Monday, May 31, 2010

Building from inside out

Where’s your motivation coming from? Are you doing everything you can to accumulate money, praise and toys? Well, that’s be external motivation. If that’s your PRIMARY motivation than you’re losing out on some opportunities for higher levels of creativity and performance.
“You must be the kind of man who can get things done. But to get things done, you must love the doing, not the secondary consequences.”¹
So what is that you love doing? Do that and let the external flow to you as a by-product of what you have passion for.
Money may not buy happiness but happiness may help you get rich.²
Total internal locus of control instead of external reverberation of looking for happiness in external motivations, is the most shift that can happen in one’s life, to bring to realization the most inner desire.
To extract from the higher self, to dig deep within searching for the “passion” in your life will bring the true reward, external “toys”, and by toys understand it is the description of anything you are looking for externally thinking that’s what is going to make you happy. External toys’ happiness last only for a short time, then you will need to find another one and another one until you realize the futility of “toy” collection.
Ask yourself the question “what is my purpose in life?” Take the time to pose and write down your thoughts, anything that comes up. Anything that you want to accomplish is first born as an idea, a picture, no matter what it is first it’s an inner desire. Than by itself bring more joy than the finish product. Creativity, is the mode of revelation of who you truly are let it not be wasted, remember that a desire not fulfilled will turn against you and burn from the inside out, different forms occur some of them like the over use of alcohol, drugs, compulsions, even medication and one of the latest product energy drinks, are guaranty to cause more damage than the plague of over 100 years ago. Looking for external stimulus is hiding from the inner thoughts that are waiting to be born. What is your purpose in life, what are you here for? And that’s where it’s start.
“Purpose also becomes a more powerful source of energy when it moves from being externally to internally motivated. Extrinsic motivation reflects the desire to get more of something that we don’t feel we have enough of: money, approval, social standing, power or even love. ‘Intrinsic’ motivation grows out of the desire to engage in an activity because we value it for the inherent satisfaction it provides. Researchers have long found that intrinsic motivation tends to prompt more sustaining energy. A study conducted by the University of Rochester’s Human Motivation Research Group found, for example, that people whose motivation was authentic—defined as ‘self-authored’—exhibited more interest, excitement and confidence, as well as greater persistence, creativity and performance than a control group of subjects who were motivated largely by external demands and rewards.”³
How about you, where is your motivation coming from? There is nothing wrong with the toys, the money but if that is your primary motivation, it is extrinsic, externally motivated. And you are losing out on opportunities for creation at a higher level.
The secret is to follow you heart, building your life from the inside out, doing what really matter to you and doing those things that create good feelings, with or without the possible rewards.¹
The big question, what is it that you like doing?
Take the time and review your inner guidance system, search for that inner driving force and let it out, you won’t regret it.
Join us every Friday morning 9 am PDST (Pacific Time) for our tele conference, no charge.
E mail me for call and code number.
And visit my site for more info
Or call me for one on one free consultation.
250 658 6703

¹ Ayn Rand
² Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz
³ Jim Loehr and Tony Schwartz The Power of Full Engagement.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Lesson froma rat

I never thought I could learn a great life lesson by noticing how rats can outsmart me from getting caught n a trap.
In the manufacturing of soap we use shea butter, rats are attracted to shea butter, it’s candy to them. So I set up a “sticky trap” to catch the culprits. The next morning I go and check the trap and I can see that a rat was there but didn’t get caught, the trap was on the floor and foot print on the glue. The amazing thing is that rats stop coming all together, very smart refusing to partake in a libation of pure delight, for a rat, and choosing to live instead. Great lesson from a rat isn’t it?
How smart are we in avoiding tall the little traps that are constantly presented to us for the purpose of literally shortening our life? That one more drink that can get us in so much trouble. Or that extra bite of such delicious food that we are craving and can also cause trouble for our health. All those nasty little habits that we have and that we know are destructive to the way we want to live. By refraining from those habits and changing the way we act and do things, just like the rats, we decide what is best for us, the quick little reward that only last a few minutes or living to the fullest of our hidden abilities? It is a choice and it is up to us to decide what we want. Take a few minutes and write down 5 of those nasty little habits, what are you nibbling on right before the snap of the trap? The first step to change is awareness of the behaviors that can cause pain and suffering, so write the short list and then set up to change the habits.
By identifying those things that lead to suffering and changing the habits one then become aware of those things that lead to happiness and proceed by practicing those instead and refraining for the former. Adding to the list there is those habits of a non physical nature like judging and criticizing or worse holding grudges. Did you know that holding a grudge is like drinking poison and hopping the other person will suffer from it or even dies? The things we choose for relief are actually working in opposite of what we are trying to accomplish.

