Have you ever tried to change the way you feel? Does it work? How about changing habits, does that change the feeling? We experience feelings all the time good feelings we like and want to keep feeling that way, not so good feelings we don’t like and want to change them. What needs to be done? Behavior, we can control in a way that our feelings are not, so the more we control our actions the more the feelings can change. Indirectly we can bring change to our feelings, within reason that is. Constructive Living is based on the fundamental notion that, although we can’t control our feelings, we CAN control our behaviors.
Looking back at my own life I can see where my action or lack thereof, consistently impacted on the way I feel, knowing what to do and doing it is a world apart. The doing it is what cause the changes. What is the one thing that need to be done , that you are purring off? Do it and see how the feeling will change accordingly.
So #1 Feelings are not controllable by the will.
Whatever we accept it or not that’s the way it is. They come and they go just like the weather changes all the time and we accept it. Right? So accepting how we feel in the moment first step to actualization.
#2. Feelings must be acknowledged and accepted as they are mostly feelings are here to let us know we are alive. Deciding on how to act upon them is what makes the difference. If we can’t control it just accept it.
#3. Every feeling no matter how unpleasant has its use. By stepping out of that emotion at the moment and taking control let see if we can learn something about what is happening. And help us to understand ourselves better. Feelings are very similar to an alarm letting us know that something is amiss and for us to take action to bring the inner peace back again. Any action will do doing the dishes, laundry, cleaning the garage doing something toward the feeling will do the trick. I found for myself most time I know what to do and again at time I try to avoid it by doing something else and the feeling don’t go away. Only when I take action any action toward the feeling that it does changes for the better.
#4. Feelings fade in time unless restimulated. Think about it: if we’d just quit recalling our negative feelings and re-telling our painful stories to everyone we meet, those feelings would fade. So, quit restimulating them every moment of your life and let them fade already!! :) Spotlight’s on you: Can you think of an area of your life where the feeling would fade if you’d just stop restimulating it?!?
#5. Feeling can be influenced by behavior. We cannot control them by our will but we can by our behavior. How we decide to act will dictate how we feel. Powerful stuff. Negative emotions cause bad feelings observing the feeling at the time to understand the reason for the feeling to be present, by stepping out of “ourselves” and becoming an observer will bring about the answer we need to know in the moment so we can make a decision in the action to take. Taking the action will change the feeling and reset the emotion.
We control our behavior. Working within life’s limit produce a fine self image. The more control we have over our action. The greater the chance of producing a self to be proud of.
For more on how to take control of your life visit the site
You can also contact me personally
250 6586703
Or email tritz.bernard@gmail.com
Take care
PS Another great site if you are looking for something to do to change your life.
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
99% is a bitch and 100% is a breeze
What is it, it’s all about commitment to be committed is to accept all facets of a project, from start to finish. First step to live consciously, that start a journey of wonder through the real world. Entering a sacred path of total practicality. Committing to the journey make us totally aware. Expressing gratitude for the gift of life.
Interview with Bill Moyers and Joseph Campbell,
Moyers: “In this sense, unlike heroes such as Prometheus or Jesus, we’re not going on our journey to save the world but to save ourselves.”
Campbell: “But in doing that, you save the world.
Moyers: “Do you ever have this sense when you are following your bliss, as I have at moments, of being helped by hidden hands?”
Campbell: “All the time. It is miraculous. I even have a superstition that has grown on me as a result of invisible hands coming all the time—namely, that if you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. When you see that, you begin to meet people who are in the field of your bliss, and they open the doors to you. I say, follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.”
When we give 100% commitment to anything, we will see miracles happen just like helping hands coming to participate in the effort and it becomes “effortless effort”. Announcing to the world at large our commitment enhance the likelihood of success. If we want to unexpected magic we need to throw away our baggage, commit and let the invisible hands guide us on our quest! :)
A key aspect of living consciously is to BE PRESENT. We can’t do that if we’re constantly churning through the negative stories of our past. We’ve gotta let it go and become present to the joy of this moment and the thrill of our glorious future.
We all have watch a terrible movie we didn’t like, we might even sat there and painfully watch it to the bitter end. I doubt greatly that we would watch that movie ever again, correct? Now why are we playing the same movie over and over again in our mind of something that cause stress and unhappiness? Why? It is time to let go of those “bad” movies.
Let’s reflect on that wisdom again and see if we can’t shake the habit!
First, how about some old school Vernon Howard wisdom from his classic The Power of Your Supermind He says: “A chief cause of unhappiness is what I call mental movies. Mental movies are a misuse of the imagination. You know how it goes. You have a painful experience with someone, then run it over and over in your mind. You visualize what you said, what he did, how you both felt. As awful as it is, you feel compelled to repeat the film day and night. It is as if you were locked inside a theatre playing a horrible movie.”
That’s just like driving your vehicle staring at the rearview mirror, risky isn’t it? Another powerful element, to commit to self esteem, accepting the whole of ourselves not just part is the best principle to achieve self esteem, the first steps of healing and growth are awareness and acceptance. Not enough can be said about the subject of accepting and loving oneself as we are. Carl Yung says fine the gold in the darkness. Living in harmony with the way things are grounding ourselves in reality and choosing those things we want to change about ourselves, but first embracing things as they are.
The Stoic from 2000 years past knew the principle of growth listen to what they have to say from way back.
Epictetus: “We cannot choose our external circumstances, but we can always choose how we respond to them.”
Aurelius: “Your mind will be like its habitual thoughts; for the soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts. Soak it then in such trains of thoughts as, for example: Where life is possible at all, a right life is possible.”
And Seneca: “As it is with a play, so it is with life—what matters is not how long the acting lasts, but how good it is.”
Stoics rock.
Setting goals with a total open mind to all possibilities and not in an either/or duality conflict, instead accepting both/and. Its weird how we thing in either/or when actually we need to thing inclusively of everything. Expressing our spirituality through our work and our meditation/prayer time. Not a matter of being successful in business or being spiritual expressing both, live both one through the other. Surely a different concept of what we are use too.
Ninety nine percent commitment is not possible only one hundred percent or not committed at all.
For further notes and progress on the subject Check this out, http://tocleaders.com/bernardt/
You can also contact me personally
250 6586703
Or email tritz.bernard@gmail.com
Take care
PS Another great site if you are looking for something to really commit.
Interview with Bill Moyers and Joseph Campbell,
Moyers: “In this sense, unlike heroes such as Prometheus or Jesus, we’re not going on our journey to save the world but to save ourselves.”
Campbell: “But in doing that, you save the world.
Moyers: “Do you ever have this sense when you are following your bliss, as I have at moments, of being helped by hidden hands?”
Campbell: “All the time. It is miraculous. I even have a superstition that has grown on me as a result of invisible hands coming all the time—namely, that if you do follow your bliss you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while, waiting for you, and the life that you ought to be living is the one you are living. When you see that, you begin to meet people who are in the field of your bliss, and they open the doors to you. I say, follow your bliss and don’t be afraid, and doors will open where you didn’t know they were going to be.”
When we give 100% commitment to anything, we will see miracles happen just like helping hands coming to participate in the effort and it becomes “effortless effort”. Announcing to the world at large our commitment enhance the likelihood of success. If we want to unexpected magic we need to throw away our baggage, commit and let the invisible hands guide us on our quest! :)
A key aspect of living consciously is to BE PRESENT. We can’t do that if we’re constantly churning through the negative stories of our past. We’ve gotta let it go and become present to the joy of this moment and the thrill of our glorious future.
