Sunday July 27. I am at work, one of those emergency that need our attention, no delay. Everyone else was gone for the week end so I ended up fixing the problem by myself. One of my co-worker offered to come and help on Sunday when it was tie to re- assemble the unit. So at around 4:00 PM I called him for a hand. I could do it by myself but why take chance. During the testing process the main power panel blew and we had an electrical fire on our hand. With in split of a second the wall was on fire Fire extinguisher on hand I went to work. In the mean time my partner for the day went looking for the electrical room key to turn the main disconnect off. Then we took to task to remove the paneling from the wall to make sure there was no fire in the wall.
IT was a great blessing that we were two. This all episode could not be controlled by one person only. Dosing the fire and getting the key and running outside to the other end of the building in the electrical room to turn the power off. Either the power was turned off then the fire would have spread beyond control or the fire was kept in check but the smoke and powder from the extinguisher could have overcome the person.
Because two people work together in harmony was everything under control. And because of it we are now looking at each other with a complete different attitude. As long as we work side by side we will be a team.
In network marketing the strength of a team is paramount to any success. Building a team, support, encouragement training is the life blood of a team. We look for each other, we help each other, we care for one another. In network marketing the power of the team make each individuals stronger.
Be part of a team that will help you on your journey. A team that will be there come hell or high water.We have such a team in Mentoring For Free. We offer support, training, encouragement, a place to belong. Come join us. It’s a journey we travel together. We don’t promote any one company we are here to offer support.
Go to the site download the e book, read it, get back to us and we will show you how to build a straong business.
To your success
Bernard Tritz 250 658 6703 Anytime.
Now that is teamwork never doing anything alone , and going with the flow , wow Thankyou Bernard for being on this beautiful Earth we call home .