Let’s try instead to learn from the experience and anchor down our values to the experience. What a difference it can make to choose the creative way instead of the victim’s way? When I first busted my knee at work I wasn’t very happy with the results, especially when lying in bed, in an hotel room after my flight was cancelled, my knee the size of a soccer ball in agonizing pain with nothing to do but lay there. Meditating on my situation looking for a purpose, very quickly the answer came. A month or so prior I asked the question “how can I retire from my job keeping my income or better?” Well I received my answer instantly, there it was lying on that hotel bed away from home in pain I realized, the answer to my prayer, I am retired with full income for the last 14 month. Another thing I wanted to have time to do the things I wanted to do for so long, one of them, writing this blog everyday as much as possible. And here I am doing what I love, working from home, writing, creating, having time for family and friends, taking courses, learning something new every day. Next time I ask for something I will make sure to be very specific. And as Jack Canfield explain, event+response=outcome. The way we choose to respond to any events in our life will dictate the outcome, we have total control of our life. Did you know that the day we were born we know the moment of our death? We just don’t know how or where. According to Heisenberg theory of uncertainty it all makes sense.
This is all for today, short but much to think about if you really wanted to be a creator.
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