole new place. And for the next 8 month I experienced joy and happiness like never before, I would wake up cheerfully every morning seat outside and just look around taking it all in. We sent our employees back home every six weeks; instead of going home I brought my wife for a week I wanted to share this with her. I have relived those 8 wonderful months many time since, in my mind. Practicing everyday to be happy will eventually bring you to living in happiness instead of for it.
In the past few years I have personally used a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Cheers and best of everything.
Pursuing Happiness VS. Practicing Happiness
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Shift when you drift
Commitment to learn from every experiences of every moment, instead of the usual actualization of our self defense mechanism by stonewalling, explaining, justifying, withdrawing, blaming is much more important than anything else in the moment. Being open to learning is to be in charge at all times. You can choose to shift out of being defensive into being open to learn.
Spiraling up instead of spiraling down. Let say you are driving to work and the first thing that happen is someone is cutting you off and has you blow the horn he demonstrate that you are #1. You react and want to get even with this guy. So in turn you are cutting someone else off so you can catch up with that @#$%&$# and show him. You arrive at work and your mind is on that guy that cut you off and made your day miserable and from that point everything is going down. Use your imagination and see what happen, getting thence, frustrated telling everyone that wants to hear about your driving to work experience. The whole day is going to be based on frustration and nothing is getting better. That’s spiraling down.
Let’s take a look at a different approach. The same guy is cutting you off at the same place. No blowing the horn so no fingering instead smiles and wave take a couple of deep breath and relax. One of the thing that could happen is the fellow that cut you off, as you smile and wave, might think “shocks I just cut off someone that knows me” now where do you think the frustration is? On him. And has you proceed to work with a smile on your face your co-worker look and wonder “how come he is so happy first thing in the morning” That is spiraling up because from to moment on the day unfold in a good spirit. Commit to learn in every moment.
Other ways to make a shift? Try speaking authentically, truly loving the experience, recommitting to your ideals, moving your body in a new way, or using this challenge as another opportunity to get closer to your Essence. Fun.
“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness concerning all acts of initiative and creation. There is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans; that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen events, meetings and material assistance which no one could have dreamed would have come their way. I have learned a deep respect for one of Goethe’s couplets: ‘Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now!’” ~ W.H. Murray
Whoa that sorts it all out very concise and very clear, no mystery, Re-committing every day every moment of every day to whatever we are dreaming off and working on, continuous flow of self generated motivation by agreeing to move forward by re-committing, keeping at bay the wobbly attitude, the lack of confidence, the discouragement. When I travel by plane I usually listen to the pilot conversation with air control. Continuous re-committing to the destination correcting and re-correcting the fly pattern, every so often air control would interfere and give the pilot new heading altitude and speed. What would happen if the pilot decided that this is not working I can’t keep that plane in a straight line, I can’t fly this thing it’s changing heading all the time I give up…. Think about it, your life is like flying that plane continuously correcting taking advice and correcting again and again and again. That’s it re-committing to the outcome and go with the flow.
In the past few years I have personally used a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Cheers and best of everything.
Spiraling up instead of spiraling down. Let say you are driving to work and the first thing that happen is someone is cutting you off and has you blow the horn he demonstrate that you are #1. You react and want to get even with this guy. So in turn you are cutting someone else off so you can catch up with that @#$%&$# and show him. You arrive at work and your mind is on that guy that cut you off and made your day miserable and from that point everything is going down. Use your imagination and see what happen, getting thence, frustrated telling everyone that wants to hear about your driving to work experience. The whole day is going to be based on frustration and nothing is getting better. That’s spiraling down.
Let’s take a look at a different approach. The same guy is cutting you off at the same place. No blowing the horn so no fingering instead smiles and wave take a couple of deep breath and relax. One of the thing that could happen is the fellow that cut you off, as you smile and wave, might think “shocks I just cut off someone that knows me” now where do you think the frustration is? On him. And has you proceed to work with a smile on your face your co-worker look and wonder “how come he is so happy first thing in the morning” That is spiraling up because from to moment on the day unfold in a good spirit. Commit to learn in every moment.
Other ways to make a shift? Try speaking authentically, truly loving the experience, recommitting to your ideals, moving your body in a new way, or using this challenge as another opportunity to get closer to your Essence. Fun.
“Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness concerning all acts of initiative and creation. There is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans; that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision raising in one’s favor all manner of unforeseen events, meetings and material assistance which no one could have dreamed would have come their way. I have learned a deep respect for one of Goethe’s couplets: ‘Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now!’” ~ W.H. Murray
Whoa that sorts it all out very concise and very clear, no mystery, Re-committing every day every moment of every day to whatever we are dreaming off and working on, continuous flow of self generated motivation by agreeing to move forward by re-committing, keeping at bay the wobbly attitude, the lack of confidence, the discouragement. When I travel by plane I usually listen to the pilot conversation with air control. Continuous re-committing to the destination correcting and re-correcting the fly pattern, every so often air control would interfere and give the pilot new heading altitude and speed. What would happen if the pilot decided that this is not working I can’t keep that plane in a straight line, I can’t fly this thing it’s changing heading all the time I give up…. Think about it, your life is like flying that plane continuously correcting taking advice and correcting again and again and again. That’s it re-committing to the outcome and go with the flow.
In the past few years I have personally used a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Cheers and best of everything.
Shift when you drift
bernard tritz,
one command,
W.H. Murray
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Embracing the Chaos
How about it, embracing the inner chaos, accepting the inner struggle, for what it is, a guide to make us stronger. Stress the system and watch it grow, its call “conditioning”. Only by stressing the system can we know its limit and the go further. During strength training to gain more of it and more mass one need to stress the muscle just a little bit more, in turn the body will react and compensate by repairing the muscle and that way make it stronger for the next time. And so it is with the mind, stressing the mind for it to grow and become stronger.
By embracing the inner chaos and accepting the good and evil within, only then can we strengthen our presence in the now.
Are you ready to break the bound and fly? Or are you going to continue to allow the anchor of envy and jealousy keep you in restrain? Up to you to be free and to fly. Go beyond your abilities and fly higher and higher, freeing yourself from the tare of society that wants you down here crawling on the ground. Your choice, your doing, your decision.
Control your thoughts let not others do it for you, remember it is easier to look down than to look up in any way you can think off. Everything depend on you from the very beginning not on others, whatever you have you have, whatever you desire you can have too. The time has come for you to plant the seed of your highest hope. And don’t mind the inner chaos so much allow it and learn from it that way it will quiet itself and cooperate to create your higher achievements.
And be what you must be no less. Built your inner for when you succeed they will not pardon you. Be totally independent of the thoughts of others. Proceed with what your soul demand and leave it at that! And the higher you fly the smaller you will appear to the eyes of the envious, and most of all they hate the one that can fly.
Dance with the stars my friend. Fly among the cloud and laugh at loud live your life like it was the last minute of it and love like you never to before. It take only courage.
In the past few years I have personally used a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Cheers and best of everything.
By embracing the inner chaos and accepting the good and evil within, only then can we strengthen our presence in the now.
Are you ready to break the bound and fly? Or are you going to continue to allow the anchor of envy and jealousy keep you in restrain? Up to you to be free and to fly. Go beyond your abilities and fly higher and higher, freeing yourself from the tare of society that wants you down here crawling on the ground. Your choice, your doing, your decision.
Control your thoughts let not others do it for you, remember it is easier to look down than to look up in any way you can think off. Everything depend on you from the very beginning not on others, whatever you have you have, whatever you desire you can have too. The time has come for you to plant the seed of your highest hope. And don’t mind the inner chaos so much allow it and learn from it that way it will quiet itself and cooperate to create your higher achievements.
And be what you must be no less. Built your inner for when you succeed they will not pardon you. Be totally independent of the thoughts of others. Proceed with what your soul demand and leave it at that! And the higher you fly the smaller you will appear to the eyes of the envious, and most of all they hate the one that can fly.
Dance with the stars my friend. Fly among the cloud and laugh at loud live your life like it was the last minute of it and love like you never to before. It take only courage.
In the past few years I have personally used a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Cheers and best of everything.
Embracing the Chaos
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
The learning process.
What is learning, Thesaurus tells us: Learning is acquiring new knowledge, behaviors, skills, values or preferences.
To be able to learn one need to have an open mind to new ideas. Being open to allow and accept new principles is paramount to learning. Asking questions and pondering the answers is part of the learning process. Arguing with new approach will deter the learning process and is a waste of time.
