Looking back at my own life I can see where my action or lack thereof, consistently impacted on the way I feel, knowing what to do and doing it is a world apart. The doing it is what cause the changes. What is the one thing that need to be done , that you are purring off? Do it and see how the feeling will change accordingly.
So #1 Feelings are not controllable by the will.
Whatever we accept it or not that’s the way it is. They come and they go just like the weather changes all the time and we accept it. Right? So accepting how we feel in the moment first step to actualization.
#2. Feelings must be acknowledged and accepted as they are mostly feelings are here to let us know we are alive. Deciding on how to act upon them is what makes the difference. If we can’t control it just accept it.
#3. Every feeling no matter how unpleasant has its use. By stepping out of that emotion at the moment and taking control let see if we can learn something about what is happening. And help us to understand ourselves better. Feelings are very similar to an alarm letting us know that something is amiss and for us to take action to bring the inner peace back again. Any action will do doing the dishes, laundry, cleaning the garage doing something toward the feeling will do the trick. I found for myself most time I know what to do and again at time I try to avoid it by doing something else and the feeling don’t go away. Only when I take action any action toward the feeling that it does changes for the better.
#4. Feelings fade in time unless restimulated. Think about it: if we’d just quit recalling our negative feelings and re-telling our painful stories to everyone we meet, those feelings would fade. So, quit restimulating them every moment of your life and let them fade already!! :) Spotlight’s on you: Can you think of an area of your life where the feeling would fade if you’d just stop restimulating it?!?
#5. Feeling can be influenced by behavior. We cannot control them by our will but we can by our behavior. How we decide to act will dictate how we feel. Powerful stuff. Negative emotions cause bad feelings observing the feeling at the time to understand the reason for the feeling to be present, by stepping out of “ourselves” and becoming an observer will bring about the answer we need to know in the moment so we can make a decision in the action to take. Taking the action will change the feeling and reset the emotion.
We control our behavior. Working within life’s limit produce a fine self image. The more control we have over our action. The greater the chance of producing a self to be proud of.
For more on how to take control of your life visit the site
You can also contact me personally
250 6586703
Or email tritz.bernard@gmail.com
Take care
PS Another great site if you are looking for something to do to change your life.
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