We all have watch a terrible movie we didn’t like, we might even sat there and painfully watch it to the bitter end. I doubt greatly that we would watch that movie ever again, correct? Now why are we playing the same movie over and over again in our mind of something that cause stress and unhappiness? Why? It is time to let go of those “bad” movies.
Let’s reflect on that wisdom again and see if we can’t shake the habit!
First, how about some old school Vernon Howard wisdom from his classic The Power of Your Supermind He says: “A chief cause of unhappiness is what I call mental movies. Mental movies are a misuse of the imagination. You know how it goes. You have a painful experience with someone, then run it over and over in your mind. You visualize what you said, what he did, how you both felt. As awful as it is, you feel compelled to repeat the film day and night. It is as if you were locked inside a theatre playing a horrible movie.”
That’s just like driving your vehicle staring at the rearview mirror, risky isn’t it? Another powerful element, to commit to self esteem, accepting the whole of ourselves not just part is the best principle to achieve self esteem, the first steps of healing and growth are awareness and acceptance. Not enough can be said about the subject of accepting and loving oneself as we are. Carl Yung says fine the gold in the darkness. Living in harmony with the way things are grounding ourselves in reality and choosing those things we want to change about ourselves, but first embracing things as they are.
The Stoic from 2000 years past knew the principle of growth listen to what they have to say from way back.
Epictetus: “We cannot choose our external circumstances, but we can always choose how we respond to them.”
Aurelius: “Your mind will be like its habitual thoughts; for the soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts. Soak it then in such trains of thoughts as, for example: Where life is possible at all, a right life is possible.”
And Seneca: “As it is with a play, so it is with life—what matters is not how long the acting lasts, but how good it is.”
Stoics rock.
Setting goals with a total open mind to all possibilities and not in an either/or duality conflict, instead accepting both/and. Its weird how we thing in either/or when actually we need to thing inclusively of everything. Expressing our spirituality through our work and our meditation/prayer time. Not a matter of being successful in business or being spiritual expressing both, live both one through the other. Surely a different concept of what we are use too.
Ninety nine percent commitment is not possible only one hundred percent or not committed at all.
For further notes and progress on the subject Check this out, http://tocleaders.com/bernardt/
You can also contact me personally
250 6586703
Or email tritz.bernard@gmail.com
Take care
PS Another great site if you are looking for something to really commit.
99% is a bitch and 100% is a breeze
Sunday, March 28, 2010
How to locate and secure the top prospect.
In his brilliant book, "A Brief History of Time," Professor Stephen Hawking opens with the story of a well-known scientist who gave a public lecture on astronomy. The scientist described how the moon orbits the earth, the earth orbits the sun, and how our solar system orbits around the center of the galaxy. When he finished, a little old lady got up and said, "What you have told us is rubbish. The world is really a flat plate supported on the back of a giant tortoise."
The scientist gave a knowing smile and replied, "What is the tortoise standing on?"
"You're very clever, young man, very clever," she replied. "But it's turtles all the way down!"
Hey! Yes! You guessed it! There is no convincing the little old lady, no then there is convincing you’re dumb brother-in-law, that network marketing is not always an illegal pyramid scam. As we have learn with Mentoring For Free it’s no use trying to convince, persuade or sell to negative people. Sorting our prospect and looking for the ones with an open mind.
Sponsoring is a process, and each prospect involves a different process. Some take longer some get it faster. Not selling or closing anyone, rather, provide the proper information to each prospect at his/her own level. See the color video.
In Network Marketing we are looking for people motivated enough to take action themselves. We first create a relationship with the prospect, offering all available information and support thus creating a trusting environment. Then we simply expose them to our opportunity giving them the time to ponder and evaluate the offer. And let them make the best decision for themselves. Stay clear no close minded people. They are too much work, and they're no fun to be around.
It’s a sorting process, a progressive journey involving stages where the prospect indicate his/her level of interest and commitment. As leader and mentor we must respect the prospect process of elimination and learning.
More than 80% of the people out there are trading time for money on a job they don’t even like. 99% of them go from paycheck to paycheck numbed by the system thinking they should be making more money… Do you understand something? You don't need these people. They desperately need and want what you have to offer. So stop thinking, "Who can I get to do this?" Start thinking, "Who would
I like to offer this opportunity to?" And what you are offering is FREEDOM.
So relax and put your best smile on and tell your story. Someone is waiting for you to reach out.
Mentoring For Free offers the best training system available for any networker.
Download and read the e book. Call me with your questions and concerns. Anytime
Bernard Tritz
250 658 6703
Skype tbernard3
The scientist gave a knowing smile and replied, "What is the tortoise standing on?"
"You're very clever, young man, very clever," she replied. "But it's turtles all the way down!"
Hey! Yes! You guessed it! There is no convincing the little old lady, no then there is convincing you’re dumb brother-in-law, that network marketing is not always an illegal pyramid scam. As we have learn with Mentoring For Free it’s no use trying to convince, persuade or sell to negative people. Sorting our prospect and looking for the ones with an open mind.
Sponsoring is a process, and each prospect involves a different process. Some take longer some get it faster. Not selling or closing anyone, rather, provide the proper information to each prospect at his/her own level. See the color video.
In Network Marketing we are looking for people motivated enough to take action themselves. We first create a relationship with the prospect, offering all available information and support thus creating a trusting environment. Then we simply expose them to our opportunity giving them the time to ponder and evaluate the offer. And let them make the best decision for themselves. Stay clear no close minded people. They are too much work, and they're no fun to be around.
It’s a sorting process, a progressive journey involving stages where the prospect indicate his/her level of interest and commitment. As leader and mentor we must respect the prospect process of elimination and learning.
More than 80% of the people out there are trading time for money on a job they don’t even like. 99% of them go from paycheck to paycheck numbed by the system thinking they should be making more money… Do you understand something? You don't need these people. They desperately need and want what you have to offer. So stop thinking, "Who can I get to do this?" Start thinking, "Who would
I like to offer this opportunity to?" And what you are offering is FREEDOM.
So relax and put your best smile on and tell your story. Someone is waiting for you to reach out.
Mentoring For Free offers the best training system available for any networker.
Download and read the e book. Call me with your questions and concerns. Anytime
Bernard Tritz
250 658 6703
Skype tbernard3
How to locate and secure the top prospect.
Friday, March 26, 2010
What is "failure"?!? And what to do with it
We’ve heard many stories of “failures”, from scientist in research, to inventors in developing new ideas, sports figures, business people, many, many experiences of “failures” in as many individuals that try anything. It seems that there is a correlation between impending success and “failure”. Just like in every journey we can count on encountering stumbling blocks and speed bump, so it is in anything we are going to meet lady “failure” at one time or another.
When this happen, we have a choice between two possibilities.
1. We can quit and then find excuses for why it didn’t work. Most time blaming external influences.
2. We can carry on and find excuses to give us courage to try again. Learning from what didn’t work and find different ways to make it work. Sometimes choosing that path can actually direct us toward something all together different than what we first plan to achieve. To get to the goal is what’s important how to get there seems to be of no choice to us.