“Wolfgang von Goethe once wrote, ‘To have more, you must first be more.’ To achieve more in your outer world, you must go to work on your inner world, on developing yourself. There are no lasting shortcuts. There is no other way.”
To have more one need to become more.
Asking question like “Is there anything you are doing right now that, knowing what you now know, you wouldn’t get into again if you were starting over today?” That’s using rear-view vision and it’s always 20/20. That’s creating in the present what the future is going to be, if what you are doing right now is not giving you your desires why keep doing it? Isn’t it time for change? Isn’t it time for new experiences, learning something new? How about it.
When I first came into contact with the process, I was concerned that the answer would not be what I like to hear. So I procrastinated for a while until one day, from way deep inside the question came up. Is what you are doing right serving you or are you serving it? That blasted me off and for a while I was not very happy with myself. So I proceeded asking the question and the answer was “YES” from that point it only took a few minutes to decide to get out of what I was involved, nice I like that. Diving unto the unknown, fabulously rewarding. I needed to open my mind to new ideas and new way of doing something, and that’s the perfect point. From then on more questions are coming that I need to answer. Here are a few that you might want to consider for yourself.
*Let say I am a magician and I can grant you whatever you wanted. What would it be?
*Considering your life today, if you were to receive $10 million cash, tax free, how would you change your life? What would you do? What is the first thing you would do?
*What are you enjoying today, what do you excel at, what activities make you the happiest?
* If you had six month left to live how would you spent the last months of your life?
*And if you could not fail what can you dream of, if you were guaranteed success in anything what would it be?
Take the time and consider these questions and be amazed of the results.
A couple of things you need to acquire, for all of that to work.
1. Change your thinking, control your thought. What are you thinking most of the time? That’s what you are going to get more of. So change it, it is very simple just a new habit to acquire.
2. Visualization and idealization, the right and left hand of success. Imagining the perfect outcome to your dream and continuously focusing on the path, keeping the end result in mind.
In the past few years I have personally used a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Cheers and best of everything.
Reference: Brian Tracy focal point.Brian Johnson Philosopher's notes.
To be able to learn one need to have an open mind to new ideas. Being open to allow and accept new principles is paramount to learning. Asking questions and pondering the answers is part of the learning process. Arguing with new approach will deter the learning process and is a waste of time.
“Wolfgang von Goethe once wrote, ‘To have more, you must first be more.’ To achieve more in your outer world, you must go to work on your inner world, on developing yourself. There are no lasting shortcuts. There is no other way.”
To have more one need to become more.
Asking question like “Is there anything you are doing right now that, knowing what you now know, you wouldn’t get into again if you were starting over today?” That’s using rear-view vision and it’s always 20/20. That’s creating in the present what the future is going to be, if what you are doing right now is not giving you your desires why keep doing it? Isn’t it time for change? Isn’t it time for new experiences, learning something new? How about it.
When I first came into contact with the process, I was concerned that the answer would not be what I like to hear. So I procrastinated for a while until one day, from way deep inside the question came up. Is what you are doing right serving you or are you serving it? That blasted me off and for a while I was not very happy with myself. So I proceeded asking the question and the answer was “YES” from that point it only took a few minutes to decide to get out of what I was involved, nice I like that. Diving unto the unknown, fabulously rewarding. I needed to open my mind to new ideas and new way of doing something, and that’s the perfect point. From then on more questions are coming that I need to answer. Here are a few that you might want to consider for yourself.
*Let say I am a magician and I can grant you whatever you wanted. What would it be?
*Considering your life today, if you were to receive $10 million cash, tax free, how would you change your life? What would you do? What is the first thing you would do?
*What are you enjoying today, what do you excel at, what activities make you the happiest?
* If you had six month left to live how would you spent the last months of your life?
*And if you could not fail what can you dream of, if you were guaranteed success in anything what would it be?
Take the time and consider these questions and be amazed of the results.
A couple of things you need to acquire, for all of that to work.
1. Change your thinking, control your thought. What are you thinking most of the time? That’s what you are going to get more of. So change it, it is very simple just a new habit to acquire.
2. Visualization and idealization, the right and left hand of success. Imagining the perfect outcome to your dream and continuously focusing on the path, keeping the end result in mind.
In the past few years I have personally used a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Cheers and best of everything.