The next step is to celebrate all the good occurrences in your life, first you will need to look for them to identify all those great things that take place in your life and soon your subconscious mind will filter and show you only the good things, so start now and make a list of 50 things you can be grateful for and rejoice with and for what you have already. Small things like hot shower and electricity, a roof over your head, food in your plate, acknowledge the good stuff and more of it will come to you. By focusing on what you want instead of what you don’t want you will end up creating the life you are dreaming of. Celebrate today and be happy for no reason, Just because.
Are you ready for the next step? Have you decided what it is that you want? Are you ready to do what needs to be done to fulfilled your inner most dreams? Make a decision right now, today.
Join us every Friday morning 9 am PDST (Pacific Time) for our tele conference,on the one command, no charge.
E mail me for call and code number.
And visit my site for more info
Or call me for one on one free consultation.
250 658 6703

Monday, May 24, 2010

You Cannot Fail

Has that grab you for a title?!? You cannot fail, what is the first thought that come to mind? Look at it, observe that one thought and decide is this that I want? When I say, no matter how big your dream is, you cannot fail do you believe that you cannot fail? Observe the thought and recognize it don’t judge it just observe, the first thought that come up will tell you why you are where you are today.
If you knew you cannot fail what would could you accomplish? Here again observe the thought that comes up, what does it say? Listen carefully and decide is this what I want then decide what it is that you want. Perhaps it is time to dream and dream big; write it down big what is your ultimate dream in life, if you knew you could not fail what would you do? Go ahead take a minute and write it down. Done? Awesome. Now how can you align your life with that intention?! Then ask yourself what can I do, no matter how small, to gain some control over that situation. And know that any action toward your goal no matter how small will conquer all fears, so go ahead a take action whatever comes to mind, in dedication to your goal. And whenever you feel fear wanting to take control, take a couple of deep breath, relax for minute and write down a few things that you can do right now to gain some control. And get to it.
When we take action, things change always for the better, we see things differently and there is no going back. Whatever it is you want to become you can create it in your physical life. What are you choosing to become? Outstanding!
As Darwin saw it, it’s not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but those who are most responsive to change.”¹ Are you ready to accept change, are you ready to embrace change in your life to get to where you really want to be?
When you feel yourself slipping into time-wasting stuff. In those moments, pause. Step back. Check in with what you’re committed to in your life. Ask yourself, “Am I closer to where I want to be right now than I was a half-hour ago.”²
Remember that indecision, fertilize fears action in the other hands cure fears, so go ahead take action any action and see what happen. Face the fear and do it anyway, some of the greatest feats are performed by people that are able to face fear and stare it down. “The day I don’t feel nervous anymore is the day I quit” Quoted by Tiger Woods. Yes my friend fear is only an excuse for not going forward. Every time I stand in front of a rock face to conquer I feel it my old friend fear, giving me all kind of excuse s for not doing the climb and every time I thank her for being here and keeping me sharp and I go on climbing, the exhilaration I get from it cannot be described in words only action.
Join us every Friday morning 9 am PDST (Pacific Time) for our tele conference, no charge.
E mail me for call and code number.
And visit my site for more info
Or call me for one on one free consultation.
250 658 6703
¹Robert k Cooper. The other 90%
²Brian Johnson, The philosopher’s notes.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

