When I discovered that I could have and I could be what my dreams were telling me I could achieve, it was a celebration of joy an explosion of the greatest firework I could ever imagine. At first it was like receiving that wonderful gift I always wanted but could never get and one day there it was waiting for me I just had to reach for it and pick it up for total enjoyment.
And so it is with your dreams, they are not just dreams they are the expression of your higher self, that part of you that continuously wants to grow higher and higher reaching unbelievable places. When JFK announced that a man will walk on the moon, NASA didn’t even had the right fuel mixture and the material to build a ship that could re enter the earth atmosphere without burning up. The dream was there and making the announcement triggered the impossible. And now not only man can go to space and return, he return with the same ship he went in, not a capsule the same vehicle.
So it is with your dreams, announce them to yourself first then to the world around you and let no one create doubt in your mind.
So what is it you want to do, what is your passion in life, what are you here for? Answer those questions first then follow your inner guidance system to take you where you can even imagine you can go and achieve.
The Universe is here, today, right now laying down the blueprint of your success, you just need to take a look at it and understand its meaning, and since it is your blueprint you and only you can read it and decipher it.
Get up earlier in the morning and take time for you to meditate and search your soul for that one thing you are made for. The reason for you to be here, what is it? Do you know? Taking time for yourself is the best investment you can make. Care to choose the right thoughts “As the physically weak man can make himself strong by careful and patient training, so the man of weak thoughts can make them strong by exercising himself in right thinking.” ²
Train your mind unless it trains you.
Discover what you love and a whole new world is going to open up before you taking you places you can’t even dream of right now.
I used to lay in bed in the morning not wanting to face another day of this life, I forced myself out of bed to get ready for work not enjoying any of it, until one day, after discovering what I wanted to do, I start getting up one hour earlier and make time for me, for meditation and writing every day. And one day I woke up smiling getting out of bed with energy looking forward to my day and from that day on I wake up “happy” no reason at all. I am happy to get up make coffee for my wife and bring it to bed to her. Then I go on making breakfast and reading, than meditation and writing my journal, expressing my thoughts of gratitude and the day goes on, happy for no reason just because, going toward my goal of being even happier if it’s at all possible.
Great things are happening since I decided to change my thoughts and take control and responsibilities for my life, great things are yet to happen.
What about you? What is it that you want? Do you know what you want? Maybe I can help. Just ask.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link. http://tocleaders.com/bernardt/
Or e mail me tritz.bernard@gmail.com
²James Allen “As a Man Thinketh”
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