Friday, June 25, 2010

Asking... The right way

We’ve learned since childhood on how to ask first we should say “please” then we should say “thank you”, and that is quite simple enough, “please” and “thank you”. As we grow up we like to mess things up a bit and make things somewhat complicated and difficult. Perhaps just so that we can create some challenges in our life because we find that life itself has no challenge what so ever so we maturely are going to create some just to make things a bit more challenging and perhaps more interesting.
To make sure not to receive what we asked for and to ascertain our theory that nothing we try works we are going to emphasize a few point when performing the task of asking. We are going to complicate things some just to make sure we deserve to receive what we are asking for.
So first we are going to ask with the pretense that we are not going to receive it. It being whatever it is we are asking for.
Asking with doubt will certainly guaranty the non arrival of what we asked for and then we have reason to complain and blame everything outside of ourselves literally throwing the responsibilities somewhere else but where it belongs. By the way when we are complaining we are becoming a living breathing “Crap” magnet.
Next we are going to ask and then attend to the fact that we don’t really deserve what we are asking for or that we have to “do something” to deserve what we are asking for and here I am not taking about the passive way of being deliberately ignoring the opportunities that appear after we asked, I am talking about expected to give back or pay back or having to do something. Really the only one thing we need to perform is “gratitude” yes indeed that hard core function that create more good than we can even dream of “gratitude” and that’s the only *thing* we *need* to do to be able to receive in abundance.
The Universe, God, the Higher self whatever words you want to use here does not ask for anything to compensate for what we are receiving and for us raised in the Christian belief we know it has all being paid for lock stock and smoking barrels by Jesus the son of the most high and we have the full resources of that belief and relying on it makes perfect sense. Remember that one “whatever you ask in my name shall be given to you” (my paraphrase, I am not a bible scholar)
And then we want to “serve God” as if there is anything we can do here, let’s get real shall we?!? We just received an bran new grand baby girl and I in wonder of what is right here before my eyes from a single cell are arms, legs, feet, hands, a head with eyes and hears and the whole body completely perfectly formed with billions of cells all here for a purpose *LIFE* I am sorry to say I can’t do this. I am standing before a 500 years old first growth cedar, it takes 11 people to go around it arms extended I can’t do something like either, can you?!? How on heart can I be of service to God? Ho and by the way he is not expecting anything in exchange for the baby girl or for the three. Just for me to say thank you and enjoy it. So if I want to do something then I am going to be of service to my fellow women and men not too sure how good I am I’ll work at it with all my might and eventually I will be hearing the words” well done good and faithful servant enter now in my kingdom” And all is good.
And if you are confuse on how to ask get hold of me and together we can sort it out.
Join us every Friday morning 9 am PDST (Pacific Time) for our tele conference, no charge.
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Or call me for one on one free consultation.
250 658 6703

Monday, June 14, 2010

What's in it for me?!?

What is in it for you in this life? What is it that you want more than anything else, that one thing you can dedicate your life to if and when you know what it is, what is it?
We hear a people complaining more often than hearing people sharing how great and fulfilled their life is. We hear you complaining about what is it that *you* don’t want, do *you* know what you want? Well perhaps you might want to take the time discovering what it is that you want instead of continuously complaining about what it is that you don’t want. And since you *know* what it is that you don’t want, just reverse the process live your life according to what it is that you want.
So what is it that you want?!? What is it that gets you to dedicate your life to and allow you to operate in a spirit of peace, joy, happiness and love, what is it that drives your spirit to the high point of perfection. That one thing you, and only you are so good at, that one thing that allow you to be fully alive and fully happy, what is it? Can you describe it, can you talk about it? Are you clear of where you are going, and if you are you eventually will end up there, simple and powerful, perhaps to simple…
If anything remember this “Work diligently. Diligently. Work patiently and persistently. Patiently and persistently. And you’re bound to be successful. Bound to be successful.” Know what you want go toward it and you are going to get there. When traveling from point A to point B if you continue traveling you will eventually get to point B. If doubt creeps in you will keep focused on the destination not the origin, the same applies here focus on your goal and you will get there.
So you’re not sure what your passion is, what is your purpose in life? Perhaps you don’t know and that’s fine but the sooner you find out the better things will fall in place for you. It is your job to find out why you are here for. Following that thought here is a small exercise for you to do to find out. Get pen and paper and write down the first thing that comes to your mind when asking the question “why am I here for.” Then ask the question again and without thinking or judging again, write the answer do that 20 times giving yourself a time limit of no more than 30 seconds to answer the question. When you are done look at the pattern that develop and now you have a very good idea why you are here for.
Now go toward your passion, it might mean some drastic changes taking place and that’s fine let it happen easily, effortlessly, thoughts will come and guide you toward your passion. People will appear in your life to assist you in your search it will all fall into place. Situation will develop pointing the right direction you just need to follow the signs and when darkness come it’s time to sick council and rest for a while, no panic just rest and enjoy the view.
If I can help you reach your destination be sure to get in touch.
Join us every Friday morning 9 am PDST (Pacific Time) for our tele conference, no charge.
E mail me for call and code number.
And visit my site for more info
Or call me for one on one free consultation.
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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Why are You here?!?