THe One Command

I have been asked to explain the One Command and what it does. I came across, or I should say, that the OC crossed my path at a time when I was searching for my life’s purpose. I asked question like “what am I here for?” and “what is my purpose?” many questions concerning my life, why do I end up, in all transaction, with the dirty end of the stick? Why can I succeed? And many more. Searching for answers directed me to look inward instead of outward and I came face to face with a “me” I didn’t know existed. I realized that when throwing questions, just like that to the Universe, answers will come, not always the way I expected it but answers did come. Most of them I didn’t like to hear and I decide, one day, to pay attention to the answers. Looking even further more questions surfaced. How can I change “me?” And that’s when the book The One Command, by Asara Lovejoy, appeared, my first reaction was” yes another book” I have read over 100 self help books and never really found the solution to my situation. Something inside encouraged me to read the book, so I did. Practiced the exercise suggested and discovered a whole new world of possibilities that I didn’t know existed. The next thing I know, after practicing a command regarding my work situation where I wanted to retire and keep my income or better, I fell of a latter and busted my knee. I wasn’t too happy about this, but it was and answer to my command. Couple of days later I am on a plane to Seattle for a one day seminar on the One Command. I met a wonderful teacher there and absorbed as much as I could. Came back home ended up in the hospital because of my knee condition that got quite worse during the trip.
There is a saying “when the student is ready, the teacher appears.” I witnessed that to be true, over and over again. After my trip to Seattle I signed up for a two weeks course to be a certified OC practitioner, and for two weeks I was put to the test and through the grind. Like all new things the start up is the hardest and boy was it difficult for me but then I am fairly strong willed and plagued with limitation of all sorts. During the training I have learned where those limitations are coming from and what causes fear and doubt in my mind. I also learned how to change all that.
Soon after the first seminar I started a group here in Victoria and start holding meetings, very quickly the group grew to 70+ members. After the two weeks training sessions, commanding became a daily practice and many great things are happening in our lives, both my wife and I, and in the lives of people around us. Many desperate situations changed for the better and are improving even beyond our own dreams.
The One Command allow for the discovery of the inner strength, and the development of a relationship with the whole Universe in a way that surpass understanding. Sometimes I think I am living in a dream and soon I am going to wake up from it. Not at all this is as real as can be. Discovering my full potential that I didn’t know I had. Making peace with the past, and all the mistakes of the past. Realizing that I am not as bad as I thought I was, becoming aware of the potential that exist right there inside of me.
Discovering the gift that exist within each of us and that has been subdued for many years, it’s near magical. Learning to stop the self destruction that is going on continuously, becoming aware of what is locked inside of us and witnessing our own development into a richer better more satisfying life. Learning to access the wisdom within, bringing up the great potential that is our birth right, learning to grow the way nature intended to , going beyond logical thinking and accessing the 85 or more percent of the unused part of our brain where the genius within reside, that is what the One Command allow us to do.
After 3 years of discovery, this is only the beginning for me, many great things are unfolding in my life, I have great dreams and visions for the future, I choose what I want and make my own decision for myself.
How about you? Are you ready for changes? What would you like instead of what you have? Is it relationship, money, love, personal growth or perhaps weight control or even work related situation or anything else that you can think of with the One Command everything is possible and the Universe is waiting for you to ask, so just ask and see what happen.
Join us every Friday morning 9 am PDST (Pacific Time) for our tele conference, no charge.
E mail me for call and code number.
And visit my site for more info
Or call me for one on one free consultation.
250 658 6703