Making friend and embracing “failure” is the best way to find what works and what doesn’t, giving us all we need to achieve our goals. We all experiences ups and downs, time of success and time of failure. Doing what we thing is best and carry on until something happen, courageously, sturdily, and continuously. There is no hot without a cold, opposite are part of life and necessary to a great and rewarding life. Coming to term with “failure” is a must to achieve success.
A few quotes from celebrities that understood the process.
Here’s what Michael Jordan, one of the greatest athletes *ever* has to say about failure: “I’ve missed more than nine thousand shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” (That’s from a Nike commercial. It’s strong. Check it on the site.)
Robert F. Kennedy tells us that: “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.”
And David Viscott tells us that: “In the end, the only people who fail are those who don’t try.”
What’s YOUR relationship to “failure”?!?
Have you made peace with it and gone so far as to see it as a necessary part of doing anything, let alone achieving greatness?
Well I don’t know about you, I am going to see if I can fail again in a project dear to me. Sorry, I am not setting myself for failure instead I am planning for success, allowing for learning experiences along the way to teach me the right way of doing things, How about you want to join in?
Check this out, http://tocleaders.com/bernardt/ here you will find the help necessary to shape your success and learn how to deal with “failure”
You can also contact me personally
250 6586703
Or email tritz.bernard@gmail.com
Take care
PS Another great site if you are looking for something extra to do.
When this happen, we have a choice between two possibilities.
1. We can quit and then find excuses for why it didn’t work. Most time blaming external influences.
2. We can carry on and find excuses to give us courage to try again. Learning from what didn’t work and find different ways to make it work. Sometimes choosing that path can actually direct us toward something all together different than what we first plan to achieve. To get to the goal is what’s important how to get there seems to be of no choice to us.
Making friend and embracing “failure” is the best way to find what works and what doesn’t, giving us all we need to achieve our goals. We all experiences ups and downs, time of success and time of failure. Doing what we thing is best and carry on until something happen, courageously, sturdily, and continuously. There is no hot without a cold, opposite are part of life and necessary to a great and rewarding life. Coming to term with “failure” is a must to achieve success.
A few quotes from celebrities that understood the process.
Here’s what Michael Jordan, one of the greatest athletes *ever* has to say about failure: “I’ve missed more than nine thousand shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times I’ve been trusted to take the winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” (That’s from a Nike commercial. It’s strong. Check it on the site.)
Robert F. Kennedy tells us that: “Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.”
And David Viscott tells us that: “In the end, the only people who fail are those who don’t try.”
What’s YOUR relationship to “failure”?!?
Have you made peace with it and gone so far as to see it as a necessary part of doing anything, let alone achieving greatness?
Well I don’t know about you, I am going to see if I can fail again in a project dear to me. Sorry, I am not setting myself for failure instead I am planning for success, allowing for learning experiences along the way to teach me the right way of doing things, How about you want to join in?
Check this out, http://tocleaders.com/bernardt/ here you will find the help necessary to shape your success and learn how to deal with “failure”
You can also contact me personally
250 6586703
Or email tritz.bernard@gmail.com
Take care
PS Another great site if you are looking for something extra to do.
What is "failure"?!? And what to do with it
bernard tritz,
David Viscott,
Michael Jordan,
Robert F. Kennedy,
Thursday, March 25, 2010
What are all those voices inside of us?
What are all those voices inside of us? is it schizophrenia, or bipolar? What is their purpose? If any? Sometimes they can be so loud and disturbing, Should we get read of them or listen to them, how to sort things out when they are speaking? So many unanswered questions.
Anything that’s inside of us has a purpose and I mean everything the good the bad and the real ugly we need to tune in and listen, from that will come peace and balance.
Imagine running a business with employees, now you are in charge and you are the one giving each employee his/her job description. Before you can actually create a job description you need to know that employee’s specialty, knowledge, work habit and so on, then and only then you can match the job description to the employee. After it’s just a matter of keeping the communication open and allow the employee to perform.
So it is with the voice inside, first finding who’s who in there, by asking simple questions and noting the answers. When identification is done we can start a conversation with that one voice and find out the purpose of it and create a job description. An unhappy employee will cause stress in the system, an unhappy inner voice will do the same. Listen and listen carefully, it’s for your best interest.
One of my voices can create at time struggle from within; identifying it was actually quite simple. When ever in a dealing process if for some reason the deal doesn’t occur has planned and I feel I have been taken advantage of, and I walk away unhappy that voice that I have identified has “the collector” will start speaking and I don’t like what it say. By starting a dialogue I learn from that voice what has happen and realized that in reality the deal was not favorable and should be dealt with. Then the voice become a person and takes over from the gentle one and will deal with the issue. I can actually stand by and observe the process. Give it a try quite enlightening and totally stress free. The collector goes to work, re open the deal and work it out to be fair for both parties. At time he will go and collect, something I hate doing, and it serves me well. And freeing the “True Self” from getting embarrassed in the moment.
Integration of all inner voices and personalities, to make easier to comprehend let use two opposite that function in everyone of us. Feminin/Masculin and to bring the point home let’s use an old story.
Imagine a female horse (a mare) giving birth to a little baby horse (a foal). Now, this foal isn’t too healthy. It’s struggling to get up and stand upright—a very important event for a newborn horse. The momma horse is working and working to support the little guy and a few other female horses cruise over to help out as well.
Nothing seems to be helping, though.
This goes on for awhile when, suddenly, a stallion appears, breaks through the mares, picks the little foal up in his mouth, carries him to the edge of the meadow and slams him into the ground—ending his life.
That’s feminine and masculine compassion.
One is nurturing and supportive. The other is ruthless and decisive. BOTH (!!!) are essential for an integrated compassion.
Not to integrate both into our life is like owning a supper sports car and having it stuck in first gear. Eventually something, not good, is going to happen. Start the dialogue and take notes write things down, keep a journal, Identify the voices within and what is their gift, and when need call on them to create the environment and execute the work at hand.
Wanting to know more on how to deal with inner voices or any such matter, visit our web site.
Or call me
250 6586703
Or email tritz.bernard@gmail.com
Take care
Anything that’s inside of us has a purpose and I mean everything the good the bad and the real ugly we need to tune in and listen, from that will come peace and balance.
Imagine running a business with employees, now you are in charge and you are the one giving each employee his/her job description. Before you can actually create a job description you need to know that employee’s specialty, knowledge, work habit and so on, then and only then you can match the job description to the employee. After it’s just a matter of keeping the communication open and allow the employee to perform.
So it is with the voice inside, first finding who’s who in there, by asking simple questions and noting the answers. When identification is done we can start a conversation with that one voice and find out the purpose of it and create a job description. An unhappy employee will cause stress in the system, an unhappy inner voice will do the same. Listen and listen carefully, it’s for your best interest.
One of my voices can create at time struggle from within; identifying it was actually quite simple. When ever in a dealing process if for some reason the deal doesn’t occur has planned and I feel I have been taken advantage of, and I walk away unhappy that voice that I have identified has “the collector” will start speaking and I don’t like what it say. By starting a dialogue I learn from that voice what has happen and realized that in reality the deal was not favorable and should be dealt with. Then the voice become a person and takes over from the gentle one and will deal with the issue. I can actually stand by and observe the process. Give it a try quite enlightening and totally stress free. The collector goes to work, re open the deal and work it out to be fair for both parties. At time he will go and collect, something I hate doing, and it serves me well. And freeing the “True Self” from getting embarrassed in the moment.
