In the manufacturing of soap we use shea butter, rats are attracted to shea butter, it’s candy to them. So I set up a “sticky trap” to catch the culprits. The next morning I go and check the trap and I can see that a rat was there but didn’t get caught, the trap was on the floor and foot print on the glue. The amazing thing is that rats stop coming all together, very smart refusing to partake in a libation of pure delight, for a rat, and choosing to live instead. Great lesson from a rat isn’t it?
How smart are we in avoiding tall the little traps that are constantly presented to us for the purpose of literally shortening our life? That one more drink that can get us in so much trouble. Or that extra bite of such delicious food that we are craving and can also cause trouble for our health. All those nasty little habits that we have and that we know are destructive to the way we want to live. By refraining from those habits and changing the way we act and do things, just like the rats, we decide what is best for us, the quick little reward that only last a few minutes or living to the fullest of our hidden abilities? It is a choice and it is up to us to decide what we want. Take a few minutes and write down 5 of those nasty little habits, what are you nibbling on right before the snap of the trap? The first step to change is awareness of the behaviors that can cause pain and suffering, so write the short list and then set up to change the habits.
By identifying those things that lead to suffering and changing the habits one then become aware of those things that lead to happiness and proceed by practicing those instead and refraining for the former. Adding to the list there is those habits of a non physical nature like judging and criticizing or worse holding grudges. Did you know that holding a grudge is like drinking poison and hopping the other person will suffer from it or even dies? The things we choose for relief are actually working in opposite of what we are trying to accomplish.
The next step is to celebrate all the good occurrences in your life, first you will need to look for them to identify all those great things that take place in your life and soon your subconscious mind will filter and show you only the good things, so start now and make a list of 50 things you can be grateful for and rejoice with and for what you have already. Small things like hot shower and electricity, a roof over your head, food in your plate, acknowledge the good stuff and more of it will come to you. By focusing on what you want instead of what you don’t want you will end up creating the life you are dreaming of. Celebrate today and be happy for no reason, Just because.
Are you ready for the next step? Have you decided what it is that you want? Are you ready to do what needs to be done to fulfilled your inner most dreams? Make a decision right now, today.
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