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Invest in Yourself

“What you CAN be, you MUST be.” AND: “If you deliberately plan on being less than you are capable of being, then I warn you that you’ll be unhappy for the rest of your life.”¹
When I discovered that I could have and I could be what my dreams were telling me I could achieve, it was a celebration of joy an explosion of the greatest firework I could ever imagine. At first it was like receiving that wonderful gift I always wanted but could never get and one day there it was waiting for me I just had to reach for it and pick it up for total enjoyment.
And so it is with your dreams, they are not just dreams they are the expression of your higher self, that part of you that continuously wants to grow higher and higher reaching unbelievable places. When JFK announced that a man will walk on the moon, NASA didn’t even had the right fuel mixture and the material to build a ship that could re enter the earth atmosphere without burning up. The dream was there and making the announcement triggered the impossible. And now not only man can go to space and return, he return with the same ship he went in, not a capsule the same vehicle.
So it is with your dreams, announce them to yourself first then to the world around you and let no one create doubt in your mind.
So what is it you want to do, what is your passion in life, what are you here for? Answer those questions first then follow your inner guidance system to take you where you can even imagine you can go and achieve.
The Universe is here, today, right now laying down the blueprint of your success, you just need to take a look at it and understand its meaning, and since it is your blueprint you and only you can read it and decipher it.
Get up earlier in the morning and take time for you to meditate and search your soul for that one thing you are made for. The reason for you to be here, what is it? Do you know? Taking time for yourself is the best investment you can make. Care to choose the right thoughts “As the physically weak man can make himself strong by careful and patient training, so the man of weak thoughts can make them strong by exercising himself in right thinking.” ²
Train your mind unless it trains you.
Discover what you love and a whole new world is going to open up before you taking you places you can’t even dream of right now.
I used to lay in bed in the morning not wanting to face another day of this life, I forced myself out of bed to get ready for work not enjoying any of it, until one day, after discovering what I wanted to do, I start getting up one hour earlier and make time for me, for meditation and writing every day. And one day I woke up smiling getting out of bed with energy looking forward to my day and from that day on I wake up “happy” no reason at all. I am happy to get up make coffee for my wife and bring it to bed to her. Then I go on making breakfast and reading, than meditation and writing my journal, expressing my thoughts of gratitude and the day goes on, happy for no reason just because, going toward my goal of being even happier if it’s at all possible.
Great things are happening since I decided to change my thoughts and take control and responsibilities for my life, great things are yet to happen.
What about you? What is it that you want? Do you know what you want? Maybe I can help. Just ask.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
²James Allen “As a Man Thinketh”

Monday, May 17, 2010

Who's to Blame

“Who stops us from being free? We blame the government, we blame the weather, we blame our parents, we blame religion, we blame God. Who really stops us from being free? We stop ourselves.”¹ The question that come up is “how is it that I stop me from being free?” One reason is we accepted “domestication” first we let adult tell us how, what, when and where to do anything and everything. As a child we are free thinker and decide what is good for us, we are then redirected toward what others think is good for us and from that time it is a constant battle until eventually we conform and go with someone else’s flow not ours.
It seems that only those that keep their independence are able to create exactly what they want, the rest they are going according to someone’s view of what their freedom is. This is a mind blowing thought. Allowing others to design our life. Of course there is a difference between acquiring an education and being forced into one. When we decide to submit to someone’s view for learning purpose we still maintain our own freedom and submit for a time and then resume our own understanding and we progress from that point, as we adopt what is good for us and our purpose.
The purpose of the warrior (the ideal person in the Toltec tradition) is to transcend social conditioning as we discover our personal power and learn to live with clear intent and impeccability.²
The decision is yours to be a follower or a warrior both come with a price, and as a warrior you decide to follow a path designed by you, and that’s a huge difference than having your path decided by someone else’s vision of you.
“Death is not the biggest fear we have; our biggest fear is taking the risk to be alive—the risk to be alive and express what we really are.”¹
1. Be impeccable with your word, to yourself and to others. Meaning that anything that you do which go against your inner beliefs is destructive to your integrity. Honor your commitment think before talking and follow through your promises no matter what.
2. Don’t take anything personally. the opinion of other people who don’t even have a good opinion of themselves! He tells us: “The approval of such men, who do not even stand well in their own eyes, has no value for him.”³ Know that noting that other people do as anything to do with you but with them, and only them.
3. Do not assume anything. Whatever it is you assume you think is true, you will swear it’s real. When making assumptions we don’t understand the reality then we take things personally ending up creating a big drama for nothing. Instead ask question, create a clear communication, and keep asking questions until you are as clear as can be.
4. Do your best and always do your best. I have adopted, words of my own creation, whatever I am involved in I repeat the phrase “I love what I do and I do it well” even those things that I deemed second class actions receive that same effort and concentration. I have discovered, using those words, that everything I do is important and need to be treated as such. It feels good and much is accomplished, the results are extremely satisfying. Even when “doing our best” does not bring perfect results, and we know that we did our best then it’s all good.
“The first step toward personal freedom is awareness. We need to be aware that we are not free in order to be free. We need to be aware of what the problem is in order to solve the problem.”¹
If you don’t like what is going on in your life, just ask the question “what do I want instead?” Answering that question will bring new vision and possibilities.
Lets brake domestication one step at the time.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me