That question should be asked of student the first day entering the first grade, this small exercise need to be the very first non graded exercise every child in every country should be subjected too. Why are you here, the first day of the beginning of each school term to start with answering that question, “why are you here” in this life, what is your purpose. Writing down the answer to that question, then answering it spontaneously, do it 20 times without thinking just write what comes to mind the very first thing indiscriminately. Check the answers and notice the pattern that arise and find out what is really at play right there right inside of you. Each student right through grade school every year the first day of school, to do that exercise and then continue on with college and university and even when preparing a resume for an interview.
When conducting an interview the first question I ask “why are you here for” and every time I received the same answer “for a job” or something similar. I then pause for a minute and ask again” no why are you really here for” in this life. And again I notice the blank look on the face of the person I interview. In my many years of interviewing candidates, very few caught on to the meaning. In truth we know why we are here for we just don’t think it is important to be fully conscious of it and I think we should be conscious of it and isn’t that the responsibility of educators, parents, teachers, church ministers, coaches, anyone involved in the education of children to bring to consciousness all that is needed for a child to perform at the top of his/her inner abilities? Many candidate that I interviewed for a job, when asked the question came to realize that this was not what they wanted to do for the rest of their life and instead went on to something else, something different and at time drastically different.
In his book The Spontaneous Fulfillment of Desire, Deepak Chopra wrote “Through synchrodestiny, you can finally become the person the universe intended you to be—as powerful as desire, as creative as spirit. All it takes is an eagerness to join the cosmic dance, and a willingness to seek the miracles of the soul.”
Are you willing? Give it a try and see what happen next, might just blow your socks off. Our limitation is caused by the fact that we are riddle with fears, fears instigated by the beliefs we created in our life, in response to situations that occurred through life. We choose to respond to what we observe and thus create beliefs according to how we feel in the moment. Those beliefs are responsible for how we respond and act today. It is time to correct the course of our beliefs and change the ones that are working against you.
Letting go of the formed beliefs can, at time, cause fears to creep in and fear can actually stop you dead in your track causing all kind set back one of them being procrastination, yes indeed procrastination is caused by fear of the unknown. The misery and short change we know, we are used to, is better than the unknown. Very powerful thing fear, and when facing the fears and challenging them will certainly bring about the discovery of possibilities. Quoting from past fear facing individuals we can find strength and encouragement in facing our own fears and staring them down to a manageable size.
Ralph Waldo Emerson tells us: “God will not have his work made manifest by cowards.” And pleads with us: “Always, always, always, always, always do what you are afraid to do ”assures us: “Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain.”
Hafez says: “Fear is the cheapest room in the house. I would like to see you living in better conditions.”
Paulo Coelho says this in The Alchemist: “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”
Abraham Maslow (see Notes on Motivation and Personality): “It seems that the necessary thing to do is not to fear mistakes, to plunge in, to do the best that one can, hoping to learn enough from blunders to correct them eventually.”
The Roosevelts (first Eleanor then Franklin): “You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.” And: “The only thing to fear is fear itself.”
Frank Herbert (from Dune): “Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”
Wallace Wattles, the author of The Science of Getting Rich says this in his great little book The Science of Being Great (see Notes): “You can never become a great man or woman until you have overcome anxiety, worry, and fear. It is impossible for an anxious person, a worried one, or a fearful one to perceive truth; all things are distorted and thrown out of their proper relations by such mental states, and those who are in them cannot read the thoughts of God.”
So face the fears, stare them down and act upon them and see how fast they disappear or at least shrink to a manageable size. What would you do if you were not afraid if you knew you could not fail? Then go do it.
You have a dream that dream was generated from somewhere deep down inside, just go back deep down and visit with your inner higher self, with God and discuss the dream and how to make it happen. Then answer is not out there but right inside of you reach in and find that answer that is waiting for you to unlock it and set free.
What have you go to lose? Or better yet, what have you got to gain?
Join us every Friday morning 9 am PDST (Pacific Time) for our tele conference, no charge.
E mail me for call and code number.
And visit my site for more info
Or call me for one on one free consultation.
250 658 6703

