Imagination is like fireworks. It start with a small spark then a short “bang” and then the whole sky is lit up with 100 of flowers of different colors going higher and higher creating more and more beautiful pattern illuminating the sky all around. Another little spark and again more marvelous flowers exploding in the night replacing the last one better and better. Bringing joy and happiness, marvel of beauty and entertainment. Unlike fireworks the imagination process to create anything I desire is a disciplined method, demanding and extremely rewarding when practiced in an organized manner. And that, for me, is where the focus and discipline need to apply. I have a ravenous imagination I can construct in my mind the most amazing plans. Most often the enough they don’t come to completion because most often then enough “ I don’t believe in myself” to make it happen.
Imagination works both ways for and against me; just like fireworks, setting the spark to the box will only cause a disaster and not the magnificent work of art display in the sky. Channeling in a certain way, continuous well planned effort, and mostly faith in myself will bring forth expected results. Continuous monitoring of my thoughts bringing me to the present, leaving the past to itself “let the dead bury the dead” I can imagine it I can make it happen. Another element is needed for my plan to succeed the master mind group. I have to allow the input from others into my plan to bring it to fruition. For the longest time this has been very difficult, for me, to accept input from other. Today I have learned cooperation is a must to succeed in anything.
I have the ability to direct my own thoughts, I can either observe things as they are, or I can imagine them as I want them to be. Either way it is my choice, I have the ability to place my attention wherever I decide, so it is possible to change my thoughts from something unwanted and put my attention to something wanted. The mental cleanse program is helping greatly on re focusing from unwanted stuff to wanted stuff. I is my choice to participate and take control of my present and decide for my future.
I can hear it again in my mind, Louis Armstrong “It’s a beautiful world”
I appreciate you.
Bernard Tritz
Skype: tbernard3
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