Integration of all inner voices and personalities, to make easier to comprehend let use two opposite that function in everyone of us. Feminin/Masculin and to bring the point home let’s use an old story.
Imagine a female horse (a mare) giving birth to a little baby horse (a foal). Now, this foal isn’t too healthy. It’s struggling to get up and stand upright—a very important event for a newborn horse. The momma horse is working and working to support the little guy and a few other female horses cruise over to help out as well.
Nothing seems to be helping, though.
This goes on for awhile when, suddenly, a stallion appears, breaks through the mares, picks the little foal up in his mouth, carries him to the edge of the meadow and slams him into the ground—ending his life.
That’s feminine and masculine compassion.
One is nurturing and supportive. The other is ruthless and decisive. BOTH (!!!) are essential for an integrated compassion.
Not to integrate both into our life is like owning a supper sports car and having it stuck in first gear. Eventually something, not good, is going to happen. Start the dialogue and take notes write things down, keep a journal, Identify the voices within and what is their gift, and when need call on them to create the environment and execute the work at hand.
Wanting to know more on how to deal with inner voices or any such matter, visit our web site.
Or call me
250 6586703
Or email tritz.bernard@gmail.com
Take care
What are all those voices inside of us?
bernard tritz,
inner voices,
job descrition,
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Working with the Law of Attraction
What is it that you want? A simple question and a loaded one. Do we really know what we want? Really, really?
Did you know that the Law of Attraction state that there is nothing that you cannot be, do or have? And that that which is like unto itself is drawn. Meaning that if I want positive things to happen in my life I need to focus on positive things within me. It’s magic. Or is it? There is an old saying that we will harvest what we saw. Nothing more nothing less. Do you want to receive love then start living it. Start loving everything and everyone freely abundantly and it will come. To be in tune with what we want its’ creating it and receiving it. Doubtful that this is the way it works? Give it a try, seat down now and appreciate someone, anyone, your wife, your kid, your co-worker, anyone, just take a few minutes and write down something appreciative about someone and either tell them or give them the note and see what happen. Go ahead try it. Another important fact, be grateful for everything that you have right now and make a list. Just look around you and focus on one thing and be grateful that someone actually took the time to invent it someone else to manufacture it and again another to bring it to you so that your life might be fuller and your work easier to do. Be appreciative and grateful for that one thing and see how you feel now.
I use to give my boss a birthday present every year. Most time a gift certificate to his favored pub. One year I decided to do something different, I wrote a letter telling him how much I appreciated working for him and all that I learned since I started my job. I also mentioned how much I was impressed with his way of dealing with everyday problems and situation. At that time his wife was fighting cancer. The effect of that letter for his birthday was like nothing I expected. I gave it to him first thing in the morning and he came to see me at lunch time. His attitude was totally different than usual and he was near tears. Not something that ever happens before, or since. Our relationship changed from that point on for the better. Try it and see what happen.
I think I am going to stop here for few minutes and write a love note to my wife of 36 years.
OK I am back. And feeling awesome.
So what is it that you want? Take the time to ponder this and write it down, visualize it and keep it in front of you at all time, then go do the next thing in front of you and dedicate it to what you want. Esther and Jerry say: “One who is a visionary thrives in all times.” And one who is an observer doesn’t. What does that means? Observing your life and looking for outside motivation instead of inner intuition brings only what you observe. Blaming everything and everyone for your own lack is to be an observer, tuning into your inner voice and creating a vision of your desire, that’s happiness at its best.
Recharging our energy load bank, a very simple process, feeling down, feeling low, that’s the indication, your energy load bank need refueling. Nothing to get obsess about, just a fact of life accept it for what it is. When you are hungry you eat, you’re not getting obsess by it you just refuel and carry on. When you are tired you rest, a good night sleep that’s refueling. The same applies to our energy level, when you feel negative, it is the sign that you need to refuel. Changing your thoughts will do that, When feeling low, or depressed, or frustrated or any of the same feelings ask yourself “what do I want instead”? And look for more positive thoughts, one way to recharge is to express gratitude, yeah here it is again, gratitude is food for the soul, the same as groceries are food for the body. So go feel up. The same you don’t get upset when you are hungry, you just feed yourself, the same applies no need to get angry for being down, just notice the sign and go do what needs to be done. Sometime a little dance, or a song, or anything that sheer you up will do the trick and you will be full again until next time. It’s just like entering a dark room, just sat there and complains about the darkness, even swear at it, and kick a fuss, still dark? Yep. How about reaching for the switch and turning the light on look how the darkness disappears. Amazing, is it not? Simple and a very small effort indeed. Next time you feel down just lighter up and see what happen.
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”~ Wayne Dyer
3 simple steps to manifest your desire . 1. Get clear on what you want.
2. Know that you wouldn’t have the desire if you/the Universe didn’t have the ability to bring it to life.
3. Joyously and enthusiastically do the next little thing in front of you.
Repeat 1 to 3. And again appreciation of others and of all things will match the vibration of the Universe and everything become possible.
Need help with this, get in touch with us and we can work together to realize your dreams.
Or call me
250 6586703
Or email tritz.bernard@gmail.com
Take care
Did you know that the Law of Attraction state that there is nothing that you cannot be, do or have? And that that which is like unto itself is drawn. Meaning that if I want positive things to happen in my life I need to focus on positive things within me. It’s magic. Or is it? There is an old saying that we will harvest what we saw. Nothing more nothing less. Do you want to receive love then start living it. Start loving everything and everyone freely abundantly and it will come. To be in tune with what we want its’ creating it and receiving it. Doubtful that this is the way it works? Give it a try, seat down now and appreciate someone, anyone, your wife, your kid, your co-worker, anyone, just take a few minutes and write down something appreciative about someone and either tell them or give them the note and see what happen. Go ahead try it. Another important fact, be grateful for everything that you have right now and make a list. Just look around you and focus on one thing and be grateful that someone actually took the time to invent it someone else to manufacture it and again another to bring it to you so that your life might be fuller and your work easier to do. Be appreciative and grateful for that one thing and see how you feel now.
I use to give my boss a birthday present every year. Most time a gift certificate to his favored pub. One year I decided to do something different, I wrote a letter telling him how much I appreciated working for him and all that I learned since I started my job. I also mentioned how much I was impressed with his way of dealing with everyday problems and situation. At that time his wife was fighting cancer. The effect of that letter for his birthday was like nothing I expected. I gave it to him first thing in the morning and he came to see me at lunch time. His attitude was totally different than usual and he was near tears. Not something that ever happens before, or since. Our relationship changed from that point on for the better. Try it and see what happen.
I think I am going to stop here for few minutes and write a love note to my wife of 36 years.
OK I am back. And feeling awesome.
So what is it that you want? Take the time to ponder this and write it down, visualize it and keep it in front of you at all time, then go do the next thing in front of you and dedicate it to what you want. Esther and Jerry say: “One who is a visionary thrives in all times.” And one who is an observer doesn’t. What does that means? Observing your life and looking for outside motivation instead of inner intuition brings only what you observe. Blaming everything and everyone for your own lack is to be an observer, tuning into your inner voice and creating a vision of your desire, that’s happiness at its best.
