Anything that’s inside of us has a purpose and I mean everything the good the bad and the real ugly we need to tune in and listen, from that will come peace and balance.
Imagine running a business with employees, now you are in charge and you are the one giving each employee his/her job description. Before you can actually create a job description you need to know that employee’s specialty, knowledge, work habit and so on, then and only then you can match the job description to the employee. After it’s just a matter of keeping the communication open and allow the employee to perform.
So it is with the voice inside, first finding who’s who in there, by asking simple questions and noting the answers. When identification is done we can start a conversation with that one voice and find out the purpose of it and create a job description. An unhappy employee will cause stress in the system, an unhappy inner voice will do the same. Listen and listen carefully, it’s for your best interest.
One of my voices can create at time struggle from within; identifying it was actually quite simple. When ever in a dealing process if for some reason the deal doesn’t occur has planned and I feel I have been taken advantage of, and I walk away unhappy that voice that I have identified has “the collector” will start speaking and I don’t like what it say. By starting a dialogue I learn from that voice what has happen and realized that in reality the deal was not favorable and should be dealt with. Then the voice become a person and takes over from the gentle one and will deal with the issue. I can actually stand by and observe the process. Give it a try quite enlightening and totally stress free. The collector goes to work, re open the deal and work it out to be fair for both parties. At time he will go and collect, something I hate doing, and it serves me well. And freeing the “True Self” from getting embarrassed in the moment.
Integration of all inner voices and personalities, to make easier to comprehend let use two opposite that function in everyone of us. Feminin/Masculin and to bring the point home let’s use an old story.
Imagine a female horse (a mare) giving birth to a little baby horse (a foal). Now, this foal isn’t too healthy. It’s struggling to get up and stand upright—a very important event for a newborn horse. The momma horse is working and working to support the little guy and a few other female horses cruise over to help out as well.
Nothing seems to be helping, though.
This goes on for awhile when, suddenly, a stallion appears, breaks through the mares, picks the little foal up in his mouth, carries him to the edge of the meadow and slams him into the ground—ending his life.
That’s feminine and masculine compassion.
One is nurturing and supportive. The other is ruthless and decisive. BOTH (!!!) are essential for an integrated compassion.
Not to integrate both into our life is like owning a supper sports car and having it stuck in first gear. Eventually something, not good, is going to happen. Start the dialogue and take notes write things down, keep a journal, Identify the voices within and what is their gift, and when need call on them to create the environment and execute the work at hand.
Wanting to know more on how to deal with inner voices or any such matter, visit our web site.
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Take care
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