If you knew you cannot fail what would could you accomplish? Here again observe the thought that comes up, what does it say? Listen carefully and decide is this what I want then decide what it is that you want. Perhaps it is time to dream and dream big; write it down big what is your ultimate dream in life, if you knew you could not fail what would you do? Go ahead take a minute and write it down. Done? Awesome. Now how can you align your life with that intention?! Then ask yourself what can I do, no matter how small, to gain some control over that situation. And know that any action toward your goal no matter how small will conquer all fears, so go ahead a take action whatever comes to mind, in dedication to your goal. And whenever you feel fear wanting to take control, take a couple of deep breath, relax for minute and write down a few things that you can do right now to gain some control. And get to it.
When we take action, things change always for the better, we see things differently and there is no going back. Whatever it is you want to become you can create it in your physical life. What are you choosing to become? Outstanding!
As Darwin saw it, it’s not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but those who are most responsive to change.”¹ Are you ready to accept change, are you ready to embrace change in your life to get to where you really want to be?
When you feel yourself slipping into time-wasting stuff. In those moments, pause. Step back. Check in with what you’re committed to in your life. Ask yourself, “Am I closer to where I want to be right now than I was a half-hour ago.”²
Remember that indecision, fertilize fears action in the other hands cure fears, so go ahead take action any action and see what happen. Face the fear and do it anyway, some of the greatest feats are performed by people that are able to face fear and stare it down. “The day I don’t feel nervous anymore is the day I quit” Quoted by Tiger Woods. Yes my friend fear is only an excuse for not going forward. Every time I stand in front of a rock face to conquer I feel it my old friend fear, giving me all kind of excuse s for not doing the climb and every time I thank her for being here and keeping me sharp and I go on climbing, the exhilaration I get from it cannot be described in words only action.
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Or call me for one on one free consultation.
250 658 6703
¹Robert k Cooper. The other 90%
²Brian Johnson, The philosopher’s notes.
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