Albert Einstein famous formula, E=mc2 or energy = mass x speed of light squared, basically says that energy is equivalent to matter. What Mr. Wattle, in his book Science of getting rich call it formless and form. Nothing is created noting is lost everything is transformed.
Paul Zane Pilzer a very unconventional economist says that our underlying economic assumption that we live in a world of scarce, limited resources is fundamentally wrong and that it’s by assuming and promoting scarcity thinking that so much deprivation and want exist in the world. For example the petroleum industry. Many people have accepted the possible shortage of it but professor Pilzer counter the claim by showing that technology is continually increasing supply and even changing our definition of what resources are.
We have learned to become more effective by creating better engines and creating alternate sources of energy.
Getting caught up in the lack of everything and we better hurry to get our share before it all runs out is actually leading to greed and exploitation. Thus the importance to change the inner world of cause versus trying to change the outer physical world of effect.
When believing in a world of scarcity we are stuck in limitation thinking, and by doing that we fail to see the opportunities all around us. How about .We is surrounded by insurmountable opportunities. Einstein himself said, “We cannot solve a problem at the same level of thinking we were at when we created It”.
There is abundance of opportunity for the person who will go with the tide, instead of trying to swim against it,. Mr. Wattles says.
Let’s take a look for minute at 5 things that weren’t available 10 years ago that we are enjoying right now. How these did come about. What situation caused the creation of such item?
What problem you are facing right now? Take a mental step back from it and look at it with fresh, new eyes. What opportunities might be hidden inside?
What is your actual situation and what is it that make you believe it can’t be changed? Perhaps you might want to take a look at this.
Download and read this e book for Free. Then call me
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Or even Skype me tbernard3 and we will discuss your need and we can help you.
To your success.
Bernard Tritz
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