¹ Don Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreement
²Carlos Castaneda
³ Marcus Aurelius

Monday, May 10, 2010

Accepting Changes

The Change Guarantee: Every change we experience always brings something positive into our lives. It may not be obvious immediately, but it ALWAYS does.
“The change demons help us navigate through change by alerting us if we are off course and encouraging us to choose a different emotion to help us get to where we want to go. A GPS asks only two questions: Where are you now? Where do you want to go? Or, in emotional terms: What are you feeling now? What do you want to feel instead? A navigational GPS system needs you to be very specific about where you want to go, and so does the change GPS. Know where you want to end up, and make that destination clear.”¹
Change allows new growth, nature is all about changes nothing is ever the same, and even the deserts are shape by the winds and movement of nature. As part of the natural world we are exposed to changes, continuously and most time we are resisting changes.
Accepting and allowing the changes to take place will give a greater understanding of life in general and will also expand our horizon. Welcoming changes causes us to be in a positive frame of mind and see those opportunities that might otherwise go unnoticed. Accepting the changes bring peace of mind and comfort of the soul, and the challenges that appear with the changes are not so much dreaded. And action become attractive and flow freely, effortlessly and everything is done with passion and fun.
Acceptance of change in our life create a feeling of greatness, we are empowered by being positive toward the change taking place, accepting the learning process over again to be a normal process and going through the change willfully and in complete awareness is power. Having a dream that is not being realized become a burden and eventually will consume you. Accept changes, allow for the whole range of feelings and emotions controlling your thoughts and action will guaranty good feelings and great results.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Finding the Gold in the Darkness

Have you ever wonder how come you are reacting one person positively and find her attractive, and for certain people you respond negatively too them not knowing why? Answering yes to that question could be the start of a great relationship, not with others, with you via others.
For the ones willing to do the work, yes indeed more work, and this work is like no other work you ever done, it take courage, will power and most of all a desire to change for the better, with amazing results.
What you see in others, that you despise, is a reflection of the person you don’t want to be , but you are in some way. Rejecting that side of you will only make it stronger.
Reacting to a negative comment, come from the same source, it’s like saying “I have been found” and wanting to hide it because you are ashamed of that side of yourself. If someone said, “you’re an idiot!” and you become defensive and even aggressive, defending your position, guess what the truth is?!? 
The shadow can show up differently and the experience is always unwanted even rejected. Accepting the feelings and looking for the positive within is finding the gold in the darkness.
We have a dark side; we all do even the best of us. There are traits that we dislike about ourselves and the need to go deep in and discover the beauty hidden behind the shadow. Discovering those aspects we rather ignore will bring peace within.
First we need to accept who we are at every moment rejecting none, just like the color white is the inclusion of all color, so are we can only be whole when accepting every side of who we are and loving every side of who we are. Taking a white beam of light through a prism will create a rainbow of colors showing exactly what white is made off. Taking ourselves through the exercise of discovering the shadow will do the exact same thing, the only difference is that at first it doesn’t look pretty like a rainbow of colors, the shadow is covering it, the rejection, the shame, pretending it doesn’t exist. Accepting who you are and loving it will eventually bring up all those treasure buried deep down.
It is a fact that we can’t see on the outside of us what we don’t have on the inside. Looking clearly outwardly and acknowledging what we see will make us discover the gold in the darkness. Carl Jung once said, ‘I’d rather be whole than good.’ How many of us have sold ourselves out in order to be good, to be liked, to be accepted.”
Time to look in and discover the good, the bad and the really ugly, circumventing fear and having the courage to look inside. Being aware that not only we want to run away from our dark side but also from our good side, anything that makes us different in our own perception, the need to be “though” instead of soft and loving.
Braden remind us: The greatest crime we commit against ourselves is not that we may deny or disown our shortcomings but that we deny and disown our greatness—because it frightens us. If a fully realized self-acceptance does not evade the worst within us, neither does it evade the best.”
Starting the project, by making a list of all that we dislike about us, make it a complete list only stop when you have exhausted all issues. Then make a list of the exact opposite of each word in the first list and know that you have both within you. The dark side, and the bright side. Looking at the dark side list find the reason for its presence, asking the question why is this here? Will bring answers to help you discover the gold hidden inside.
This is not a very fast process it will take time but the results are marvelous discovering who you really are is a lifelong process and a lifelong worth the effort, bringing peace, joy and continuous happiness.
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              250 658 6703      end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Reference: The Dark Side of the Light Chaser by Debbie Ford