Recharging our energy load bank, a very simple process, feeling down, feeling low, that’s the indication, your energy load bank need refueling. Nothing to get obsess about, just a fact of life accept it for what it is. When you are hungry you eat, you’re not getting obsess by it you just refuel and carry on. When you are tired you rest, a good night sleep that’s refueling. The same applies to our energy level, when you feel negative, it is the sign that you need to refuel. Changing your thoughts will do that, When feeling low, or depressed, or frustrated or any of the same feelings ask yourself “what do I want instead”? And look for more positive thoughts, one way to recharge is to express gratitude, yeah here it is again, gratitude is food for the soul, the same as groceries are food for the body. So go feel up. The same you don’t get upset when you are hungry, you just feed yourself, the same applies no need to get angry for being down, just notice the sign and go do what needs to be done. Sometime a little dance, or a song, or anything that sheer you up will do the trick and you will be full again until next time. It’s just like entering a dark room, just sat there and complains about the darkness, even swear at it, and kick a fuss, still dark? Yep. How about reaching for the switch and turning the light on look how the darkness disappears. Amazing, is it not? Simple and a very small effort indeed. Next time you feel down just lighter up and see what happen.
“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”~ Wayne Dyer
3 simple steps to manifest your desire . 1. Get clear on what you want.
2. Know that you wouldn’t have the desire if you/the Universe didn’t have the ability to bring it to life.
3. Joyously and enthusiastically do the next little thing in front of you.
Repeat 1 to 3. And again appreciation of others and of all things will match the vibration of the Universe and everything become possible.
Need help with this, get in touch with us and we can work together to realize your dreams.
Or call me
250 6586703
Or email tritz.bernard@gmail.com
Take care
Working with the Law of Attraction
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
How responsible are we?!?
Have you watched the news? I mean really watch and implicating yourself within the stories? Crime, murders, wars, bombing, destruction, greed, fear, desire for power and on and on.
Witnessing this from a distance and being totally detached of responsibilities and outcome is dysfunctional collectiveness. And as a member of this society we are individually responsible for the outcome. It is time we seriously start to consider our involvement and recognize our individual actions as part of the whole result and own it. Only then can the situation changes, it is up to each one of us to claim responsibility for what is happening in the world.
Scientific research proved that it only takes the square root of 1% of the population to create a change. That’s 100 volunteers per 1 million people. “If you can find one person among then I will not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah”…
The great tradition has named this dysfunction of the mind. Christianity of the western world call it “sin” and also point into the direction of “salvation” or “enlightenment” in the eastern beliefs. Whatever our individual beliefs are we all know what the answer is. What needs to take place is for us to embrace fully the role that we are playing in the production called “life”. Only then can change take place.
To recognize one’s own insanity is, of course, the arising of sanity, the beginning of healing and transcendence. Eckhart Tolle. A new earth.
We all have our own beliefs and act accordingly; we might attend religious ceremonies, go the church, one a week, and then resume our everyday life full of controversies going against our beliefs. Expressing our feelings of hate, anger, frustration toward anyone in our way. Our level of spirituality as nothing to do with what we believe, but everything to do with our state of consciousness and that’s what determines how we act toward each others. Taking the time to ponder the facts will bring to light our own responsibilities and allow us to bring about the changes we like to see in our society and in our world, back to us individuals.
Haven is not a place somewhere out there, it’s a realm of consciousness. By transforming our human consciousness will bring about change in the physical world.
Ego is no more than this: identification with form. Which primarily means thought forms. If evil has any reality-and it as relative, not an absolute, reality- this is also its definition: complete identification with form- physical forms, thoughts forms, emotional forms. This results in a total unawareness of my connectedness whit the whole, my intrinsic oneness with the Source. This forgetfulness id original sin, suffering, delusion. When this delusion of utter separateness underlies and governs what I think, say, and do, what kind of world do I create? To find the answer to this, observe how humans relate to each other, read history book, or watch the news on TV tonight. From A new Earth Eckhart Tolle.
This really need to be reflected upon. The reason for so much suffering in the world “MY” My car, my house, my toys, my, my, my. Just imagine for a minute that someone’s watch was stolen, somebody’s car was wrecked, someone else’s wife cheated on them. Unfortunate but not a big deal, right? Now imagine that “my” watch was stolen, “my” car was wrecked, “my” partner cheating on me. Take on a whole new meaning doesn’t it?
Life will give us the most helpful experience we need for the evolution of your consciousness. How do we know it’s the experience we need? Just because it is the one we are having now. Byron Katie says “ how do I know the wind should blow? It is blowing now” And she adds “when I argue with reality, I lose but only 100% of the time” Powerful stuff indeed.
The stronger the judgment of someone else’s action, the greater the mirror image there is. When I strongly dislike something in another it points out to my shortcoming. Carl Yung call it “the shadow” Coming to the realization of our own fault, by looking at others, and then bringing about the change that need to take place is the beginning of the change that in turn will take place in the whole human race. If I am annoyed when people express greed or anger or anything that I identify in them, I need to look at myself and own the same faults or qualities, yes it works both way. Powerful, uplifting exercise. Give it a try next time and see what happen.
We cannot choose external circumstances, but we can always choose how we respond. Epictetus in his Enchiridion.
There is nothing good or bad, but what we make it. Hamlet.
Are you victim of your circumstanced, or do you realize that you have the power to choose how you respond to a situation.
With all my love.
Witnessing this from a distance and being totally detached of responsibilities and outcome is dysfunctional collectiveness. And as a member of this society we are individually responsible for the outcome. It is time we seriously start to consider our involvement and recognize our individual actions as part of the whole result and own it. Only then can the situation changes, it is up to each one of us to claim responsibility for what is happening in the world.
Scientific research proved that it only takes the square root of 1% of the population to create a change. That’s 100 volunteers per 1 million people. “If you can find one person among then I will not destroy Sodom and Gomorrah”…
The great tradition has named this dysfunction of the mind. Christianity of the western world call it “sin” and also point into the direction of “salvation” or “enlightenment” in the eastern beliefs. Whatever our individual beliefs are we all know what the answer is. What needs to take place is for us to embrace fully the role that we are playing in the production called “life”. Only then can change take place.
To recognize one’s own insanity is, of course, the arising of sanity, the beginning of healing and transcendence. Eckhart Tolle. A new earth.
We all have our own beliefs and act accordingly; we might attend religious ceremonies, go the church, one a week, and then resume our everyday life full of controversies going against our beliefs. Expressing our feelings of hate, anger, frustration toward anyone in our way. Our level of spirituality as nothing to do with what we believe, but everything to do with our state of consciousness and that’s what determines how we act toward each others. Taking the time to ponder the facts will bring to light our own responsibilities and allow us to bring about the changes we like to see in our society and in our world, back to us individuals.
Haven is not a place somewhere out there, it’s a realm of consciousness. By transforming our human consciousness will bring about change in the physical world.
Ego is no more than this: identification with form. Which primarily means thought forms. If evil has any reality-and it as relative, not an absolute, reality- this is also its definition: complete identification with form- physical forms, thoughts forms, emotional forms. This results in a total unawareness of my connectedness whit the whole, my intrinsic oneness with the Source. This forgetfulness id original sin, suffering, delusion. When this delusion of utter separateness underlies and governs what I think, say, and do, what kind of world do I create? To find the answer to this, observe how humans relate to each other, read history book, or watch the news on TV tonight. From A new Earth Eckhart Tolle.