Reference: Brian Tracy focal point.Brian Johnson Philosopher's notes.
The learning process.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Carpe Punctum! Seize the moment
Carpe Punctum! Seize the moment
Carpe dium, seize the day, a worthwhile endeavor, seizing the “moment” is more bonding since the next minute is not yet here and the last one already gone, never to come again. In the moment is where it all takes place, to be fully involved, alive and glorious is in the moment. The only problem in your life is your mind’s resistance to life as it unfolds.” Dan Millman. Living in the now, realizing the power of the moment, creating now our desires our wants, everything is in the now. Even planning for the future happens in the now, in the moment. So seize the “moment” and live the day one moment at the time .
What are you resisting in your life right now? Know that your suffering has NOTHING to do with the event itself. And EVERYTHING to do with your perception of it. And, of course, you can change your perception of it at any moment, emotions are like clouds passing by. The same way we accept the weather for what it is, we can’t really control our emotions, we can control our response to our emotions. We cannot change our emotion we can only change our behavior and that will alter emotions. We can control our thoughts and that will reshape our emotions. We can’t control the rain falling; we can use an umbrella to keep dry.
Discover your self-worth, this all life is about discovering and learning, and it is not going to happen without errors, short fall and mistakes. Recognizing those and moving on. The sooner you get this the better, fix what can be fix, apologize when its due and learn from the process. Mediocre moments are a part of life, not unforgivable sins. George Bernard Shaw once remarked that ‘the ignorant are cocksure and the intelligent full of doubt. So get on with life, allow for mistakes, straighten the wheel and move on. It is so easy to bit ourselves down to the ground and it accomplishes nothing.
Start shaping your habits to what you want, difficult?!? Perhaps not impossible tho… What is it that you need to change in your life today in this moment? For me I love watching a movie and sometime to many times per week. So cutting back on watching movies every evening instead, prepare for the next day things to do places to go. Write an article and publish it, read and research something for my business. Right away my feelings change I am accomplishing something and I do it directing the energy toward something I want. Oh..,
Yes, we need to practice that for a few days before it becomes an habit that’s where the will clicks in. Yeah will power that’s why we have it… Or not, up to you. Super simple.
Creating techniques to make nasty habits hard to get to and make things easy for good habits to form. For me it’s just unplugging the TV I have to crawl under a desk with the assistance of a flash light stored at the other end of the house. By the time I think about it, too much trouble just go do something else
You know Dar Robinson? One of the modern day daredevil, before every stunt he performed he is scared to death and most time let go if his breakfast from fear. I think if he is OK with I shouldn’t be concern with it myself, and go on and do what needs to be done. Fear is here for a reason, to make us aware, and then we can calculate the risks and decide what to do and how to do it. My recipe for fear is to shrink it down to a manageable size. Carry it in my pocket and whenever it’s needed just bring it out, see what she has to say, listen, pose, create the proper environment and let’s go. Have you ever heard of Erik Weihenmayer( hope I got his name right) is a rock climber, nothing big here, so am I. He went and climb Mount Everest, so far so good Oh yeah he is blind… Was he scared, all the way up there? You bet he was. He made it, some of his companions didn’t, some of them reached their summit before the top and some of them turned back. Erik made it and went on to conquer 7 of the most difficult climbs in the world. What is you Everest? What do you need to conquer it?
In the past few years I have personally used a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Carpe dium, seize the day, a worthwhile endeavor, seizing the “moment” is more bonding since the next minute is not yet here and the last one already gone, never to come again. In the moment is where it all takes place, to be fully involved, alive and glorious is in the moment. The only problem in your life is your mind’s resistance to life as it unfolds.” Dan Millman. Living in the now, realizing the power of the moment, creating now our desires our wants, everything is in the now. Even planning for the future happens in the now, in the moment. So seize the “moment” and live the day one moment at the time .
What are you resisting in your life right now? Know that your suffering has NOTHING to do with the event itself. And EVERYTHING to do with your perception of it. And, of course, you can change your perception of it at any moment, emotions are like clouds passing by. The same way we accept the weather for what it is, we can’t really control our emotions, we can control our response to our emotions. We cannot change our emotion we can only change our behavior and that will alter emotions. We can control our thoughts and that will reshape our emotions. We can’t control the rain falling; we can use an umbrella to keep dry.