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

What do I want

What Do I Want?!?
The most “happy” question that one can ask him/her self, “what do I want?!? “ This is a gratitude question, a question that raises possibilities, that creates and open the doors to “anything can happen” attitude, it allow for energy flow and the birth of ideas, new plans, new goals. It rejuvenates and gives life.
What do I want, generate answers, and allow life to flow again, un-constricted, free of the feelings of failure, lack. That magical question brings feeling of empowerment, success and extinguishes the flame of victimization. No more feeling sorry for one self instead, head lifted high one is ready to conquer one’s life and be in charge, reaching deep down and finding the answer that allow the growth and development of one’s own desire.
When a complaint arises, it means that an unfulfilled desire is surging to the surface and like the world of dream speaks in the enigmatic language of the inner higher self, the language of God. Translating the message into everyday words demand for a little work, the “inner” work, something we are not use to do. Looking inside for the answer, learning to trust the inner voice of wisdom that gives proper direction, can be a real challenge. Regaining the use of intuition as a daily routine will allow for a deeper inner peace. The way of intuition is the way of translation of the messages from above, as we know it, but in reality the messages are not from “out there” but from within.
The practice of quiet time and meditation will allow the flow of images, feelings and emotions which are the language of the inner higher self. The interpretation of the messages happens suddenly, effortlessly through observation of natural laws. Plants don’t try to grow they just grow, rain don’t try to fall it just does. The earth itself is not trying to spin it does. We human have that extra gift, we can chose what we want, that what’s make us different than the rest of creation “free will.” We decide what we want, we are not bound by anything, only our own judgment and Universal laws.
Here is our choice at anytime we can decide to be a creator, a challenger or a coach or we can decide to be nothing. Our choice, our responsibility whatever we decide we want we can have it or do it, just need to practice a little and live the life we choose.
After the question is asked and the answer comes forth we can find that to achieve the goals we set we are going to need tools. In its infinite wisdom the God provide many tools that are available to us, just reach into the toll box and use the tools available. One of the tool I favor is “The One Command”, by accessing that part of our brain not used most of the time we have the ability to create anything we like, many discovery were made by accessing that part of the brain, and that’s the only difference between an average Joe and a genius, knowing how to access that part of us and discover its abilities. Getting in contact with the inner higher self will give us the power to create the life we want and or to change it at will. Sometime we do this unknowingly and we wonder at the results. Actually we can learn how to take control of those “by chance” time of short lived successes”, we can learn to have “luck” like we like to say. Luck is nothing more than a planned set of steps that leads to the realization of all and any enterprise.
Learning to access and make use of the hidden talents that reside within, become conscious of the inner higher self by using the One Command to ask for anything we wish to accomplish in our life. But first comes the question *what*do*I*want* it all start right here so what are you waiting for?
Join us every Friday morning 9 am PDST (Pacific Time) for our tele conference, no charge.
E mail me for call and code number.
And visit my site for more info
Or call me for one on one free consultation.
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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

let's overdose....on Serotonin

Have you heard of Serotonin?!? It’s a drug and it causes a certain euphoria, it makes you feel good all over. And not like any other drug it is contagious; when you are under the effect of Serotonin people directly in contact with you will also feel good. The pharmaceutical use Serotonin in the preparation of those wonderful little anti-depressant. Serotonin also none has 5HT (5-hydroxytryptamine) has a positive effect on the nervous system, 80% of Serotonin produce by the brain is found in the abdominal tract and the nervous system. One of the effects is to regulate the mood, lack of it is the main cause of light depression and the abundance of it causes a well being and a certain euphoria, a lightness of attitude.
A rise in Serotonin in the blood stream causes a rise in self confidence, where by create a negative response to aggression. Serotonin is not degraded after use and it’s collected for further purposes. One of them to inhibit depression whenever needed. Serotonin is active in the process of healing off wounds and stop bleeding. Serotonin is, in part, produced in the Pineal gland known for over 400 years to be the seat of the Soul. Lack of Serotonin is the cause of aggression and impairment in responsibilities, and one most devastating disorder OCD, Obsessive Compulsive Behavior.
Serotonin helps maintain a "happy feeling," and seems to help keep our moods under control by helping with sleep, calming anxiety, and relieving depression. Other functions in the human body including the control of appetite, sleep, memory and learning, temperature regulation, mood, behaviour, cardiovascular function, muscle contraction, endocrine regulation and depression. Subsequent to his discovery of Serotonin, no physiological substance known possesses such diverse actions in the body as does serotonin. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers within the brain that allow the communication between nerve cells. Some of most effective way of raising serotonin levels is with exercise. Studies have shown that serotonin levels are increased with increased activity and the production of serotonin is increased for some days after the activity. This is the safest way of increasing serotonin levels and many other benefits result from regular exercise. Serotonin levels can also be controlled through the diet. A diet deficient in omega-3 fatty acids may lower brain levels of serotonin and cause depression. Complex carbohydrates raise the level of tryptophan in the brain resulting in a calming effect. Vitamin C is also required for the conversion of serotonin.
One of the most valuable exercises for the production of Serotonin and feeling good experience is the practice of the power of intention and the practice of acts of kindness. When you do something good for someone else, the recipient has Serotonin released in the nervous system and so do you. And even better people present witnessing the act of kindness also experience release of the wonder drug in their nervous system, creating happy feelings all around. The marvel of it all is that Serotonin is not depleted so when needed one can bring back the happy memory and create another burst of joy and well being. Creating a power of intention toward another person also causes the production of Serotonin, unknown to the person generating the intention is the result caused in the recipient, record of distance healing and many other reactions have been reported during scientific experiments.
Not only we become recipients of a kind action or word or even a kind thought, it is indeed a simple way to bring healing to the whole planet. So let practice the power of intention and acts of kindness and lets overdose on Serotonin shall we?
Join us every Friday morning 9 am PDST (Pacific Time) for our tele conference, no charge.
E mail me for call and code number.
And visit my site for more info
Or call me for one on one free consultation.
250 658 6703