This really need to be reflected upon. The reason for so much suffering in the world “MY” My car, my house, my toys, my, my, my. Just imagine for a minute that someone’s watch was stolen, somebody’s car was wrecked, someone else’s wife cheated on them. Unfortunate but not a big deal, right? Now imagine that “my” watch was stolen, “my” car was wrecked, “my” partner cheating on me. Take on a whole new meaning doesn’t it?
Life will give us the most helpful experience we need for the evolution of your consciousness. How do we know it’s the experience we need? Just because it is the one we are having now. Byron Katie says “ how do I know the wind should blow? It is blowing now” And she adds “when I argue with reality, I lose but only 100% of the time” Powerful stuff indeed.
The stronger the judgment of someone else’s action, the greater the mirror image there is. When I strongly dislike something in another it points out to my shortcoming. Carl Yung call it “the shadow” Coming to the realization of our own fault, by looking at others, and then bringing about the change that need to take place is the beginning of the change that in turn will take place in the whole human race. If I am annoyed when people express greed or anger or anything that I identify in them, I need to look at myself and own the same faults or qualities, yes it works both way. Powerful, uplifting exercise. Give it a try next time and see what happen.
We cannot choose external circumstances, but we can always choose how we respond. Epictetus in his Enchiridion.
There is nothing good or bad, but what we make it. Hamlet.
Are you victim of your circumstanced, or do you realize that you have the power to choose how you respond to a situation.
With all my love.
How responsible are we?!?
bernard tritz,
Eckhart Tolle,
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Is it possible that it's allright?!?
For most of my life, I have been studying, reading, going to seminars, trying to fix what's wrong with me, trying to find the solutions to my problems.
I literally spent thousands of dollars to improve my situation. Some things changed but most of it stayed the same. Every book and every seminar and every video or tape always had something missing…
And after years of searching how to fix my problems, how to repair what was supposedly broken I came to realize that perhaps it could be different.
But what if there's nothing 'wrong'? What if there's nothing broken that needs fixing? What if we're just here having an experience and learning stuff? That would mean that trying to 'fix' anything would
feel like a failure, because it wouldn't work if there's nothing wrong, and would just attract more things that appear to need fixing. Isn’t that the way the Law Of Attraction works? What I concentrate our thoughts on will come to Me? So I f I concentrate on “fixing” when there is nothing to fix, then what more “fixing” will come.
I was born and very quickly I learned to communicate my needs. The from laying there I learned to crawl, from crawling I stood up and fell, nothing broken nothing to fix just learning how to stand. Then I start walking I also start to talk not so good but some people understood my gibberish… Was not perfect but got better. I learned to run too didn’t make it the first time nothing to fix just keep learning. I didn’t go to school because something was broken, just to learn. Then I lost some teeth nothing broken just growing, and more learning. Then I became a teenager now there was a lot to fix there… But that’s another story
What if we studied and read and went to seminars just because it felt good? Just to get the experience of feeling something that we haven't? Just to get our hands in the clay, so to speak, and see what happens? What if there is nothing broken nothing to fix just a process? Just a continuum of life itself?
After I turned this in my head a few time it felt really good. I love nothing to fix and I love nothing is broken make me feel awesome. So I am going to keep learning and one of the great teaching is our weekly call, “ 30 days Mental Cleanse”. I invite all of you to participate it’s a life changing experience, a very uplifting time. Get in contact with me and I will give you all the information needed to access the call.
It’s good to be here.
Bernard Tritz.
Be a leader with a servant’s heart
click here for a special gift
250 658 6703 Anytime
I literally spent thousands of dollars to improve my situation. Some things changed but most of it stayed the same. Every book and every seminar and every video or tape always had something missing…
And after years of searching how to fix my problems, how to repair what was supposedly broken I came to realize that perhaps it could be different.
But what if there's nothing 'wrong'? What if there's nothing broken that needs fixing? What if we're just here having an experience and learning stuff? That would mean that trying to 'fix' anything would
feel like a failure, because it wouldn't work if there's nothing wrong, and would just attract more things that appear to need fixing. Isn’t that the way the Law Of Attraction works? What I concentrate our thoughts on will come to Me? So I f I concentrate on “fixing” when there is nothing to fix, then what more “fixing” will come.
I was born and very quickly I learned to communicate my needs. The from laying there I learned to crawl, from crawling I stood up and fell, nothing broken nothing to fix just learning how to stand. Then I start walking I also start to talk not so good but some people understood my gibberish… Was not perfect but got better. I learned to run too didn’t make it the first time nothing to fix just keep learning. I didn’t go to school because something was broken, just to learn. Then I lost some teeth nothing broken just growing, and more learning. Then I became a teenager now there was a lot to fix there… But that’s another story
What if we studied and read and went to seminars just because it felt good? Just to get the experience of feeling something that we haven't? Just to get our hands in the clay, so to speak, and see what happens? What if there is nothing broken nothing to fix just a process? Just a continuum of life itself?
After I turned this in my head a few time it felt really good. I love nothing to fix and I love nothing is broken make me feel awesome. So I am going to keep learning and one of the great teaching is our weekly call, “ 30 days Mental Cleanse”. I invite all of you to participate it’s a life changing experience, a very uplifting time. Get in contact with me and I will give you all the information needed to access the call.
It’s good to be here.
Bernard Tritz.
Be a leader with a servant’s heart
click here for a special gift
250 658 6703 Anytime
Is it possible that it's allright?!?
bernard tritz,
fixing problems,
menta cleanse,
Monday, March 15, 2010
Zorba the Buddha???
Power house in today’s book review. Who’s this guy Osho?, where is he from ? Why I haven’t heard of him before? And many more questions. Remind me of hiking high up over 10,000 ft where the oxygen become depleted and deeper and longer and it become harder and harder, the higher we go , each breath is a great effort. Then we come back down and suddenly breathing become easy and refreshing and energizing. So it is with this book a real supply of much needed oxygen.
This morning I am discovering things that are innate, that were always here within and trying to conform, again that word, I allow for outside influences to dictates my way of life. Many light bulbs came back on today as I read the notes.
Zorba the Buddha, what a wholesome, handsome picture. All my life, or at least as far as I can remembered, I know that picture I always wondered if this proper balance could be aver achieved, could I be myself all the time, and at the same time be at the right place at the right time? Meaning be in the flow.
Love the paragraph on discipline. I was exposed to real discipline when I join the army, marching to my own beat, became a real challenge. Forced to march to the army beat pretty took the life out of me, I tried hard to adjust and the worst it get. When I was left to my own I performed admirably, the army does not condone individualism unless it serve its purpose. I was doomed from the very start. So I finished my 7 year contract and ran away from it as fast and as hard I could. I do have my own self discipline and I get things done efficiently and proficiently. Off course I had my ups and downs learning self discipline and I did it and I am very happy the way things are. When I am committed, I am committed not two ways about it; I can also adjust when needed. Don’t need anybody tell me what to do. Or how to do it. If I don’t know I will ask. I love self discipline and I am baffled by people that need to be told what to do every minutes of the day. Puzzles me.