Discover your self-worth, this all life is about discovering and learning, and it is not going to happen without errors, short fall and mistakes. Recognizing those and moving on. The sooner you get this the better, fix what can be fix, apologize when its due and learn from the process. Mediocre moments are a part of life, not unforgivable sins. George Bernard Shaw once remarked that ‘the ignorant are cocksure and the intelligent full of doubt. So get on with life, allow for mistakes, straighten the wheel and move on. It is so easy to bit ourselves down to the ground and it accomplishes nothing.
Start shaping your habits to what you want, difficult?!? Perhaps not impossible tho… What is it that you need to change in your life today in this moment? For me I love watching a movie and sometime to many times per week. So cutting back on watching movies every evening instead, prepare for the next day things to do places to go. Write an article and publish it, read and research something for my business. Right away my feelings change I am accomplishing something and I do it directing the energy toward something I want. Oh..,
Yes, we need to practice that for a few days before it becomes an habit that’s where the will clicks in. Yeah will power that’s why we have it… Or not, up to you. Super simple.
Creating techniques to make nasty habits hard to get to and make things easy for good habits to form. For me it’s just unplugging the TV I have to crawl under a desk with the assistance of a flash light stored at the other end of the house. By the time I think about it, too much trouble just go do something else
You know Dar Robinson? One of the modern day daredevil, before every stunt he performed he is scared to death and most time let go if his breakfast from fear. I think if he is OK with I shouldn’t be concern with it myself, and go on and do what needs to be done. Fear is here for a reason, to make us aware, and then we can calculate the risks and decide what to do and how to do it. My recipe for fear is to shrink it down to a manageable size. Carry it in my pocket and whenever it’s needed just bring it out, see what she has to say, listen, pose, create the proper environment and let’s go. Have you ever heard of Erik Weihenmayer( hope I got his name right) is a rock climber, nothing big here, so am I. He went and climb Mount Everest, so far so good Oh yeah he is blind… Was he scared, all the way up there? You bet he was. He made it, some of his companions didn’t, some of them reached their summit before the top and some of them turned back. Erik made it and went on to conquer 7 of the most difficult climbs in the world. What is you Everest? What do you need to conquer it?
In the past few years I have personally used a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
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Carpe Punctum! Seize the moment
Friday, April 2, 2010
Making dreams happen
We all were born the same way, we all had a mother and father biologically speaking, and each one of us learned the same important details of life itself. We learn how to walk, to speak, to run, and many other vital components of activities for our daily life.
It was and still is up to us to want to learn we use different patterns each individual has his/her own way of learning and applying the process. The common point is that we decide to learn and apply. From the very first day we decided to have dreams, from the very first breath we took we activated every single thought necessary to our place in life, necessary to our growth, to our success every single step we took was a decision we made based from an inner vision. No one could have forced us to walk. Our first born started walking very early and one day in the street he decided to stop walking, realizing that we would not carry him any longer he just sat in the middle of the side walk and that was it. Nothing we could say or do, no coercing of any kind would change his mind, until he was good and ready and discover something for himself that he wanted more than being carried around, at that time he started walking again and never stop since.
Whatever dream we create in our mind we can make happen it’s what we are it’s what we are made off, powerful tools we are equipped with to make happen anything that we can create in our mind. Another element is also needed in the process, motivation. Dreams come and go, not all dreams become a physical reality, and there is reason for that. To succeed a dream need ingredients, motivation, why do we want what we want, if the why is not strong enough the realization will be very weak to not even leaving the dream stage. Next we need learn a few steps to make the dream come through, and then we need to go to work to make it happen. There’s always a commitment to be involved and yes at time we have dreams that can be so big and they seems unattainable and we can’t see how we can make it happen. We always have a part to play in the realization of a dream no matter how big.
How big can you dream? Erik Weihemayer was blind by the time he was 14 years old. His life was totally turned around, like most he wanted to give up, life is over all that he loved seems to vanish at that moment, thanks to his wonderful parents he accomplished exploits.
