There she is flying around, seemingly hitting an imaginary wall, suddenly changing direction, now toward the real danger, the picture window. Smack against it. What is going on in the fly’s head? Here is the light, right in front of her, picture of freedom, flying in the warm spring air one with nature. But the unseen real block right in front of her the dreaded glass blocking the well planned escape to the outside world and freedom.
She will keep hitting that widow pane time after time until dropping to the window seal exhausted, hurt, and, with one last glance toward the dream of freedom will die there among similar other stories.
But she was determinate; she had a vision, a good plan. She could not perceive the glass, the block that brought her to the last resting place.
Was there an option? Off course she could have looked around for an open space to freedom. But no, her determination, dedication and stubbornness would not allow her to admit defeat after a few tries, perhaps her ego got in the way and would not allow her to be open to other possibilities.
But, she is only a “fly”, and we are only “human” Well I guess it’s a good excuse to die right there on the window seal.
How many of us are behaving like the fly. We are trying hard, banging our head against the window. Oh yes, don’t get me wrong we are determined to succeed, we have a vision or CMI ( clear mental image) we have a goal, a well planned one at that. We will succeed even if we die trying.
In the mean time someone, a coach or mentor or even a good friend is trying to show us a better way, a different way, an open door to freedom. But we are caught up in our plan, our vision so much that we will not accept an alternative. And when we lay there exhausted near dead or in our human case quitting stage we will blame the whole world for not allowing us to reach our goals.

I have found the way to freedom with the Mentoring For Free Team. There is always someone available and willing to point the way to my goals and most time in an easier way then I could have come up with. A master mind group is of the highest importance when reaching for a dream It is found here in this book saving useless head banging.
Give it a read it’s FREE.
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I appreciate you
Bernard Tritz