When growing up I was told many times to be like this one or this one and to me that was total aberration, although I didn’t not understood the process. I can I be someone else when I am so busy being myself? There is people I admire although I was great respect I cannot bring myself to be them, don’t work. I learn from people all the time, I Cherish the time spent with them, and that’s as far as it goes. Imitating I might at time just to see how it feels and so far it’s always been disappointing, it’s not me. I am so glad to read this today because deep down I knew I was right being myself. No so now but when growing up I questioned myself frequently, why can I be like everyone else? The answer? There is too many of them already so I am different. Great stuff.
Self expression is another one of those “quality” that need to be promoted. And I am a fervent supporter of it. For 15 years we were foster parent for kids that no one else wanted. One of the thing we would tell the kids was however it is you want to express yourself it OK we will sort it out latter. Better being free than being politically correct. This way we were able to listen and understand more than the words. And it always sorted itself out, great things happened during those years, great things.
This is the sprinkles on this already great tasting cake, “Man is not born perfect. He is born incomplete, he is born as a process. He is born on the way, as a pilgrim. Reading this propels me into space totally, unreservedly, I am totally free and loving it. There is no need for me to explain anything further, if you don’t get it go fry yourself an egg well done.
This morning I am discovering things that are innate, that were always here within and trying to conform, again that word, I allow for outside influences to dictates my way of life. Many light bulbs came back on today as I read the notes.
Zorba the Buddha, what a wholesome, handsome picture. All my life, or at least as far as I can remembered, I know that picture I always wondered if this proper balance could be aver achieved, could I be myself all the time, and at the same time be at the right place at the right time? Meaning be in the flow.
Love the paragraph on discipline. I was exposed to real discipline when I join the army, marching to my own beat, became a real challenge. Forced to march to the army beat pretty took the life out of me, I tried hard to adjust and the worst it get. When I was left to my own I performed admirably, the army does not condone individualism unless it serve its purpose. I was doomed from the very start. So I finished my 7 year contract and ran away from it as fast and as hard I could. I do have my own self discipline and I get things done efficiently and proficiently. Off course I had my ups and downs learning self discipline and I did it and I am very happy the way things are. When I am committed, I am committed not two ways about it; I can also adjust when needed. Don’t need anybody tell me what to do. Or how to do it. If I don’t know I will ask. I love self discipline and I am baffled by people that need to be told what to do every minutes of the day. Puzzles me.
When growing up I was told many times to be like this one or this one and to me that was total aberration, although I didn’t not understood the process. I can I be someone else when I am so busy being myself? There is people I admire although I was great respect I cannot bring myself to be them, don’t work. I learn from people all the time, I Cherish the time spent with them, and that’s as far as it goes. Imitating I might at time just to see how it feels and so far it’s always been disappointing, it’s not me. I am so glad to read this today because deep down I knew I was right being myself. No so now but when growing up I questioned myself frequently, why can I be like everyone else? The answer? There is too many of them already so I am different. Great stuff.
Self expression is another one of those “quality” that need to be promoted. And I am a fervent supporter of it. For 15 years we were foster parent for kids that no one else wanted. One of the thing we would tell the kids was however it is you want to express yourself it OK we will sort it out latter. Better being free than being politically correct. This way we were able to listen and understand more than the words. And it always sorted itself out, great things happened during those years, great things.
This is the sprinkles on this already great tasting cake, “Man is not born perfect. He is born incomplete, he is born as a process. He is born on the way, as a pilgrim. Reading this propels me into space totally, unreservedly, I am totally free and loving it. There is no need for me to explain anything further, if you don’t get it go fry yourself an egg well done.
Zorba the Buddha???
bernard tritz,
self discipline,
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Follow your Bliss
Searching the past for the BLISS, for me this is a very emotional and spiritual exercise,. I went way back, as far as I can remember and work my way back until today. Very emotional indeed. What I realized is the periods of BLISS in my life always take place when I was involved with group or organization and providing a service. Giving soul food to people attending, either through music or teaching, lectures, one on one, counseling, listening, and offering solutions. The only set back is that I could not make a living doing this, so I dabbled into all kinds of trade, from insurance sales, to cooking and driving. The only occupation that served me well was the electrical electronic industry with all the high tech paraphernalia. And even during that time the BLISS was to solve problems, training apprentice, teaching, making presentation, are the highlight of my carrier. Today I dedicate my time to learning, reading, absorbing all about the law of attraction and personal growth. And offering counseling services on a personal level. Also facilitating workshops and soon to come seminar helping people discover the potential within. Helping people finding and connecting with their higher self. That’s my BLISS, that’s where I performed the best and that’s where I am alive and vibrating.
Discovering the spiritual practice, for me is “I write stories about real life mostly my own”. What I learn from each experience and how I can share with others and help them discover their spiritual gifts. Where am I in my journey? This last one is getting the best of me. I had many great journeys and this one is so far the most powerful and the most lasting of all. Not sure if I am on my way back or on the way in still. Most time I think I am on my way back and every so often I am not sure, today is one of those, not sure. Discovery, discovery and more discoveries a total BLISS in itself, I love discovering, creating new things. 25 years ago a friend and I set ourselves to start a bible school. We had no money, no support from the community, just the two of us. And just by miracle everything fell in place. I sequence of event allowed us acquire a building for $1.00. It was an old convent, the perfect place for a bible school. That lasted 25 years. The school was closed last year for some political reason. During the time of “building” I felt great and fulfilled. Bringing back the BOON. Yeah I go along with that, love the concept, might not be another school but something similar and I am working at it NOW!!! Blessings come in many forms and sometimes very quiet like. Today’s note is a blessing in disguise, feels great and alive. Anyone interested here is a link, one of the first step in the process of bringing the boon back. http://tocleaders.com/bernardt/
Discovering the spiritual practice, for me is “I write stories about real life mostly my own”. What I learn from each experience and how I can share with others and help them discover their spiritual gifts. Where am I in my journey? This last one is getting the best of me. I had many great journeys and this one is so far the most powerful and the most lasting of all. Not sure if I am on my way back or on the way in still. Most time I think I am on my way back and every so often I am not sure, today is one of those, not sure. Discovery, discovery and more discoveries a total BLISS in itself, I love discovering, creating new things. 25 years ago a friend and I set ourselves to start a bible school. We had no money, no support from the community, just the two of us. And just by miracle everything fell in place. I sequence of event allowed us acquire a building for $1.00. It was an old convent, the perfect place for a bible school. That lasted 25 years. The school was closed last year for some political reason. During the time of “building” I felt great and fulfilled. Bringing back the BOON. Yeah I go along with that, love the concept, might not be another school but something similar and I am working at it NOW!!! Blessings come in many forms and sometimes very quiet like. Today’s note is a blessing in disguise, feels great and alive. Anyone interested here is a link, one of the first step in the process of bringing the boon back. http://tocleaders.com/bernardt/
Follow your Bliss
bernard tritz,
bibble school,
Joseph Campbell,
one command
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Positive thinking and Attention Deficit Disorder
At first glance, it would seem that positive thinking and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) have nothing to do with one another. But many of us with ADD develop negative thinking patterns because we become frustrated by our challenges and frequent feelings of being overwhelmed. This negative outlook then makes it even harder for us to manage those challenges and move forward.
