I literally spent thousands of dollars to improve my situation. Some things changed but most of it stayed the same. Every book and every seminar and every video or tape always had something missing…
And after years of searching how to fix my problems, how to repair what was supposedly broken I came to realize that perhaps it could be different.
But what if there's nothing 'wrong'? What if there's nothing broken that needs fixing? What if we're just here having an experience and learning stuff? That would mean that trying to 'fix' anything would
feel like a failure, because it wouldn't work if there's nothing wrong, and would just attract more things that appear to need fixing. Isn’t that the way the Law Of Attraction works? What I concentrate our thoughts on will come to Me? So I f I concentrate on “fixing” when there is nothing to fix, then what more “fixing” will come.
I was born and very quickly I learned to communicate my needs. The from laying there I learned to crawl, from crawling I stood up and fell, nothing broken nothing to fix just learning how to stand. Then I start walking I also start to talk not so good but some people understood my gibberish… Was not perfect but got better. I learned to run too didn’t make it the first time nothing to fix just keep learning. I didn’t go to school because something was broken, just to learn. Then I lost some teeth nothing broken just growing, and more learning. Then I became a teenager now there was a lot to fix there… But that’s another story
What if we studied and read and went to seminars just because it felt good? Just to get the experience of feeling something that we haven't? Just to get our hands in the clay, so to speak, and see what happens? What if there is nothing broken nothing to fix just a process? Just a continuum of life itself?
After I turned this in my head a few time it felt really good. I love nothing to fix and I love nothing is broken make me feel awesome. So I am going to keep learning and one of the great teaching is our weekly call, “ 30 days Mental Cleanse”. I invite all of you to participate it’s a life changing experience, a very uplifting time. Get in contact with me and I will give you all the information needed to access the call.
It’s good to be here.
Bernard Tritz.
Be a leader with a servant’s heart
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