Monday, May 3, 2010

Why not get willing?

Yes indeed why not get willing, we have a tendency, us human to limit our possibilities in all front. Remember, probably not, but when the first train came in service we limited the speed to 30 miles per hour because, the scientist at the time said” the human body would probably disintegrate at higher speed”. And it was not until some daring soul decided to take it further, that we realized that we can actually go much faster, how about 15,000 miles per hour around the earth? Whoa.
So thinking about feeling good what is our limit? Or what is the level of feeling good are we capped at? Why do we decide to stop at a certain point, why not feeling good as much as possible go all the way brake the frontier of happiness. Just yesterday I was in the steam room at the pool in comes a young men possibly 25 or less than a mother with a 12 years old daughter and a younger boy. The daughter was acting p and pushing her mom’s button, I was admiring the control that 12 years old girl had over her mother and she knew exactly when and where to stop, then she explored a little further watching her mom’s reaction, the mom was getting aggravated then the daughter would go and cuddle with her give her a kiss, the mother smile and off she goes again.
After they left the steam room the young man made comments like “I wish I could be like that, carefree and alive” and other observation of the sort. After a while I turn to him and ask” what is stopping you” and he could not answer , he mumble things like making a living, being serious, having responsibilities and I asked again what is stopping you. This time I wasn’t talking to him I was asking myself, what is stopping me from being carefree, trusting, and daring. Answers came to me, fear of what people are going to say or think, lost child like attitude, and another question pop up, how can I be trusting, to be able to play ad live just like a young child, or are these days gone forever?
It has to do with to feel good at all time not to be a silly adult just to be able to feel good at all time, choosing the thoughts that create good feelings. I think that is what limitless of happiness is.
I remember when I decided to break the rule that say “you can’t go swimming after lunch, your stomach will cramp and you will drown”. I had to check this out and went in the water after lunch and nothing happened, I went many times and nothing happened. And still , when in summer camps we were not allowed to go swimming right after lunch I tried to argue and say I can prove it, I have done it many time. No go could not convince the adults and I was labeled has a rebel, so be it. I was a happy rebel.
And those are the experiences we have to free ourselves from to enjoy life to the fullest; everyone has an opinion on how I should live my life.
I could go on and on, on this subject and I are going to finish with 4 questions.
Am I willing to increase the amount of time every day that I feel good inside?”
Then “Am I willing to increase the amount of time that my whole life goes well?”
Then: “Am I willing to feel good and have my life go well all the time?”
And, finally: “Am I willing to take the Big Leap to my ultimate level of success?”
I am using and teaching a technique called The One Command. I encourage you to investigate. It is bringing me closer and closer to my life goals and already I have witnessed great success because of it. Visit my link.
Or e mail me
By phone 250 658 6703
Gay Hendricks, The Big Leap