An accomplished climber, Erik became the only blind man in history to reach the summit of the world's highest peak - Mount Everest on May 25, 2001. On August 20, 2008, when he stood on top of Carstensz Pyramid, the tallest peak in Austral-Asia, Erik completed his quest to climb the Seven Summits - the highest peak on every continent. His part was to dream to train, to accept the fact he needed assistance and to be there when needed, every step of the way. For more about Erik watch the movie “Touch the top of the world”
What is your dream, your big vision and what are you doing about it? You decided to stand up and walk once you can do it again. Taking the first step toward your dream is all that’s needed the Universe, the Source of life itself will then become your best friend, your support, people, situation, tools, everything that you need to succeed will appear sometime like magic for the realization of your dream. What is left do whatever need to be done each day toward the success of the dream. In his book “Do You”, hip hop mogul Russell Simmons says ““The pain that’s created by avoiding hard work is actually much worse than any pain created from the actual work itself. Yes its ok read it again, I needed to, and internalize it so it become yours. By work I mean do whatever need to be done in that moment, for me right now to make my dream come true I need to write my blog everyday and I dedicate that action to the outcome. Going to the gym 5 days a week is part of the routine I need to reach my dream and other goals like being fit, healthy and strong to do the things I want to do.
So what’s your dream? What are you doing about it? Need some help just ask someone share with a trusted person, trust your intuition and start standing and start walking. Live in the untapped part of your mind, that 90 percent of your unused brain and watch what happen.
For more on how to take make things happen visit my site
You can also contact me personally
250 6586703
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Take care
It was and still is up to us to want to learn we use different patterns each individual has his/her own way of learning and applying the process. The common point is that we decide to learn and apply. From the very first day we decided to have dreams, from the very first breath we took we activated every single thought necessary to our place in life, necessary to our growth, to our success every single step we took was a decision we made based from an inner vision. No one could have forced us to walk. Our first born started walking very early and one day in the street he decided to stop walking, realizing that we would not carry him any longer he just sat in the middle of the side walk and that was it. Nothing we could say or do, no coercing of any kind would change his mind, until he was good and ready and discover something for himself that he wanted more than being carried around, at that time he started walking again and never stop since.
Whatever dream we create in our mind we can make happen it’s what we are it’s what we are made off, powerful tools we are equipped with to make happen anything that we can create in our mind. Another element is also needed in the process, motivation. Dreams come and go, not all dreams become a physical reality, and there is reason for that. To succeed a dream need ingredients, motivation, why do we want what we want, if the why is not strong enough the realization will be very weak to not even leaving the dream stage. Next we need learn a few steps to make the dream come through, and then we need to go to work to make it happen. There’s always a commitment to be involved and yes at time we have dreams that can be so big and they seems unattainable and we can’t see how we can make it happen. We always have a part to play in the realization of a dream no matter how big.
How big can you dream? Erik Weihemayer was blind by the time he was 14 years old. His life was totally turned around, like most he wanted to give up, life is over all that he loved seems to vanish at that moment, thanks to his wonderful parents he accomplished exploits.
An accomplished climber, Erik became the only blind man in history to reach the summit of the world's highest peak - Mount Everest on May 25, 2001. On August 20, 2008, when he stood on top of Carstensz Pyramid, the tallest peak in Austral-Asia, Erik completed his quest to climb the Seven Summits - the highest peak on every continent. His part was to dream to train, to accept the fact he needed assistance and to be there when needed, every step of the way. For more about Erik watch the movie “Touch the top of the world”
What is your dream, your big vision and what are you doing about it? You decided to stand up and walk once you can do it again. Taking the first step toward your dream is all that’s needed the Universe, the Source of life itself will then become your best friend, your support, people, situation, tools, everything that you need to succeed will appear sometime like magic for the realization of your dream. What is left do whatever need to be done each day toward the success of the dream. In his book “Do You”, hip hop mogul Russell Simmons says ““The pain that’s created by avoiding hard work is actually much worse than any pain created from the actual work itself. Yes its ok read it again, I needed to, and internalize it so it become yours. By work I mean do whatever need to be done in that moment, for me right now to make my dream come true I need to write my blog everyday and I dedicate that action to the outcome. Going to the gym 5 days a week is part of the routine I need to reach my dream and other goals like being fit, healthy and strong to do the things I want to do.
So what’s your dream? What are you doing about it? Need some help just ask someone share with a trusted person, trust your intuition and start standing and start walking. Live in the untapped part of your mind, that 90 percent of your unused brain and watch what happen.
For more on how to take make things happen visit my site
You can also contact me personally
250 6586703
Or email
Take care
Making dreams happen
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