Does that sound familiar? Can you identity with the statement above? Do you find yourself going around in circle fighting the current, swimming upstream, getting what you don’t want instead of what you want? Why why why why why? Nothing is ever working for me?
I have pondered the same questions over and over again and this is what I found. When I go white water rafting with friends, none of us ever mentioned to go upstream for a change, we always go downstream. Make sense doesn’t it? My life is like the rapids we go rafting on. Life is like the river flowing fast, sometime we feel to fast. And for whatever reason it is a recognized practice to “swim upstream” to Fight the current”. We are encouraged since birth to be a fighter, we need it to survive. The “secret” if there is one is to go with the current if the river of your life. Since I realized that I am getting what I want.
Yes we heard it many times, I don’t have enough money. I can’t afford this. My salary is not big enough for my expenses. I can hardly make ends meet. Just add you own. Then we expect the opposite to realize itself. We tell ourselves this thing. We repeat the same story over and over again. We tell it tour friends our family our children and everyone willing to listen. Then we are surprised when we are getting exactly what we are speaking. How’s that. Simple. What I ask of life, life will give. When I confess “ I have no money” Life says OK here “no money” it’s yours. So I turn the story around. I have plenty of money. Life says? Here is plenty of money. That simple…. Now wait a minute not so fast. How long did it take for the programming to take place? It is going to take some work to re program the mind to think “downstream”. So I want to travel from point A to point B. Distance 400 miles. Great at speed limit considering traffic and all let say 5 hours. So I get in the car I have no doubt I am going to get there. It’s going to take 5 hours. How long is it going to take for me to change the programming? Does it matter I will get what I want. So I started the journey. Staying on the positive side of life will guaranty success. Every so often something will happen that will drag me back to the negative side. Well I need to be aware of it and move to the positive side. How you may ask. Easy, whatever it is if it feels good you’re on the right side if it create negative feelings you’re on the wrong side. Talking to myself help bringing me back. Listening to positive affirmative talk and people will guaranty my position on the right side. Ignoring even walking away from negative people is a must. Turn the TV, news paper, radio off. Turn your inside voice on, listen to your inner self telling you what to do. Listen to the life energy inside of you.
Need some help? Having difficulties doing it by yourself? Normal we’re not super heroes you know. To many people around you trying to drag you down?
We’re here to help. Go to this site now, download the e book. When you do I will be notified. I will then get in touch with you and show you how you can do it. That you’re not alone.
I promise to believe in you until you believe in yourself.
Take care
Bernard Tritz
250 658 6703
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