For the ones willing to do the work, yes indeed more work, and this work is like no other work you ever done, it take courage, will power and most of all a desire to change for the better, with amazing results.
What you see in others, that you despise, is a reflection of the person you don’t want to be , but you are in some way. Rejecting that side of you will only make it stronger.
Reacting to a negative comment, come from the same source, it’s like saying “I have been found” and wanting to hide it because you are ashamed of that side of yourself. If someone said, “you’re an idiot!” and you become defensive and even aggressive, defending your position, guess what the truth is?!?
The shadow can show up differently and the experience is always unwanted even rejected. Accepting the feelings and looking for the positive within is finding the gold in the darkness.
We have a dark side; we all do even the best of us. There are traits that we dislike about ourselves and the need to go deep in and discover the beauty hidden behind the shadow. Discovering those aspects we rather ignore will bring peace within.
First we need to accept who we are at every moment rejecting none, just like the color white is the inclusion of all color, so are we can only be whole when accepting every side of who we are and loving every side of who we are. Taking a white beam of light through a prism will create a rainbow of colors showing exactly what white is made off. Taking ourselves through the exercise of discovering the shadow will do the exact same thing, the only difference is that at first it doesn’t look pretty like a rainbow of colors, the shadow is covering it, the rejection, the shame, pretending it doesn’t exist. Accepting who you are and loving it will eventually bring up all those treasure buried deep down.
It is a fact that we can’t see on the outside of us what we don’t have on the inside. Looking clearly outwardly and acknowledging what we see will make us discover the gold in the darkness. Carl Jung once said, ‘I’d rather be whole than good.’ How many of us have sold ourselves out in order to be good, to be liked, to be accepted.”
Time to look in and discover the good, the bad and the really ugly, circumventing fear and having the courage to look inside. Being aware that not only we want to run away from our dark side but also from our good side, anything that makes us different in our own perception, the need to be “though” instead of soft and loving.
Braden remind us: The greatest crime we commit against ourselves is not that we may deny or disown our shortcomings but that we deny and disown our greatness—because it frightens us. If a fully realized self-acceptance does not evade the worst within us, neither does it evade the best.”
Starting the project, by making a list of all that we dislike about us, make it a complete list only stop when you have exhausted all issues. Then make a list of the exact opposite of each word in the first list and know that you have both within you. The dark side, and the bright side. Looking at the dark side list find the reason for its presence, asking the question why is this here? Will bring answers to help you discover the gold hidden inside.
This is not a very fast process it will take time but the results are marvelous discovering who you really are is a lifelong process and a lifelong worth the effort, bringing peace, joy and continuous happiness.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
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Reference: The Dark Side of the Light Chaser by Debbie Ford
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