The most “happy” question that one can ask him/her self, “what do I want?!? “ This is a gratitude question, a question that raises possibilities, that creates and open the doors to “anything can happen” attitude, it allow for energy flow and the birth of ideas, new plans, new goals. It rejuvenates and gives life.
What do I want, generate answers, and allow life to flow again, un-constricted, free of the feelings of failure, lack. That magical question brings feeling of empowerment, success and extinguishes the flame of victimization. No more feeling sorry for one self instead, head lifted high one is ready to conquer one’s life and be in charge, reaching deep down and finding the answer that allow the growth and development of one’s own desire.
When a complaint arises, it means that an unfulfilled desire is surging to the surface and like the world of dream speaks in the enigmatic language of the inner higher self, the language of God. Translating the message into everyday words demand for a little work, the “inner” work, something we are not use to do. Looking inside for the answer, learning to trust the inner voice of wisdom that gives proper direction, can be a real challenge. Regaining the use of intuition as a daily routine will allow for a deeper inner peace. The way of intuition is the way of translation of the messages from above, as we know it, but in reality the messages are not from “out there” but from within.
The practice of quiet time and meditation will allow the flow of images, feelings and emotions which are the language of the inner higher self. The interpretation of the messages happens suddenly, effortlessly through observation of natural laws. Plants don’t try to grow they just grow, rain don’t try to fall it just does. The earth itself is not trying to spin it does. We human have that extra gift, we can chose what we want, that what’s make us different than the rest of creation “free will.” We decide what we want, we are not bound by anything, only our own judgment and Universal laws.
Here is our choice at anytime we can decide to be a creator, a challenger or a coach or we can decide to be nothing. Our choice, our responsibility whatever we decide we want we can have it or do it, just need to practice a little and live the life we choose.
After the question is asked and the answer comes forth we can find that to achieve the goals we set we are going to need tools. In its infinite wisdom the God provide many tools that are available to us, just reach into the toll box and use the tools available. One of the tool I favor is “The One Command”, by accessing that part of our brain not used most of the time we have the ability to create anything we like, many discovery were made by accessing that part of the brain, and that’s the only difference between an average Joe and a genius, knowing how to access that part of us and discover its abilities. Getting in contact with the inner higher self will give us the power to create the life we want and or to change it at will. Sometime we do this unknowingly and we wonder at the results. Actually we can learn how to take control of those “by chance” time of short lived successes”, we can learn to have “luck” like we like to say. Luck is nothing more than a planned set of steps that leads to the realization of all and any enterprise.
Learning to access and make use of the hidden talents that reside within, become conscious of the inner higher self by using the One Command to ask for anything we wish to accomplish in our life. But first comes the question *what*do*I*want* it all start right here so what are you waiting for?
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