Practicing positive thinking allows people with ADD to focus on our strengths and accomplishments, which increases happiness and motivation. This, in turn, allows us to spend more time making progress, and less time feeling down and stuck. The following tips provide practical suggestions that you can use to help you shift into more positive thinking patterns:
1. Take Good Care of Yourself
It's much easier to be positive when you are eating well, exercising, and getting enough rest.
2. Remind Yourself of the Things You Are Grateful For
Stresses and challenges don't seem quite as bad when you are constantly reminding yourself of the things that are right in life. Start writing down fifty; yes 50, things you can be grateful for. Then taking just 60 seconds a day to stop and appreciate the good things will make a huge difference.
3. Look for the Proof Instead of Making Assumptions
A fear of not being liked or accepted sometimes leads us to assume that we know what others are thinking, but our fears are usually not reality. If you have a fear that a friend or family member's bad mood is due to something you did, or that your co-workers are secretly gossiping about you when you turn your back, speak up and ask them. Don't waste time worrying that you did something wrong unless you have proof that there is something to worry about.
4. Refrain from Using Absolutes
Have you ever told a partner "You're ALWAYS late!" or complained to a friend "You NEVER call me!"? Thinking and speaking in absolutes like 'always' and 'never' makes the situation seem worse than it is, and programs your brain into believing that certain people are incapable of delivering.
5. Detach From Negative Thoughts
Your thoughts can't hold any power over you if you don't judge them. If you notice yourself having a negative thought, detach from it, witness it, and don't follow it. You can also flip it around, turn it on it’s head and it will do magic for you.
6. Squash the "ANTs"
In his book "Change Your Brain, Change Your Life," Dr. Daniel Amen talks about "ANTs" - Automatic Negative Thoughts. These are the bad thoughts that are usually reactionary, like "Those people are laughing, they must be talking about me," or "The boss wants to see me? It must be bad!" When you notice these thoughts, realize that they are nothing more than ANTs and squash them!
7. Practice Lovin', Touchin' & Squeezin' (Your Friends and Family)
You don't have to be an expert to know the benefits of a good hug. Positive physical contact with friends, loved ones, and even pets, is an instant pick-me-up. One research study on this subject had a waitress touch some of her customers on the arm as she handed them their checks. She received higher tips from these customers than from the ones she didn't touch!
8. Increase Your Social Activity
By increasing social activity, you decrease loneliness. Surround yourself with healthy, happy people, and their positive energy will affect you in a positive way!
9. Volunteer for an Organization, or Help another Person
Everyone feels good after helping. You can volunteer your time, your money, or your resources. The more positive energy you put out into the world, the more you will receive in return.
10. Use Pattern Interrupts to Combat Rumination
If you find yourself ruminating, a great way to stop it is to interrupt the pattern and force yourself to do something completely different. Rumination is like hyper-focus on something negative. It's never productive, because it's not rational or solution-oriented, it's just excessive worry. Try changing your physical environment - go for a walk or sit outside. You could also call a friend, pick up a book, or turn on some music.
One last thing change your vocabulary. Lear new words power words like Do you use the words "can't", "won't", "don't need to", "why try"? Many people do. Practice these empowering words instead. “I can”, “I love to”, “I want to”, “I will”, “I must”, “I am.”
How about changing your vocabulary to a more positive one and see what happen. Why not change if you don’t like what you have now what can happen if you decide to speak in a new way.
Don’t know how. Easy look at this e book first then get in contact and I will set you up to a better life style. But only if you want to.
Skype: tbernard3
250 658 6703 Anytime and I always return calls.
Dream big and empower yourself! Believe you can and you will.
Bernard Tritz
Practicing positive thinking allows people with ADD to focus on our strengths and accomplishments, which increases happiness and motivation. This, in turn, allows us to spend more time making progress, and less time feeling down and stuck. The following tips provide practical suggestions that you can use to help you shift into more positive thinking patterns:
1. Take Good Care of Yourself
It's much easier to be positive when you are eating well, exercising, and getting enough rest.
2. Remind Yourself of the Things You Are Grateful For
Stresses and challenges don't seem quite as bad when you are constantly reminding yourself of the things that are right in life. Start writing down fifty; yes 50, things you can be grateful for. Then taking just 60 seconds a day to stop and appreciate the good things will make a huge difference.
3. Look for the Proof Instead of Making Assumptions
A fear of not being liked or accepted sometimes leads us to assume that we know what others are thinking, but our fears are usually not reality. If you have a fear that a friend or family member's bad mood is due to something you did, or that your co-workers are secretly gossiping about you when you turn your back, speak up and ask them. Don't waste time worrying that you did something wrong unless you have proof that there is something to worry about.
4. Refrain from Using Absolutes
Have you ever told a partner "You're ALWAYS late!" or complained to a friend "You NEVER call me!"? Thinking and speaking in absolutes like 'always' and 'never' makes the situation seem worse than it is, and programs your brain into believing that certain people are incapable of delivering.
5. Detach From Negative Thoughts
Your thoughts can't hold any power over you if you don't judge them. If you notice yourself having a negative thought, detach from it, witness it, and don't follow it. You can also flip it around, turn it on it’s head and it will do magic for you.
6. Squash the "ANTs"
In his book "Change Your Brain, Change Your Life," Dr. Daniel Amen talks about "ANTs" - Automatic Negative Thoughts. These are the bad thoughts that are usually reactionary, like "Those people are laughing, they must be talking about me," or "The boss wants to see me? It must be bad!" When you notice these thoughts, realize that they are nothing more than ANTs and squash them!
7. Practice Lovin', Touchin' & Squeezin' (Your Friends and Family)
You don't have to be an expert to know the benefits of a good hug. Positive physical contact with friends, loved ones, and even pets, is an instant pick-me-up. One research study on this subject had a waitress touch some of her customers on the arm as she handed them their checks. She received higher tips from these customers than from the ones she didn't touch!
8. Increase Your Social Activity
By increasing social activity, you decrease loneliness. Surround yourself with healthy, happy people, and their positive energy will affect you in a positive way!
9. Volunteer for an Organization, or Help another Person
Everyone feels good after helping. You can volunteer your time, your money, or your resources. The more positive energy you put out into the world, the more you will receive in return.
10. Use Pattern Interrupts to Combat Rumination
If you find yourself ruminating, a great way to stop it is to interrupt the pattern and force yourself to do something completely different. Rumination is like hyper-focus on something negative. It's never productive, because it's not rational or solution-oriented, it's just excessive worry. Try changing your physical environment - go for a walk or sit outside. You could also call a friend, pick up a book, or turn on some music.
One last thing change your vocabulary. Lear new words power words like Do you use the words "can't", "won't", "don't need to", "why try"? Many people do. Practice these empowering words instead. “I can”, “I love to”, “I want to”, “I will”, “I must”, “I am.”
How about changing your vocabulary to a more positive one and see what happen. Why not change if you don’t like what you have now what can happen if you decide to speak in a new way.
Don’t know how. Easy look at this e book first then get in contact and I will set you up to a better life style. But only if you want to.
Skype: tbernard3
250 658 6703 Anytime and I always return calls.
Dream big and empower yourself! Believe you can and you will.
Bernard Tritz
Positive thinking and Attention Deficit Disorder
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